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“ Vilcabamba ”

By Harry Turtledove
Supervised by : Prof. Mehrvand
Presented by : Muhammad Abdul Ridha Huseein
Date : 1 / 1 / 2022
Who is Harry Turtledove

An American author ( Novelist , short story author , essayist ,

historian, historical fiction and science fiction)
Was born in Los Angeles, California, United States in 14 June
Married to mystery and science fiction writer Laura Frankos.
Received a Ph. D. In Byzantine history in 1977 from California
First two novels were published in 1979 ( Wereblood and
Werenight ) under pseudonym ‘ Eric Lverson ‘
Served as the Treasurer for the Science Fiction Writer of
America from 1986-1987
The notable works for Harry Turtledove
Southern Victory
World War
Crosstime Traffic
The Guns Of The South
The Two Georges
The meaning of ‘ Vilcabamba ‘
and the connection with the past
A small valley in southern Ecuador
Comes from the quechua Huilcompamba
Was the capital of the Neo-Inca State from 1539
to 152
Spanish Vilcabamba in 1572 by conqueror
Martin Hurtado De Arbieto
As a title of short story 2010
The plot summary
 Short story science fiction published in 2010.
 The extraterrestrial invasion ( an alien invasion).
 The Krolp ; creatures larger than a horse with grey skin.
 The alien called Krolp conquered and accupied planet Earth in
the 22nd century.
 Harris Moffatt 3 , who is the president of U. S. And Prime
Minister of Canada ( merged to pool resources against Krolp ).
 The Kro
Harris Moffatt III
Jessica Moffatt
The secretary of Alien Affairs
The conflict
 When the Krolp arrived on Earth at the beginning of the 22nd
century. The Krolp immediately attacked and overran most of the
planet, conquering whole continents and killing humans
indiscriminately. They plundered Earth's natural resources
extensively and with complete disregard for conservation.
Conquered humans became Krolp subjects. They were given Krolp
educations to make them more "Krolp-like".
 A treaty signed by the free U. S. And the Krolp for the next 50 years.
 In the mid-22nd century, the Krolp discovered deposits of silver and
gold in northeastern Utah, and disregard the treaty, with demanded
access to the silver and gold. President Harris Moffatt III, knowing
how destructive the Krolp's mining techniques were, refused, and
attempted one last desperate uprising against the Krolp , so within a
war for three days the U. S. Forces were defeated.
Literary comment
An analogic events to Spanish colonization in
several ways:
1-The initially greeted with peaceful overtures,
quickly and violently refuse.
2-The Krolp`s technology far beyond human
3-The Krolp view humans as sub-creatures.
4- The Krolp value mineral wealth, and readily
break an agreement with the U.S. to get it.
The president of the United States
( presumably the last ever president of the United
States ) in a charge of a decimated, shrunken
country, leads a last ditch act of rebellion against
an overwhelmingly superior foe, and loses.
The rebellion fails miserably and he and his wife
go into exile.
Many thanks for your listening

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