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By taking the first

day of the woman’s

last menstrual cycle
and adding 280
days, you can
calculate when baby
is due to be born.

As the mother nears full term, several things happen:

Baby loses the lanugo covering Baby drops down several
(much vernix remains) and inches in the abdomen. This
reaches an average size of 20 is called lightening. and The
inches in length and 7 pounds. head becomes “engaged”.
Eye color is slate-blue or black, This means it presses firmly
and will not be fixed until after against the cervix. The birth
exposure to light for some time. is close at hand.
This is the correct term for the process of childbirth…the
emergence of a child from its mother’s uterus. It starts with a
signal from the pituitary gland. The hormone oxytocin is secreted
into the bloodstream of the mother, and the process begins.
(pitocin and syntocinon are common synthetic forms of this
hormone, used to induce labor) There are 3 stages of childbirth:

3 signals indicate that labor has begun…
1. Contractions begin
2. Mucous plug is dispelled
3. Amniotic sac breaks

2. The mucous plug 3. Before labor begins, or in

1. Initial uterine falls out as cervix the early stages, the amniotic
contractions are dilates; it is sac ruptures under pressure
short and mild, but accompanied by a tinge and fluid trickles or gushes
of blood, and is referred out. Sometimes the sac must
frequency, to as “bloody show” be broken manually.
intensity, duration
During transition
stage, the cervix
completes dilation
and stretches over
baby's head.
The entire process
usually lasts from
4-18 hours
Prior to the beginning of labor, the thick
cartilage walls of the cervix begin to thin out
and lengthen. This process is called
effacement. The cervix must be completely
effaced in order to fully dilate.

The purpose of “labor” is for the

muscles to contract, pulling open
the cervix. It must open (or dilate)
to 10 cm. (approximately 4 inches)
to allow for the birth of the baby.
This is hard and painful work for
the mother.

The red arrows point to the

cervical area and various
stages in becoming fully
effaced and dilated.
Aptly named, labor is hard work.
Contractions/dilation can be very painful. There
are several methods that can help the mother
manage the pain.
medications can
control pain,
there is risk that
the baby will be
affected and
become groggy.
A regional anesthetic can be injected through
the vagina into a nerve to relieve pain, but an
epidural block is now the method of
preference. An injection into the spinal column
blocks pain. The mother remains awake.
The mother will need to attempt to control this pushing movement. A slow
expulsion of the baby from the vagina causes less damage to sensitive skin.
In the second stage of parturition, the baby is
expelled from the womb through the vagina
by both the uterine contractions and by the
additional maternal efforts of pushing or
"bearing down". When the head is first
visible, it is called “crowning”.
An episiotomy is an
incision through the
skin and muscles in
the perineum, made
during a vaginal
delivery. This
procedure is
performed in 2/3 of
US births, and allows
extra room for baby
to pass out of the
birth canal. The
incision prevents
tearing. It stitches
easier and heals
faster than a tear.
Vaginal delivery accounts for 3
out of every 4 births in the
United States.

Most remaining
vernix caseosa is
rubbed off during

A cephalic birth position

is one that is head-first!
The mother may stand with her legs apart,
squat, lean over, recline backward or lie down
with legs supported to facilitate the delivery.
When the amniotic sac has not
ruptured during labor or pushing,
the infant can be born with the
membranes intact. This is referred
to as “being born in the caul”. The
caul is harmless and it’s
membranes are easily broken and
wiped away. In medieval times, and
in some cultures still today, a caul
was seen as a sign of good fortune
for the baby, in some cultures was
seen as protection against
drowning, and the caul was often
impressed onto paper and stored
away as an heirloom for the child.
With the advent of modern
interventive obstetrics, premature
artificial rupture of the membranes
has become common and it is rare
for infants to be born in the caul in
Western births.
The "sutures" or
anatomical lines
where the bony
plates of the skull
join together can
be easily felt in
the newborn
infant. The
diamond shaped
spaces on the top,
top back, and
sides of the skull
are often referred
to as the "soft
spot" in young
known as
The fontanelles actually allow the skull to change to a new shape,
so it can emerge through the small cervical opening. This is called
“molding” of the head. This change in the shape of the skull will go
back to it’s original appearance in a few hours up to a few days.
Immediately following delivery, if not during, a bulb syringe is used to
suction mucous from the throat and nasal passages. It’s important that
those first breaths be deep and clear. Healthy, loud cries assure that!
The umbilical cord is connected at baby’s
navel. The cord must be clamped and cut. (or
tied off) Then another small plastic clamp is
used, placed close to baby’s tummy.
Stage 3 of childbirth follows delivery of the
baby…it is the delivery of the afterbirth.
After the placenta is delivered, it should be inspected for size, shape,
consistency, and completeness. A one minute, thorough examination to detect
normalcy or abnormalities may be critical in the management of mother and
baby. An abnormal placenta may be one of the first indications that mother or
baby has a problem.
A suctioning method or vacuum is sometimes used
to assist in difficult deliveries. It can turn the baby
to a better position or perhaps just quicken the
descent down the birth canal.

A breech birth position is

sometimes more difficult. It
means that the baby is in the
birth canal feet or buttocks first.

An instrument called a forceps is

sometimes used during delivery also.
The cushioned tongs are used to hold,
guide, or pull baby through the birth
canal to hasten delivery.
birth position
Also known as C-section or spelled cesarean section,
1. fetus is delivered through a horizontal incision in abdominal and uterine walls
2. advisable when: fetus in improperly aligned (such as a sideways position
called transverse position), multiple fetuses, fetal distress, mother is worn out, or
mother has a transferable genital condition or infection
Soon after birth,
information will be
gathered for baby’s
official birth certificate.
This becomes a matter of
permanent public record;
make sure it is correct,
including spellings! It’s
time to name the baby!
Identification wrist or
ankle bands are secured,
as well as foot prints.
The hormone oxytocin that started the
process of childbirth has several other
effects on the body.
1. Research indicates that it plays a major
role in establishing maternal behaviors
in the mother.
2. Stimulates the muscles of the cervix,
vagina, and uterus, helping them
contract after delivery
3. Works in conjunction with a second
hormone secretion from the pituitary
gland, prolactin, to make and secrete
milk from the mammary gland of the
breast. This process is called lactation.

The first secretion from the breast is called

colostrum. It is sticky, and a milky-yellow
color. It not only provides baby with perfect
nutrition and is easily digestible, but also
contains immunities from the mother.
• Preparing individuals for life and work
• Strengthening families
• Empowering communities

Created by Barbara L. Swarthout, Family & Consumer

Sciences teacher at Elkhorn High School

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