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Social Science


My Grandfather‘s Watch
• This watch belongs to my Paternal Grandpa. My grandpa’s
name is BAIDHARA DEY. He used to wear this watch all the
time . This watch is 41 years old since he bought . In,our
village there is principal that has to be followed after
Someone’s death.The principal says that The kids of the
dead person had to take their Father’s/Mother’s favorite
things to have a sign of love and could realize their parents

• After,my grandpa’s death my father brought this lovely

watch to home. When I miss my grandpa ,I used to wear this
watch on my hand.

This class photograph is of my class

nursery .I got it from my Gyan Bharati
School .It is atleast 7 years old since I
bought it.All the children got this at the end
of the year.

When I miss my old classmates, I used to see

this photograph.I have a lot of fun in seeing
my classmates and my photograph in FORM of a
cute child.

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