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How to Make Your Wife

Feel Loved – 2
Performing Loving Actions
• Do the little things. Grand
gestures — the surprise trip to
Paris, the dream kitchen, the
diamond necklace — certainly
have their place in showing
love. These are a bit like shots
of “love adrenaline,” however.
On a day-to-day basis, small
gestures of affection and
appreciation provide the
steady energy needed to
sustain love over the long haul
Performing Loving Actions
• Can you make her feel loved by taking out the
trash without being asked, volunteering to take
the kids to soccer practice, or doing the dishes
before she has a chance to get to them? You
might be surprised how much power little daily
activities like these can have to make her feel
valued in your relationship.
Performing Loving Actions
• Show her you're thinking of her. Leave her a little
note in the morning. Send her a text with
encouraging words before her big presentation at
work. Don't just remember her birthday —
remember her mother's birthday. Few things make
someone feel more loved than being able to
honestly believe that the person you love is
thinking of you at that very moment.
Performing Loving Actions
• Surprise her. Yes
indeed, that trip to Paris
and diamond necklace do
help to make her feel
loved. But surprises don't
always have to be big to
be pleasant and loving.
Performing Loving Actions
• Take her, unannounced, on fancy date nights.
Make reservations to a nice restaurant, get tickets
to a show, line up a babysitter, even surprise her
with a limo ride if you want. Leave new earrings
on the bed that you know she'll like. Woo her all
over again, every once in a while.
Performing Loving Actions
• Especially if your wife responds most to "quality time,"
just making an extra effort sometimes will pay dividends.
Leave that paperwork behind every so often and come
home a bit early just to be with her. Go for a walk, make
dinner together, or do whatever else may come to mind
with your unexpected free time together. Yes, there are a
million tasks at work and home you could be doing, but
be a little “irresponsible” in order to give her some one-
on-one time
Performing Loving Actions
• Make her feel beautiful. It
is a safe bet that all women
(and men, for that matter)
like being made to feel
attractive by the person
they love. Never assume
she knows you still find her
as lovely as the day you
married her — tell her. A lot
Performing Loving Actions
• Don't get caught looking at other women, as this can
send a bad message. Just as importantly, get caught
looking at her from time to time. Let her feel your eyes
on her when she tries on that new dress, or even when
she's in sweats for that matter. It the timing is right
(probably not in public) and you know she will
appreciate it, go over-the-top and give her a catcall or
Performing Loving Actions

• Never, ever, compare her negatively to the

appearance of another woman, or even an
old picture of herself. She knows that over
the years, some parts of her have changed
shape or shifted positions. Let her know that
you find the beauty in her as she is now.
Performing Loving Actions
• Prioritize her with your
actions. “Women and
children first” may be an
outdated concept in some
quarters, but prioritizing
your wife's needs is not. Do
whatever is in your power to
ease her burden. Nobody
said love was easy, or came
without work or sacrifice
Performing Loving Actions
• While "old-fashioned gentleman" notions like holding
open doors and pulling out chairs may or may not be
appreciated, gestures clearly intended as signs of
attention, respect, and affection likely will be. Much
depends upon how you portray your efforts. Don't carry
in the groceries or pump the gas for her because you
don't think she can do it. Do them to make her day that
tiny bit easier. Do them with a smile, not a grumble.
Performing Loving Actions

•You are also likely to earn

admiration, and it is easier to feel
loved by someone you admire

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