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Chapter Three:

Designing user interface, Widgets and



 All user interface elements in an Android app are built using View and
ViewGroup objects.
 View is an object that draws something on the screen that the user can
interact with.
 ViewGroup is an object that holds other View (and ViewGroup)
objects in order to define the layout of the interface.
 Android provides a collection of both View and ViewGroup
subclasses that offer you common input controls (such as buttons and
text fields) and various layout models (such as a linear or relative
layout) 2
User interface, Widgets and Controls
User interfaces
 user interface for an Android app is built using a hierarchy of layouts
(ViewGroup objects) and widgets (View objects).
 Layouts are invisible containers that control how its child views are positioned
on the screen.
 Widgets are UI components such as buttons and text boxes.


 Android provides an XML vocabulary for ViewGroup and View

classes, so most of your UI is defined in XML files.
 However, Android Studio's Layout Editor, which makes it easy
to build a layout by drag-and-dropping views.
 To get started, set up your workspace as follows:

 In Android Studio's Project window, open

 app > res > layout > activity_main.xml.


 The Root view is a ConstraintLayout, containing just one

TextView object.
 ConstraintLayout is a layout that defines the position for each
view based on constraints to sibling views and parent layout.
 In this way, you can create both simple and complex layouts with
a flat view hieararchy.
 That is, it avoids the need for nested layouts (a layout inside a
layout, as shown in figure 1), which can increase the time
required to draw the UI.
• <ViewGroup>
– A container for other View elements.
– Used to specify the layout of the child elements
– Different kinds of ViewGroup objects include LinearLayout,
RelativeLayout, and FrameLayout.
– Some ViewGroups are implementations of the AdapterView
class, which determines its children only from an Adapter.
• Attributes:
– android:id [unique resource name for the element ]
– android:layout_height ["match_parent" or "wrap_content“ ]
– android:layout_width ["match_parent" or "wrap_content“ ]


• <View>
– An individual UI component, generally referred to as a "widget".
– Different kinds of View objects include TextView, Button, and

• Attributes:
– android:id [unique resource name for the element ]
– android:layout_height ["match_parent" or "wrap_content“ ]
– android:layout_width ["match_parent" or "wrap_content“

Android: id

Android: layout_height and Android: layout_width

Android Layouts

• LinearLayout 
– means you can align views one by one (vertically/ horizontally).
• RelativeLayout 
– means based on relation of views from its parents and other views.
• ConstraintLayout 
– is similar to a RelativeLayout in that it uses relations to position and size
widgets, but has additional flexibility and is easier to use in the Layout
• WebView: to load html, static or dynamic pages.
• FrameLayout 
– to load child one above another, like cards inside a frame, we can place
one above another or anywhere inside the frame.
• AbsoluteLayout 
– means you have to give exact position where the view should be.
Linear Layout
 Linear Layout is a view group that aligns all children in a single
direction, vertically or horizontally.
 You can specify the layout direction with the android:orientation
 LinearLayout respects margins between children and
the gravity (right, center, or left alignment) of each child.


 Linear Layout supports assigning a weight to individual children with the 

android:layout_weight attribute.
 This attribute assigns an "importance" value to a view in terms of how
much space it should occupy on the screen. 
 A larger weight value allows it to expand to fill any remaining space in the
parent view. 
 Default weight is zero.
 For example: if there are three text fields and two of them declare a weight
of 1, while the other is given no weight, the third text field without weight
will not grow and will only occupy the area required by its content.
 The following snippet shows how to include a linear layout in
your layout XML file:

Xml Attributes of Linear layout
• android:baselineAligned
– When set to false, prevents the layout from aligning its children's
• android:baselineAlignedChildIndex
– When a linear layout is part of another layout that is baseline aligned,
– it can specify which of its children to baseline align to (that is, which child
• android:divider
– Drawable to use as a vertical divider between buttons.
• android:gravity
– Specifies how an object should position its content, on both the X and Y

• android:measureWithLargestChild
– When set to true, all children with a weight will be considered
having the minimum size of the largest child.

• android:orientation
– Should the layout be a column or a row? Use "horizontal" for a
row, "vertical" for a column.

• android:weightSum
– Defines the maximum weight sum

• android:layout_gravity
– Gravity specifies how a component should be placed in its
group of cells.

• android:layout_weight
– Indicates how much of the extra space in the LinearLayout is
allocated to the view associated with these LayoutParams.

• android:divider
– Drawable to use as a vertical divider between buttons.
UI Elements [Widgets]

• Button
– A push-button that can be pressed, or clicked, by the user to perform an action.

• Text field [Edit Text, AutoCompleteTextView ]

– An editable text field.
– You can use the AutoCompleteTextView widget to create a text entry widget
that provides auto-complete suggestions

• Check box
– An on/off switch that can be toggled by the user.
– You should use checkboxes when presenting users with a group of selectable
options that are not mutually exclusive.
• Radio button [ RadioGroup, RadioButton ]
– Similar to checkboxes, except that only one option can be
selected in the group.
• Toggle button
– An on/off button with a light indicator.
• Spinner
– A drop-down list that allows users to select one value from a set.
• Pickers [ DatePicker, TimePicker ]
– A dialog for users to select a single value for a set by using
up/down buttons or via a swipe gesture.
– Use a <DatePickercode> widget to enter the values for the date
(month, day, year) or a TimePicker widget to enter the values for
a time (hour, minute, AM/PM). 18

 Consists of text or an icon (or both text and an icon) that

communicates what action occurs when the user touches it.
 Depending on whether you want a button with text, an icon, or
both, you can create the button in your layout in three ways:

 With text, using the Button class:

 With an Icon, using the ImageButton class:

• With text and an Icon, using the Button class with the
android:drawableLeft attribute:

• Borderless button
– resemble basic buttons except that they have no borders or
background but still change appearance during different
states, such as when clicked.
– To create a borderless button, apply the
borderlessButtonStyle style to the button.
• Using onClickListener

– To declare the event handler programmatically, create an

View.OnClickListener object and assign it to the button by
calling setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener).
– For example:

Button Styles
• style="@style/Widget.AppCompat.Button"


• EditText
– A user interface element for entering and modifying text.

– When you define an edit text widget, you must specify the
TextView_inputType attribute.
– For example, for plain text input set inputType to "text":

Specify the Keyboard Type

• You should always declare the input method for your text fields by adding
the android:inputType attribute to the <EditText> element.
• For example,

– if you'd like an input method for entering a phone number, use the
"phone" value:

• Or if the text field is for a password, use the "textPassword" value

• For example, if you want to accept a secret number, like a unique pin or serial
number, you can set inputType to "numericPassword".
– results in an edit text that accepts numbers only, shows a numeric keyboard

Enable Spelling Suggestions and other
 The android:inputType attribute allows you to specify various behaviors for
the input method.
 for a text message, you should enable auto spelling correction with
the "textAutoCorrect“ value.
 You can combine different behaviors and input method styles with
android:inputType attribute.
 For example, capitalizes the first word of a sentence and also auto-corrects

Specify the Input Method Action

 input methods provide a user action button in the bottom corner

 By default, the system uses this button for either a Next or Done action
unless your text field allows multi-line text (such as
with android:inputType="textMultiLine”
 However, you can specify additional actions that might be more appropriate
for your text field, such as Send or Go.
 To specify the keyboard action button, use the android:imeOptions attribute
with an action value such as "actionSend" or "actionSearch".
 For example:

 You can then listen for presses on the action button by defining a 
TextView.OnEditorActionListener for the EditText element.
 In your listener, respond to the appropriate IME action ID defined in the 
EditorInfo class, such as IME_ACTION_SEND.

• EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
OnEditorActionListener() {
    public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId,
KeyEvent event) {
        boolean handled = false;
        if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEND) {
            handled = true;
        return handled;
}); 31

• Fill_parent

– Occupies complete width/height of android screen

• Wrap_content

– Adjust or compress width/height automatically

• Textview

– Used to display text message

• Edittext

– Used to display textbox

• Button

– Used to display button

• Typically, images are displayed using the built-in imageView. 

• An ImageView is simply a view you embed within an XML layout that is

used to display an image (or any drawable) on the screen.
• The scaleType attribute which defines how the images will be scaled to fit in
your layout. In the example, using scaleType "center"

Check Box

• CheckBox
– is a type of two state button either checked or unchecked.

– There can be a lot of usage of checkboxes. For example, it can be used to

know the Hobby of the user, Activate/Deactivate the specific action etc.
– An on/off switch that can be toggled by the user.

android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Simple
• Important Note: You can check the current state of a check box
programmatically by using isChecked() method.

android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Simple
CheckBox" android:checked="true"/>
<!--set the current state of the check box-->


Setting Current State Of CheckBox In Java Class:

/*Add in Oncreate() funtion after setContentView()*/
// initiate a check box
CheckBox simpleCheckBox = (CheckBox)

// set the current state of a check box


Attributes of Check box
• Id
• Checked
• Gravity
– used to control the alignment of the text in CheckBox like
left, right, center, top, bottom, center_vertical,
center_horizontal etc.

• Text
– used to set the text in a check box.
– We can set the text in xml as well as in the java class.

Setting text in CheckBox In Java class:


• Padding
– is used to set the padding from left, right, top or bottom.
• paddingRight :
– set the padding from the right side of the check box.
• paddingLeft :
– set the padding from the left side of the check box.
• paddingTop :
– set the padding from the top side of the check box.
• paddingBottom :
– set the padding from the bottom side of the check box.
• Padding :
– set the padding from the all side’s of the check box. 41
android:text="Padding Attribute Of Check Box" android:textColor="#44f"
android:textSize="20sp" android:textStyle="bold|italic"
android:checked="false" android:padding="30dp"/>
<!--30dp padding from all side’s-->

Lab Exercise

Toggle Button

 is used to display checked and unchecked state of a

 basically an off/on button with a light indicator which
indicate the current state of toggle button.
 Example :
 on/off in sound, Bluetooth, wifi, hotspot etc.
 It is a subclass of compoundButton.

 is a two-state toggle switch widget that can select between
two options.
 It is used to display checked and unchecked state of a button
providing slider control to user.
 Switch is a subclass of CompoundButton.
 It is basically an off/on button which indicate the current state
of Switch.
 It is commonly used in selecting on/off in Sound, Bluetooth,
WiFi etc.
 As compared to ToggleButton Switch provides user slider
control. The user can simply tap on a switch to change its
current state.
Radio Button

 Similar to checkboxes, except that only one option can be selected

in the group.

 Allows the user to select one option from a set

 To create each radio button option, create a RadioButton

in your layout
 Group the RadioButton inside a RadioGroup, the system
ensures that only one radio button can be selected at a

 Spinners provide a quick way to select one value from a set.

 Used to display the multiple options to the user in which only one
item can be selected by the user.
 Associated with Adapter view
 In the default state, a spinner shows its currently selected value.
 Touching the spinner displays a dropdown menu with all other
available values, from which the user can select a new one

 Android provides controls for the user to pick a time or pick a date
as ready-to-use dialogs.
 Each picker provides controls for selecting each part of the time
(hour, minute, AM/PM) or date (month, day, year).
 Using these pickers helps ensure that your users can pick a time or
date that is valid, formatted correctly, and adjusted to the user's
 We recommend that you use DialogFragment to host each time or
date picker.
• The DialogFragment manages the dialog lifecycle for you and
allows you to display the pickers in different layout
configurations, such as in a basic dialog on handsets or as an
embedded part of the layout on large screens.

 A tooltip is a small descriptive message that appears near a view
when users long press the view or hover their mouse over it.
 This is useful when your app uses an icon to represent an action
or piece of information to save space in the layout.

Android Progress Bar

 A user interface element that indicates the progress of an operation.

 Progress bar supports two modes to represent progress:

determinate, and indeterminate.
 For a visual overview of the difference between determinate and
indeterminate progress modes, see Progress & activity.
 Display progress bars to a user in a non-interruptive way.
 Show the progress bar in your app's user interface or in a
notification instead of within a dialog.


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