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‫)‪Extreme Programming(XP‬‬

‫همية محمد كــماـل الـديـن‪Made by :‬‬

Definition of XP :
XP is software development methodology which is intended to improve
software quality

History of XP :
This method was created by Kent Beck between 1996 and 1999, when
he was working on payroll project for Chrysler

the concept of XP is to focus on :

Principles – Values – Practices – Goals
Principles :
a strong responsiveness to changing customer needs, teamwork, the
quality of the work provided, the quality of the tests carried out as early
as possible .
Values : Extreme Programming (XP) is based on the five values :
Communication : Communication plays a major role in the success of a
project , it is imperative that every team member communicates daily
with his colleagues as well as the client .
Simplicity : the simplest way to achieve the result is preferred. The
project team does what is necessary and requested, nothing more. A
simple application will be easier to upgrade afterwards.
Feedback : Each step of the project is sent as quickly and often as
possible to the client so that they can test, give their opinion and validate
the step. Each modification request is taken into account immediately.
Courage: It takes courage to make certain changes such as trying a new
technique , to tell the truth about progress and estimates , to refactor the
Respect : Respect for each member of the team and their work is
essential. The management, the project team and the client respect each
Practices :
Planning game: Planning is done in cooperation with the client. He
creates scenarios for the jobs he wants to get. The team evaluates the time
required to implement them. Then the client chooses the scenarios
according to priorities and available time.
Customer on site: the customer must be represented on site
throughout the duration of the project. This representative must have a
global vision of the result to be obtained and be available to answer
questions from the team.
Continuous Integration: When the job is completed, it is instantly
integrated into the complete product. This is to avoid overload due to
the integrity of all items before delivery. Tests facilitate this integration:
when all tests are positive, repeatability ends.
Small release: releases must be as frequent as possible so that the
customer gives his opinion and the changes are quickly taken into
account by the team.
Metaphor : Eliminate technical speak
Simple design
40-Hour Week
testing: from the scenarios defined by the customer, the team
creates test procedures which allow to check the progress of the
development. When all functional tests pass, the iteration is complete
Refactoring: the project is regularly improved
Collective Ownership :the entire team takes responsibility for the
whole of the project.
Coding Standards
Pair Programming : In Pair programing, the entire code is written
with two developers at one machine.
Conclusion :
With the eXtreme Programming methodology, managers, project team
and client work in collaboration. promotes team responsiveness and
establishes continuous quality control,
XP is not easy to apply and to master because it requires a lot of
discipline and communication.

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