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Analytical skills-5A

Percentages, profit and loss, partnership problems.

• By
  ‘x’ percent we mean (x/100). This is denoted as x%.
• 25%=1/4.
• If the price of a commodity increases by R%, then the reduction in
consumption so as not to increase the expenditure is given by

• If the present population of a place is P and it increases annually at a rate of

R% then the population after ‘n’ years is

•  The population of the place ‘n’ years ago is
• If ‘C’ is the present value of a machine and ‘r’ is the rate of
depreciation per year then the value of the machine after ‘n’ years is
• The value of the machine ‘n’ years before is
• If ‘A’ is R% more than ‘B’ then B is less than A by
• If ‘A’ is R% less than ‘B’ then B is more than A by
• In an election, candidate A got 75% of the total valid
votes. If 15% of the total votes were declared invalid and
the total numbers of votes is 560000, find the number of
valid vote polled in favour of candidate.
• Total number of invalid votes = 15 % of 560000
•                                        = 15/100 × 560000
•                                        = 8400000/100
•                                        = 84000

• Total number of valid votes 560000 – 84000 = 476000

• Percentage of votes polled in favour of candidate A = 75

• Therefore, the number of valid votes polled in favour of

candidate A = 75 % of 476000

• = 75/100 × 476000
• = 35700000/100

• = 357000
• A shopkeeper bought 600 oranges and 400 bananas. He found
15% of oranges and 8% of bananas were rotten. Find the
percentage of fruits in good condition.
• Total number of fruits shopkeeper bought = 600 + 400 = 1000
• Number of rotten oranges = 15% of 600
•                                     = 15/100 × 600
•                                     = 9000/100
•                                     = 90
• Number of rotten bananas = 8% of 400
•                                    = 8/100 × 400
•                                    = 3200/100
•                                    = 32
• Therefore, total number of rotten fruits = 90 + 32 = 122

• Therefore Number of fruits in good condition = 1000 - 122 = 878

• Therefore Percentage of fruits in good condition = (878/1000 × 100)%

•                                                                  = (87800/1000)%
•                                                                  = 87.8%
• In a school 20% of the students are below the age of 8 years. The
number of students above the age of 8 years is (2/3) of the number of
students of 8 years of age which is 48. What is the total number of
students in the class?
• Let the total number of students in the school =x.
• No of students below the age of 8 years =(x/5)
• no of students aged 8 years and above is =(4x/5)
• No of students of age 8 years =48
• No of students of age above 8 years =(2/3)x48=32
• Therefore (4x/5)=48+32=80.
• So we get x=100.
Profit and loss problems.
• Cost price is the price at which an item is purchased and selling price
is the price at which it is sold.
• If the selling price is more than the cost price we have profit and if the
selling price is less than the cost price we incur loss.
• Profit = (S.P.-C.P.) and Loss = (C.P.-S.P)
• Profit %= (profit/ C.P)x100
• Loss%= (loss/CP)x100

• Alternatively we have
•  An article is purchased for Rs. 450 and sold for Rs. 500. Find
the gain percent.
• Solution:
• Gain = SP – CP = 500 – 450 = 50.
• Gain% = (50/450)*100 = 100/9 %
• A man sold a fan for Rs. 465. Find the cost price if he incurred a
loss of 7%.
• Solution:
• CP = [100 / (100 – Loss %)] * SP
• Therefore, the cost price of the fan = (100/93)*465 = Rs. 500
• In a transaction, the profit percentage is 80% of the cost. If the
cost further increases by 20% but the selling price remains the
same, how much is the decrease in profit percentage?
• Solution:
• Let us assume CP = Rs. 100.
• Then Profit = Rs. 80 and selling price = Rs. 180.
• The cost increases by 20% → New CP = Rs. 120, SP = Rs. 180.
• Profit % = (60/120)x 100 = 50%.
• Therefore, Profit decreases by 30%.
• A man bought some toys at the rate of 10 for Rs. 40 and sold
them at 8 for Rs. 35. Find his gain or loss percent.
• Solution:
• Cost price of 10 toys = Rs. 40 → CP of 1 toy = Rs. 4.
• Selling price of 8 toys = Rs. 35 → SP of 1 toy = Rs. 35/8
• Therefore, Gain = 35/8 – 4 = 3/8.
• Gain percent = (3/8)/4 * 100 = 9.375%
• A man bought two bicycles for Rs. 2500 each. If he sells one at a profit
of 5%, then how much should he sell the other so that he makes a
profit of 20% on the whole?
• Solution:
• Let the other profit percent be x.
• Then, our equation looks like this.
• 105/100 * 2500 + [(100+x)/100] * 2500 = 120/100 * 5000 → x= 35.
• Hence, if he makes a profit of 35% on the second, it comes to a total of
20% profit on the whole.
• A shopkeeper allows a discount of 10% on the marked price and
still gains 17% on the whole. Find at what percent above the cost
price did he mark his goods.
• Solution:
• Let the cost price be 100.
• Then SP =Rs. 117/-
• Let the marked price be x.
• So, 90% of x = 117 → x = 130.
• Therefore, he marked his goods 30% above the cost price.
• A shopkeeper offers a discount of 20% on the selling price. On a special sale day, he offers
an extra 25% off coupon after the first discount. If the article was sold for Rs. 3600, find
1.The marked price of the article and
2.The cost price if the shopkeeper still makes a profit of 80% on the whole after all discounts
are applied.
• Solution:
• Let the marked price of the article be x.
• First a 20% discount was offered, on which another 25% discount was offered.
• So, 75% of 80% of x = 3600
• 75/100 * 80/100 * x = 3600 → x = 6000.
• So the article was marked at Rs. 6000.
• Cost price of the article = [100/(100+80)]*3600 = Rs. 2000.
Partnership problems.
• Partnership: It refers to a business association between two or
more than two persons who run a business together and share
the total profit at an agreed proportion. The persons who enter
into a partnership are called partners.
• Partnership problems are based on ratio of capital invested and the
time for which the capital is invested.
• A partner who manages the business is called working partner while
one who simply invests money is called a sleeping partner.
• In partnership problems we will be coming across the following situations.

• Case 1 : 

• If all the partners invest equal amount for same time period then the profit is
divided equally among them. 

• Case 2 :

• If all the partners invest equal amount for different time period, then the profit
is divided among them in the ratio of time period for which it is invested.
• Case 3 :

• If all the partners invest different amount for same time period, then the profit is
divided among them in the ratio of amount invested.

• Case 4 :

• If all the partners invest different amount for different time period, then the
profit is divided among them in the ratio of the product of investment and time
period for each partner. 
• A invested 125% as much money as B, C invested 80% as much money as B. The
total of all the three is Rs.61,000. How much did C invest ? 

• Solution : 

• Let the amount invested by B be =Rs.x.

• Amount invested by A =1.25x
• Amount invested by C =0.8x.
• Total amount invested by the three =1.25x+x+0.8x=61000
• 3.05x=61000 or x=20000
• The amount invested by C =16000
• A started a business with a capital of Rs 8000. After six months, B joined
him with investment of some capital. If at the end of the year, each of
them gets equal amount as profit, how much did B invest ?
• Suppose the amount invested by B =x. He invested this amount for six
• While A invested Rs. 8000 for 12 months.
• The ratio of their investments is 96000:6x.
• It is given that their share in the profits are 1:1 or they are getting equal
amounts as profit.
• 6x=96000 or x=16000.
• A, B and C start a partnership. The capitals of A, B and C are in the
ratio 10 : 9 : 6 and the time period of A and B is in the ratio 2 : 3. B
gets Rs.10,800 as his share out the of a total profit of Rs.26,000.
• If A's capital was there is in the business for 8 months, for how many
months was C's capital in the business ?
• Suppose C invested his capital for x months.
• The ratio of capitals invested is 10:9:6
• The time periods for which these are invested are in the ratio 2:3:x
• The ratio in which the profits are to be shared is 20:27:6x ( case 4)
• Total profit =26000
• 27 parts of this =10800. So one part = 400
• A’s share of the profit =8000
• C’s share of the profit =6x=2400x
• We have 10800+8000+2400x=26000
• So 2400x=7200 or x=3
• The ratio of the time periods of investment is 2:3:3
• Let the total time for which A invested his money be 2y= 8 months
• Y=4
• The total time for which C invested his capital 3y=12 months.
• A, B and C invest Rs.120000, Rs.135000 and Rs.150000 respectively in
a business. Find their shares in annual profit of Rs. 56700/-
• Ratio of investments 8:9:10
• A’s share in the profit =(8/27)x56700=16800
• B’s share in the profit =(9/27)x56700=18900
• C’s share in the profit =(10/27)x56700=21000
• A started a business investing Rs.45000/- after 3 months B joined
with a capital of Rs. 60000/- after another 6 months C joined with a
capital of Rs.90000/-. At the end of the year they made a profit of
Rs.16500/-. How should it be divided?

Pratner Capital invested Period for which Equivalent capital

invested invested
A 45000 12 MONTHS 540000
B 60000 9 months 540000
C 90000 3 months 270000
• Therefore ratio of equivalent capital invested =2:2:1
• A’s share in the profit =(2/5)16500=6600
• B’s share in the profit =(2/5)16500=6600
• C’s share in the profit =(1/5)16500=3300
• A, B and C start a business each partner investing Rs.20000/-. After 5
months A withdrew Rs.5000/-, B withdrew Rs.4000/- while C invested
Rs.6000/- more. If they made a profit of Rs.69900/- how should it be
• A’s equivalent capital invested =20000x5+15000x7=205000
• B’s equivalent capital invested =20000x5+16000x7=212000
• C’s equivalent capital invested =20000x5+26000x7=282000
• Ratio of equivalent capitals invested =205:212:282
• A’s share in the profit =(205/699)69900=20500
• B’s share in the profit =(212/699)69900=21200
• C’s share in the profit =(282/699)69900=28200
• A started a business investing Rs.76000/-. After some time B joined
him with an investment of Rs.57000/- . At the end of the year they
shared the profits in the ratio 2:1. After how many months B joined.
• Suppose B joined after ‘x’ months.
• A’s equivalent capital invested =76000x12
• B’s equivalent capital invested =57000x(12-x)
• Now ratio in which profits are shared =2:1
• Therefore 76x12:57(12-x)=2:1 or 912=114(12-x)
• 114x=12(114-76)=12x38 or x=4

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