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• There are four turret entrances but only two turrets.

It is this way so that you may enter the turret from either level
• Similarly, there is only one Arcane Enhancer, but many Arcane Enhancement stations. This is so you may use it from
wherever you are.
• The two Engine/Generators are connected, and you may traverse the levels through them(like the warp core of the
Starship Enterprise).
• The brig has three 15 ft by 15 ft by 15 ft cells(the cells are like the starship enterprise(in the sense that they have force
fields instead of bars)).
Level 1

Turret Entrance

Arcane Enhancer Station

Escape Pods

Cargo Hold Engines & Generators

Hanger Bay

Turret Entrance
Level 2

Officer's Mess
Turret Entrance
Bot Charging Stations

Arcane Enhancer Station

Food Teleporter

Escape Pods
Bridge Engines & Generators

Stockroom Kitchen

Turret Entrance

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