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KHILAFAT: is the name of Muslim institution

which handed over to the follower of holy prophet

KHALIFA: Ruler or administrator of Islamic state

considered to be a representative of Allah on earth.
• The World War I broke out in 1914. 3
• Group I: UK, USA, France, Russia and Italy.
• Group II: Germany, Austria and Turkey.

• Turkey was the centre of Islamic world in those days, and

the Khalifah of Turkey was owned as Khalifah of the
whole Islamic world.
• The center of Muslim world was in serious danger. Hijjaz-
e-Muqqadas was in Turkish domain. In case of defeat of
Turkey both holy cities, Makkah and Madina, could go
into the possession of Christian allied forces.
Leaders of the Movement: 4

Maulana Muhammad All Jauhar, Maulana Shaukat All,

Maulana Zafat All Khan, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Dr.
Ansari, Maulana Hasrat Mohani, Syed Salman Nadvi
and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad were the nain leaders.
Khilafat committee:

 Muslims of India decided to launched a movement for the safeguard of

the institution of khilafat.
 Khilafat committee was setup in 1919 to organized the khilafat movement
Mulana Shoukat Ali was its General Secretary.

Khilafat Delegation:
 Khilafat committee met on 23 Nov 1919 and decide to sent the delegation
under the leadership of Mulana Muhammad Ali Johar to England to
inform the Govt about the sentiments of the Muslims.
 Delegation consisted on seven people
 M M Ali Johar met the P.M Loyed George.
 Muslims would not tolerate the humiliation of the Caliph and
Holy Places.
 They informed him that the British policy towards Turkey
constituted a great threat to the peace in sub continent.

 To keep the institution of Khilafat intact and Khalifah to carry

out the business of government usual.

 Restoration of Turkey’s Territories as it possessed before and

during World War-1 and no change to occur in the boundaries
of Turkey.

 The sanctity of Makkah and Madina should be maintained

and non-Muslim forces should not be allowed to enter in
these two sacred cities.

The P.M George refused to accept any arguments

extended by the Khilafat Delegation.
He said that Turkey should not be excused. Turkey
must get justice and will certainly get justice similar
to that which Germany received.
Khilafat Movement took following steps to make their demands known to the entire8
Delegations were sent to U.K. and other European countries to convey the feelings of
the Muslims to the governments.
Medical Aid:
Doctors, nurses arid medicines were dispatched to Turkey for the treatment of
wounded Turkish soldiers.
Financial Aid:
A large amount of money, gold and silver was collected in the general meetings to
give financial aid to Turkey.
Large processions were arranged, protest meetings were held and strikes were
observed in all big and small cities in the sot-continent. The Muslim volunteers
presented themselves to the police for arrests. All leaders were sent behind the bars
but the momentum of movement could not be diminished.
Role of Press:
The role of Muslim journalism was tremendous. Zarnindar of Zafar UL Khan, al-Hilal
of Azad by Mulana Azad and Comrade and Hamdard by Mulana Muh Ali Jauhar
played vital roles in the movement.
Treaty of Sevres: 9

• This Treaty was signed in 1920 with the Ottoman Empire after
end of WWI
• Turkey divided and distributed amongst the victorious allies.
• Allies could occupy any part of Turkey at will.
• New states were established and Syria, Iraq, Jordan would be
separated from Turkish empire.
• Institution of caliphate was also demolished.
• Holy places (Makkah and Madina) goes to Arabs hand.
(Saudia Arabia)
Non Cooperation Movement:
 Muslims leaders made it clear to the viceroy that if the term of treaty were not
withdrawn a non cooperation movement against the govt would be launched.
 In Aug 1920 the non cooperation movement was launched with the
collaboration of Gandhi. Gandhi being a clever politician used the khilafat
agitation for pressing the govt to come to terms for Indian independence.
 Gandhi got a golden chance to exploit the Muslim power for his own
purposes. He supported the Khilafat Movement and participated in the
meetings of the Muslims. By supporting the Khilafat Movement he secured
cooperation of the emotional Muslims for his own purpose.

1. Gandhi advised Muslims to Surrender the titles awarded by the government.

2. Resign from the government jobs.
3. Refrain from paying the taxes
4. Refuse to receive financial grants from the governments
5. Complete boycott of boycott British institutions and goods
6. Migrate to Iran, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries
Hijrat Movement:
Ullama pronounced services under the British as un Islamic.
Maulana Abdul-al-kalam and Maulana Abdul Bari these two prominent
Khilafat leaders issued Fatwa that India was ( Dar-ul-Harb) home of war,
where the religion of Muslims was not safe.

They urged the Muslims to migrate safe place where they can freely practice
their religion. So Large no of Muslims left home and migrated to

The Afghan authorities did not allow them to cross the border. After this
tragic event those who had advocated the Hijrat movement come to realize
their mistake which resulted in failure of movement.

The Khilafat Movement came to an end when thousands of Indians were put
behind the bar.
• One of the main reasons which caused a death blow to Khilafat
Movement was the indirect announcement of Gandhi to discontinue the
Non Co-operation Movement. Gandhi used an incident of arson on
February 1922, when a violent mob set on fire a police choki at Chora
Churi at district Gorakpur, burning twenty one constables to death as an
excuse to call off the non-cooperation movement. It adversely affected the
Khilafat Movement which thought to be integral part of movement.
• In 1924, Kamal Ataturk set up a government on democratic basis in
Turkey by abolishing Khilafat as a system of government which served a
finishing blow to Khilafat Movement in India and people had lost
whatever interest that they had in the movement.
In 1924 Mustafa Kamal Pasha came in force.

IN 1924 he signed a pact with the Allied forces at Laus.

• The sovereign position of Turkey survived.

• The Hijaz-e-Muqqadas was handed over the Sharif Hussain of Makkah.
• The control of Turkey on the Middle east, North Africa and Eastern Europe
was lost.
Effects 14

The Muslims came to know the actual mentality of the Hindus and the British.
They also understood the real way of agitation. This Movement created political
consciousness among the Indian Muslims, which inspired them to constitute
another movement for then Independence.

That is why Khilafat Movement is called a milestone in the Struggle for


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