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Intellectual Developmental

• Characterized by deficits in general mental abilities
such as reasoning, problem-solving, planning, abstract
thinking, judgment, academic learning and learning
from experience.
• These 3 criterias must be fulfilled :
• IQ ≤ -2SD (approximately below 70)
• Significant impairment in adaptive functioning
• Onset during the developmental period

DSM V. Available at

• The causes of mental retardation can be grouped from most to least
common as follows:
• Alterations in embryonic development, such as those caused by chromosomal
abnormalities or fetal exposure to drugs or toxins
• Environmental deprivation and other mental disorders, such as autism
• Problems of pregnancy and the perinatal period, such as fetal malnutrition,
hypoxia, infection, trauma, or prematurity
• Hereditary abnormalities, such as inborn errors of metabolism or
chromosomal aberrations
• Medical conditions of infancy or childhood, such as central nervous system
(CNS) infection or trauma, or lead poisoning
Mild mental retardation
• Approximately 85% of population
• IQ score ranges from 50–70
• Can often acquire academic skills up to about the sixth-grade level.
• Fairly self-sufficient and in some cases live independently, with
community and social support.


Moderate mental retardation
• About 10% of population
• IQ scores ranging from 35–55
• Can carry out work and self-care tasks with moderate supervision
• Typically acquire communication skills in childhood and are able to
live and function successfully within the community in such
supervised environments as grup homes


Severe mental retardation
• About 3–4% of population
• IQ scores of 20–40
• May master very basic self-care skills and some communication skills.
• Many severely retarded individuals are able to live in a group home.


Profound mental retardation
• Only 1–2% of population
• IQ scores under 20–25
• May be able to develop basic self-care and communication skills with
appropriate support and training
• Often caused by an accompanying neurological disorder
• Need a high level of structure and supervision


Rehabilitation Management
 Depends upon the current level of the child and the associated
 Teamwork by:
 Physiatrist, psychiatrist, psychologist and a special educationalist
 Speech therapist
 Physico-occupational therapist
 Social worker
 Vocational counsellor
 Aims for social and occupational adjustment in adulthood

IJPMR 13, April 2002; 35-38

Parent Counselling
• Explaining child's condition, management and prognosis
• Develop correct attitudes towards their child
• Attitude of over protection, rejection should be changed
• Guilty feelings, blaming each other
• Educating the parents about their role in training the child
• SLB-C for tunagrahita
• SLB-F for combined disabilities

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