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Aliran Fluida di Dalam Pipa

Sistem Kompresi Fluida
• The transport of a fluid (liquid or gas) in a closed conduit (commonly called
a pipe if it is of round cross section or a duct if it is not round) is extremely
important in our daily operations.
• A brief consideration of the world around us will indicate that there is a wide
variety of applications of pipe flow.
• Such applications range from the large, man-made Alaskan pipeline that
carries crude oil almost 800 miles across Alaska, to the more complex (and
certainly not less useful) natural systems of “pipes” that carry blood
throughout our body and air into and out of our lungs.
• Other examples include the water pipes in our homes and the distribution
system that delivers the water from the city well to the house.
• Numerous hoses and pipes carry hydraulic fluid or other fluids to
various components of vehicles and machines.
• Although all of these systems are different, the fluid mechanics
principles governing the fluid motions are common.
• The purpose of this chapter is to understand the basic processes
involved in such flows.
Karekteristik Umum dari aliran pada pipa
• For all flows involved in this chapter, we assume that the pipe is
completely filled with the fluid being transported
• Thus, we will not consider a concrete pipe through which rainwater
flows without completely filling the pipe
• The difference between open-channel flow and the pipe flow of this
chapter is in the fundamental mechanism that drives the flow.
• For openchannel flow, gravity alone is the driving force—the water
flows down a hill.
• For pipe flow, gravity may be important (the pipe need not be
horizontal), but the main driving force is likely to be a pressure
gradient along the pipe.
• If the pipe is not full, it is not possible to maintain this pressure
• The flow of a fluid in a pipe may be laminar flow or it may be
turbulent flow.
• The curves shown represent the x component of the velocity as a
function of time at a point A in the flow.
• Dari grafik di slide sebelumnya terlihat bahwa untuk aliran laminar
hanya ada satu nilai kecepatan
• Sementara untuk aliran turbulen kecepatan berubah secara acak.
• Untuk menentukan aliran turbulen atau laminar umumnya digunakan
Reynolds number
• The flow in a round pipe is laminar if the Reynolds number is less than
approximately 2100.
• The flow in a round pipe is turbulent if the Reynolds number is greater
than approximately 4000.
• For Reynolds numbers between these two limits, the flow may switch
between laminar and turbulent conditions in an apparently random
fashion (transitional flow).
Daerah Input dan Fully Develop Flow
• Any fluid flowing in a pipe had to enter the pipe at some location. The
region of flow near where the fluid enters the pipe is termed the
entrance region
• Untuk mencari tahu pada jarak berapa dari input pipa (le) dapat
diperoleh aliran laminar digunakan perhitugan sbb :
• Fully developed steady flow in a constant diameter pipe may be
driven by gravity andor pressure forces.
• For horizontal pipe flow, gravity has no effect except for a hydrostatic
pressure variation across the pipe, that is usually negligible.
• It is the pressure difference, between one section of the horizontal
pipe and another which forces the fluid through the pipe.
• Viscous effects provide the restraining force that exactly balances the
pressure force, thereby allowing the fluid to flow through the pipe
with no acceleration
Fully developed Laminar FLow
• Knowledge of the velocity profile can lead directly to other useful
information such as pressure drop, head loss, flowrate, and the like.
• Thus, we begin by developing the equation for the velocity profile in
fully developed laminar flow
• If gravitational effects are neglected, the pressure is constant across
any vertical cross section of the pipe, although it varies along the pipe
from one section to the next
• Jika tekanan pada p = p1 pd bagian (1)
• Pada bagian (2) p2 = p1-Δp
• Dengan Δp adalah pressure drop antara bagian 1 dan 2
• A shear stress ( τ ), acts on the surface of the cylinder of fluid.
• This viscous stress is a function of the radius of the cylinder,
• As was done in fluid statics analysis, we isolate the cylinder of fluid as
is shown and apply Newton’s second law,
• In this case, even though the fluid is moving, it is not accelerating, so
that ax = 0.
• Thus, fully developed horizontal pipe flow is merely a balance
between pressure and viscous forces—the pressure difference acting
on the end of the cylinder of area and the shear stress acting on the
lateral surface of the cylinder of area
• Free body diagram

• Dapat dirumuskan :
• Disederhanakan :

• Shear stress pada dinding pipa ( τw ) dan beda tekanan dapat

dirumuskan :

• Jika profil kecepatan dari fluida berbentuk parabolic pd koordinat
radial, dengan kecepatan maksimum Vc ditengah pipa dan kecepatan
minimum pad dinding pipa.
• Perhitungan flowrate dapat dirumuskan :
• Minyak mengalir di dalam pipa dengan viskositas μ = 0.4 N.s/m2 dan
massa jenis ρ = 900 kg/m3 mengalir di dalam pipa dengan diameter
D = 0.02 m

• Hitunglah :
• Pressure drop yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan flowrate (Q) = 2.0
x 10 -5 m3 /s dengan pipa x1 = 0 dan x2 = 10 m
• Tentukan apakah aliran laminar :
• V = Q/A = 2.0 x 10 -5 / (π (0.020)2 /4 ) = 0.0637 m/s
• Re = ρVD /μ = 2.87 < 2100
• Aliran laminar
• Maka persamaan di bawah dpt digunakan :
• Sehingga :

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