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Service Zone

Services required in a Cancer Hospital

BKPS College Of Architecture

-Pratik Jagdale
-Sagar Bahirat
Cancer Hospital, Services
Electrical Services can be classified into The following are the facilities/rooms
required in Pressurized Rooms
1. Isolation Rooms
• Neutral or standard room air pressure-
Class S.
• Positive room air pressure-Class P
• Negative room air pressure-Class N
• Negative room air pressure- Class Q
for quarantine isolation
1. Anter Rooms
2. Ensuite.
3. Oxygen Plant
4. Manifold Room
5. Generator Room

Cancer Hospital, Services

Cancer Hospital, Services
Generator Room
Types of generators are used
Both natural gas and diesel generators are acceptable.  However, for a typical 100-key,
limited service hotel, a natural gas generator is used for the following reasons:
• Natural gas doesn’t require storing large quantities of fuel or signing a fuel delivery
• Natural gas units are typically smaller and more appropriately sized (100-250 kW)
for typical hotel demands
Design Considerations
• Sound Considerations –Generators are loud, so designing sound barriers
is advised.
• Guest Site Lines – Generators are large, bulky pieces of equipment that
require strategic placement to remain out of sight.
• Access – Technicians must be able to access and service generators,
requiring proper clearances around the units.
• Ventilation- A good Ventilated Generator will work more in its usage
peroid Cancer Hospital, Services
Generator Room

Cancer Hospital, Services

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