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Name : Rohmah Dina Nur Kusuma
NIM : 190102046
Prodi : D3 Nursing
1. Be confident
By increasing your self-confidence, you will surely be
more courageous to invite you to meet new people.
If you keep quiet and are embarrassed to start, surely
this will get you nowhere and become a barrier for
you to make new friends.
So, now is the time for you to go outside to find and
show your true self with confidence!
2. Don't overthinking
Usually what is an obstacle to the emergence of self-
confidence in getting acquainted with someone is
"overthinking" aka fear of things that haven't happened
It's better to get rid of this mindset, because it only
prevents you from making new friends.
Usually overthinking occurs when you are too focused
on thinking about your suitability or worrying about not
being accepted by the environment and new people.
3. Start the conversation
After you have self-confidence and have successfully
overcome overthinking, of course you are starting to
dare to invite new people to chat.
If you are confused about what topic to start a
conversation with, you can start from just asking light
questions or general topics that are being discussed
among people.
4. Don't brag
Many people want to make friends and become
popular by bragging about themselves. It aims to
seek and get more attention from others.
But this is actually not good for you, yes, because this
way you will not get real friends.
5. Social media
By using this application, you don't need to meet in
person and be able to get acquainted online first.
Suitable, right, for the shy one?
However, after getting acquainted and feeling like
you have clicked on each other, make sure you also
invite new friends to meet up.
6. Maintain friendship
Sometimes you don't realize, yes, if you actually have lots of
friends. Starting from friends during school, college, to the
workplace office before you were in the current situation.
However, because there are quite a lot of names, of course
there are some names that are forgotten or you were not
close enough before.
Well, now there's nothing wrong with it, you know, to start
deepening your relationship with them. How to get started
is easy, really, you can start greeting them via social media.
7. Expand the outside activities
Starting from jogging around the complex or just
sitting in the garden in the afternoon. Later you will
meet many people who do the same activities as
Well, here is your chance to make new friends.
Especially if the activities you do with them are the
same, surely it will be easy for you to find a match,
8. Join the community
After you meet people who have the same interests
and activities as you, furthermore you can, you know,
build or join their community.
Joining and participating in a community increases
your chances of expanding friendships.
You often socialize with people who have the same
interests and passions, guaranteed to add to your
experience and hone your skills in this field.
So in conclusion, we have to be confident, don't
overdo it, don't brag, use social media to get
acquainted, maintain friendship, multiply outside
activities and join the community.

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