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Play, Paper and iPhones

A lesson in play, collaboration and embracing change.

Dr. “Liv” Garner
You get 1 pieces of copy
paper and scissors.
With one piece: Create
3 free standing
sculptures, you have to
use the entire piece of
paper, no scraps left.
you have 3 minutes..
Now, combine your
sculpture with one of your
neighbors. Feel free to
alter what needs to be
altered. You have 2
minutes… go!
Next, Combine those
sculptures into one
collaborative piece.
Next…..get out your cell phone
 Who will be lighting experts?
 Your job will be to find ways and means from things at hand to
help you light the sculptures in very interesting ways. Think of
your iPhone flashlight and tissue paper! Try ways to change the
color of the light that comes from the phone by using interesting
shapes and colors in front of the light.
 Who will be photographers?
 Your job will be to crop into the lighted areas and find the most
compelling compositions within the sculpture. Remember! There
are many sides and faces, be sure to try different ways to capture
the interest!
Finally.. Let’s draw!

 Now that you have created, lighted, and carefully studied this new still life,
how might you go about drawing it?
 Direct observation?
 Drawing from the photographs that you have taken?
 From memory?
 Expressively?
 As contours?
 As faces only?
And finally:

 Place your drawing near the sculpture and do a gallery walk!

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