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Human Computer Interaction

Lecture 18

Evaluation Through User

- Controlled evaluation of specific aspects of interactive

- Evaluator chooses hypothesis to be tested

- A number of experimental conditions are considered

which differ only in the value of some controlled variable.

- Changes in behavioural measure are attributed to

different conditions
Experimental factors
Users – representative, sufficient sample
Things to modify and measure
What you’d like to show
Experimental design
How you are going to do it

- Participants should be chosen to match the expected user

population as closely as possible.

-If participants are not actual users they should be a similar

age, education or profession.

- Sample size must be large enough to be considered to

represent the actual user population.

- independent variable (IV)

characteristic changed to produce different conditions
e.g. interface style, number of menu items etc.

- dependent variable (DV)

characteristics measured in the experiment
e.g. time taken, number of errors etc.
- Prediction of outcome
States that a variation in the independent variables will
cause a difference in the dependent variables.

e.g. “error rate will increase as font size decreases”

- Null hypothesis:
- states no difference between conditions
- aim is to disprove this

e.g. null hypothesis. = “no change with font size”

Observational Methods

Think Aloud
Cooperative evaluation
Protocol analysis
Post-task walkthroughs
Think Aloud
- user observed performing task
- user asked to describe what he is doing and why, what he
thinks is happening etc.

- simplicity - requires little expertise
- can show how system is actually being used
Cooperative evaluation
- variation on think aloud
- user collaborates in evaluation
- both user and evaluator can ask each other questions

Additional advantages
- less constrained and easier to use
- user is encouraged to criticize system
- clarification possible
Protocol Analysis
Methods for recording user actions including:
- paper and pencil – cheap, limited to writing speed
- audio – good for think aloud, difficult to match with other protocols
- video – accurate and realistic, needs special equipment.
- computer logging – automatic and modest, large amounts of data
difficult to analyze
- user notebooks – records every few minutes or hourly, good for
longitudinal studies
- Mixed use in practice.
audio/video transcription difficult and requires skill.
Post-Task walkthroughs
- user reacts on action after the event

- analyst has time to focus on relevant incidents
-avoid excessive interruption of task

- lack of freshness
Query Techniques
• analyst questions user on one-to-one basis
usually based on prepared questions
• Informal and relatively cheap

• Advantages
– can be varied to suit context
– issues can be explored more fully
– can extract user views and identify unexpected problems
• Disadvantages
– time consuming
• Set of fixed questions given to users

• Advantages
– quick and reaches large user group
• Disadvantages
– less flexible
– less questioning
Questionnaires (ctd)
• Need careful design
– what information is required?
– how are answers to be analyzed?

• Styles of question
– general
– open-ended
– multi-choice
– ranked
Physiological methods
Eye tracking
Physiological measurement
Eye Tracking
• head or desk mounted equipment tracks the position of the
• eye movement reflects the amount of cognitive processing a
display requires
• measurements include
– fixations: eye maintains stable position. Number and duration indicate
level of difficulty with display
– saccades: rapid eye movement from one point of interest to another
– scan paths: moving straight to a target with a short fixation at the
target is optimal
• Still a lot of research is needed in this area
Physiological Measurements
• emotional response is linked to physical changes
• these may help determine a user’s reaction to an
• Measurements are made by attaching various sensors to
Physiological Measurements
• Measurements include:
– heart activity, including blood pressure and pulse.
• May represent stress or anger
– activity of sweat glands: indicated by skin resistance
• Represent mental effort needed
– electrical activity in muscle: measured by electromyogram (EMG)
• Reflect involvement in a task
– electrical activity in brain: electroencephalogram (EEG)
• Reflect decision making and motivation
• Some difficulty in interpreting these physiological
– Increased pulse rate <- (frustration with the interface OR Stress at
being unable to complete the task)
• More research needed

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