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The Role of a

Nationally and
Governments usually enforce countries, cities and most importantly, economies. The main role of a

government is to protect or improve the welfare of their citizens and (or) people. To do this, they require

this society to pay taxes for the government to continue their operations and to continue providing the

most important services, which include health care, infrastructure and many more. As you can tell by

now, governments have immense power and an even more important duty to fulfill. Governments have

roles locally, nationally and internationally.

The Role of a Government locally
There are two types of governments; central and federal. Both of these types of governments require the

money from taxes to fulfill their duty locally to fund local services like schools and hospitals. A central

government funds local governments to function these services and to improve their quality.
The Role of a Government
The government’s role nationally goes a bit more in-depth and focuses on more areas, due to

their role affecting a larger area rather than just a local area. The central government focuses on

macroeconomic aims that will help the national in many criteria. A government’s role nationally

is macroeconomically balanced with macroeconomic policies, those being fiscal policies, monetary

policies, supply-side policies and environmental policies.

The Role of a Government

The main role of a government internationally is for them to trade necessities with other countries, presumably a

modern economy. Some countries/governments might be involved in a trading bloc, a free trade area which

promotes the free movement of factors of production between the countries that are a part of it. Their role

internationally strings along with their national role. Trading will effectively improve the country’s economy and

benefit it in lacking areas.


In conclusion, the government’s role locally, nationally and internationally benefit and improve our world in many

ways. The government’s role is immense as it is the building block of schools, hospitals and the economy as a

whole. Watching this presentation, I hope you, the viewer has a better understanding of the government’s roles and

to not bring down as much criticism as you could have or would have, because they have a massive duty to fulfill

and some people only focus on the bad actions governments take.
Hodder Education: Economics Second Edition (Textbook)

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