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kelas:2B kebidanan
Measles is a disease caused by the measles virus. In Indonesia,
the number of these cases increased by the end of 2014.
symptoms Clinical is composed of three stadiums, prodromal,
eksantem, and conformity. Diagnosis runs with anamnesis,
examination Physical, as well as examination of measles
antibodies in the blood. The tatalakthere is supportive with a
vitamin a. frequent complications The cause of death in the child
is pneumonia. Prevention can be taken with a vaccine
Measles is endemic in all countries The world, in 2013,
was 145,700 Death caused by measles in The whole world
(ranges of 400 deaths each Day or 16 deaths every hour
Most children are less than 5.2 According to the n&d
general report In 2014, there are still cases of measles In
Indonesia by the number of cases that are The report
reached 12,222 cases. frequency KLB by 173 incident with
2,104 Case.
The spread of infection occurs when inhaled
droplet In the air that comes from the
sufferers. virus Measles got in through the
respiratory tract And attached to the epithelial
cells of the airway. Once attached, the virus
replicates and Followed by a dispersal to the
lyfe gland Regionals
The measles incubation period is 10 days (8-
12 Day).7 Clinical symptoms appear after the
incubation period, Consists of three stadium:

• Prodromal stadium
• Eksantem stadium:
• Healing stage (convalescent)
• diagnosis
• Diagnosis of appeal
With measles without any complications
tatalaksana Is supportive, it's baring,
Antipylactic (paracetamol 10-15 mg/
KGBB/dosage Can be given up to every 4
hours), liquid Enough, nutrition supplements,
and vitamins A.1.12 vitamin a can serve as
Immunomodulator that enhances the
response Antibodies against the measles
Complications are common in risk children Height, that is: 2.10
1. Young age, especially under 1 year
2. Malnutrition (marasmus or kwasiorkor)
3. Of densely populated populations The neighborhood is dirty
4. Kids with immunity disorders, Take HIV - infected children, Malnutrition, or
5. A child with a vitamin deficiency Complications can occur in different organs
Body, among other things:
6. Respiratory tract: bronkopneumonia, Laringotrakeobronchis (croup)
7. Digestive tract: diarrhea can Followed by dehydration
8. Ear: media otitis
9 central nervous formation:
-acute encephalitis
- subacute
Measles is self limited disease, But it's so
infected. Mortality and Morbidity
increases in sufferers With an affected
risk factor Complications arise. In the
developing world, Death at 1-3%, can
increase Up to 5-15% when it comes to
measles, one.
Prevention is vaccinated
Measles or vaccination MMR.
Mumps, rubella. According to
immunization schedule Idai
recommendation 2014, measles
vaccine Given at the age of nine

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