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The Contemporary

World Globality:
Globalization as condition:
Lesson 1: Introduction to the
 Future social condition is characterized by thick
Contemporary World economic, politics and cultural interconnections
and global flows that make currently existing
The Relevance of this Course political borders and economic barriers
 Major themes in the study of the world while irrelevant.
providing opportunities for you to connect this
knowledgge with your experiences as a Filipino Globalism:
student. Steger (2014b) claimed that globalization is an
 Studying the outside world is a cure to ideology.
parochialism or an outlook that is limited to
one’s immediate community. Appadurai’s (1996) five dimensions of global cultural
 Parochial- A person who is concerned only with flow:
his/her family , village or even country. 1. Ethnoscope - is a global movement of people
 Our national hero, Jose Rizal said that anyone 2. Mediascope - is flow of culture
who has learned about the world will be 3. Technoscape - is a circulation of mechanical goods
haunted by the “Ghost of comparisons” and software.
 Filipinos are increasingly becoming aware of 4. Financescape - is the global circulation of money.
this interedependence. You cannot avoid 5. Ideoscape - is the realm of political ideas and the
globalization so you might as well study it. windows into the broader phenomenon of the
Interdependence refers to two or more countries
that impact and rely on each other. Economic experts:
Globalization is the economic, social and political  Fast speed of trade ( importing and exporting
interaction and integration of people in different are done in just a millsecond through a
areas of the world. technology);
 Global economic organizations international
Lesson 2: Concepts of Globalization Monetary Fund ( IMF), World Bank (WB),
World Trade Organization ( WTO),
International Labor Organization (ILO) ,
 Globalization plays a vital role in the economic
ASEAN, etc.
system of the world.
 Multinational an transnational corporations.
 The world economy which is set to be a system
 Free trade ( governments not to restrict the
of being globalized.
importation of products and the exportation
 It involves of spreading ideas, practices and
of local products)
 It is connectivity across the entire world of the
Culture experts:
economic and cultural life that increased
Globalization means:
throughout the centuries.
 Establishment “global village ( media, Facebook
has connected on the world);
Definition of Terms:
 “shrinking world” (breaking culture-borderless
Cultural Imperialism - is a conviction that there is a
world ;
better culture.
 Adoption of the other cultures. (KPOP)
Globalism - is a widespread belief among power
people that the global integration of economic
Political Science Expert:
markets is beneficial for everyone since it spreads
Globalization serves as a challenge to the nation -
freedom and democracy across the world.
Globalization - is the expansion and intensification of
 Strengthening of regional blocks (ASEAN( (UN);
social relations and consciousness across world time
 Emergence of global political norms (the norm
and world space.
that each country is entitled to the expoliation
Globality - is a future social condition characaterized
of human resources for its own growth );
by thick economic, political and cultural
 International laws (conflicts); and world
interconnections and global flows that make
currently existing political borders and economics
Four Attributes of Globalization:
Global Village - is a concept explaining that through
1. Globalization occurs worldwide
globalization and communication technology the
2. Intensification and acceleration of social exchange
world has become borderless.
3. Expansion and stretching of social relations
4. Various forms of connectivity international capital, and wide and rapid
spread of technology.
A. Globalization occurs worldwide. In 2008, the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Every person is a global citizen because he thinks defined economic globalization as a historical
about the issues of the world. process, the result of human innovation and
 Think about the world technological progress. "It refers to the services
 Associate ourselves with global trends. increasing integration of economies around the
 Sense of responsibilities world, particularly through the movement of goods,
and capital across borders.
B. Globalization intensification and acceleration of
social exchanges and activities. Benczes (2014) identifies four interconnected
 Doot to door mail delivery dimensions of economy namely:
 Live TV telecast (1) globalization of trade and goods and services;
 Travel capacities brought about by low airfaces (2) globalization of financial and capital markets;
(3) globalization of technology and communication;
C. Globalization expansion and stretching social and
relations. (4) globalization of production.
 Regional and international non- governmental
organizations (NGOs) and humanitarian ACTORS THAT FACILITATE ECONOMIC
institutions. GLOBALIZATION
 Government associations  Boyer and Drache (1996) stated that the role of
 Multinational companies nation- states as manager of the national
economy is being redefined by globalization.
D. Globalization has various forms of connectivity. Although such is the case, nation-states still act
 They are diverse. (economic , political and as buffer to negative effects of globalization.
 In support, Brodie (1996) calls the government
Lesson 3: The Structures of as the "midwives" of globalization. It means
that nation-states are still relevant despite
Globalization assuming a global perspective and act as
mediators between the effects of globalization
Economic globalization is the expanding and the national economy.
interdependence of world economies.
Global corporations are companies expanded outside  On the other hand, some experts claim that the
their home countries. actors are now the global corporations.
Global Governance is the totality of norms, laws , Ohmae (1995) argues that the nation-state has
policies and bodies that defines comprise and ceased to exist as the primary economic
facilitate transnational relations between citizens , organization unit in the global market.
states , cultures , intergovernmental and non
governmental organizations.  The establishment of an international
Globalism is an attitude that seeks to understand all monetary system (IMS) is one of the actors
the interconnections of the modern world and to that facilitate economic globalization. IMS
highlight the patterns that underlie them. refers to internationally agreed rules,
Global Interstate System seeks to form collaboration conventions, and institutions for facilitating
among nation states through the establishment of international trade, investments and flow of
intergovernmental organizations. capital among nation-states.
Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) are
facilitators of connections among nation-states. MARKET INTEGRATION
Internationalism is a practice of interdependent  Role of international financial institutions in the
collaboration. creation of a global economy
Nation-state is a political community that emanates
from civic society to legitimately execute peace.  After the second world war, almost all countries
around the world faced the great challenge of
ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION bringing their feet back on the ground. As a
 Steger's (2014) definition of globalization as substitute to the unsuccessful League of
the expansion and intensification of social Nations, the United Nations (UN) was
relations and consciousness across world time established on October 24, 1945. Primarily, it
and space implies that there are various forms was tasked to promote international
of connectivity. cooperation and to restore international order.
 (Shangquan 2000) attributes this to the
growing scale of cross-border trade  In the 1960s, regional development banks
commodities and services, flow of were established: the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) in 1960 and the African
Development Bank (AfDB) in 1964. These two
are intergovernmental financial institutions that
were created to spur social progress and
economic growth in order to address and
reduce poverty. As financial institutions, ADB
and AfDB are anchored on the goal of fostering
sustainable development in their respective
member countries.

 Both intergovernmental and private financial

institutions help facilitate the functionality of
a global economy by lending money to their
member states and global corporations. For
example, the World Bank helps in project
lending, establishes structural reforms, provides
support and technical assistance, and helps
design modern and durable social safety nets
for the benefit of both developed and
developing nations (Stiglitz, 1998).

History of global market integration in the 20th

Global market integration did not happen overnight.
It was the result of the establishment of a global
economy that involved the homogenization of trade
and commerce. Prior to trends in globalization of the
20th century, international trade and exchange of
goods and services were already practiced.

American corporations operating internationally

were at a great advantage after the war for they had
no competition. They had the capacity to produce,
organize, and distribute products because America
was not devastated by the war. Literatures officially
traced the start of the contemporary market
integration from the return of the Japanese and
European corporations to the global market.

Attributes of Global Corporation

The ascent of global corporations is a reflection of a
globalized market integration. TNCs and MNCs are
no longer limited to their home countries. They are
able to expand their reach to other continents and

These global corporations have common attributes.

Neubauer (2014) identifies three of them- an agent
of desired economic development, an economic
prominence, and a very powerful entity that can
create a crisis.

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