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Table of
With the example With the example

With the example With the example
What is Extrinsic Element ?

Extrinsic Elements are elements outside the literary works, but it does not directly affect
the structure or organism system literature. Extrinsic elements consist of individual
subjectivity authors state that have attitudes, beliefs, and worldviews that all it affects
the work done. In addition, the extrinsic elements related to psychology author and
author of circumstances in terms of both economic, political,cultural, and social.
Social Background
Extrinsic Element
What is Social Background ?

Social Background is a social condition of the author

that influences the author in creating his work. This

means that social background is one of the factors

that influence the work.

Below is an excerpt from the story of “ The Old Man, The Fruit Trader “ which has a
social element in it which is indicated by an explanation of social conditions,

Every morning, where everyone is busy with all their respective activities, some
will go to their work places, some want to go to school or college for college and
some are ready to work in their respective offices.
In the midst of all that busyness, there is an old man who sells fruit named Sam
who every morning is always seen with enthusiasm and tirelessly carrying his basket
of fruit to offer to everyone who passes by.
If you look at his physical appearance, Mr. Sam is not perfect when he is
walking, but because of the necessity to earn a living, he does it all with enthusiasm
and never gives up.
Cultural Background
Extrinsic Element
Cultural Background is a

Cultural condition of the author

that influences the author in

What Is Cultural creating his work. This means

Background ? that Cultural background is one

of the factors that influence the

Below is an excerpt from the story of “ Hometown “ which has a cultural element in it
which is indicated by an explanation of cultural conditions,

“ Seeing them playing happily, made me think again, my childhood memories came
back. If I'm not mistaken the name is stilts. A traditional game made of two pairs of
round bamboos that vary in length from 2 meters to 3.5 meters and are provided with
a footrest at the bottom. The distance between the tip of the lower bamboo with the
footing, on average up to 1 meter. How to play it is a little difficult for beginners. The
first thing to do is try to stand up straight on the stilts. Both feet rest on the footing
and both hands hold on to the top of the bamboo. After finding a good balance point,
then we start to walk slowly and walk as usual. It's very difficult and exhausting, but
still fun.”
Political Background
Extrinsic Element
What is Political Background ?

Political Background is a Political condition

of the author that influences the author in

creating his work. This means that Political

background is one of the factors that

influence the work.

Below is an excerpt from the story of “ Hell in Politics“ which has a political element in
it which is indicated by an explanation of political conditions,

“ Until one day what I imagined happened. The day I didn't want this to happen. That
day my father was proven to have made a grave mistake. It was so big, it made my
family name shattered into pieces. Everyone criticizes and blasphemes here and
there. Why? Yes, because my father committed the act of "CORRUPTION". My dad
ended up doing what I was afraid of and didn't want. My father cheated because of
the great political pressure. Campaign costs are not cheap to make my father finally
do it. Honestly, I'm embarrassed. I'm broken. I don't know what to say or do. My
father and I became a byword in school and society. I was ridiculed and
Economic Background
Extrinsic Element
Economic Background is an

economic condition of the author

that influences the author in

What Is Economic creating his work. This means

Background ? that Economic background is

one of the factors that influence

the work.
Below is an excerpt from the story of “ Newspaper Seller“ which has a economic
element in it which is indicated by an explanation of economic conditions,

“ On the eastern horizon, the sun has not yet appeared. The air in the morning was
cold. Nature is still covered with morning dew. A child pedals his bicycle in the middle
of an empty street. Who is that child? He is a newspaper seller, whose name is Ipiin.
By five in the morning, he had arrived at the newsagents of several publishers. "Take
how many Ipiin?" asked Ipul. "It's okay," answered Ipiin. Ipul took a number of
newspapers and magazines that Ipiin usually brought for his subscriptions. When he
was done, he left. He goes to his loyal customers. From one house to another. That's
how Ipiin works every day. Deliver newspapers to their customers. All of this he did
with joy, sincerity and a sense of responsibility “
Thanks !
Any Question ?

Present By Group 7
Class B

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