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Women’s Campus

MIS 102

Introduction to Classes and Objects

© Yanbu University College

Course Objective

• Objective of this course is to make students

familiar with the concepts of object-oriented

• Concepts will be reinforced by their

implementation in

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What is Visual Basic .NET?
• Visual Basic .NET, or VB.NET, is an upgrade to the last version
of VB (version 6.0) that conforms to the .NET platform.
• Visual Basic is an object-oriented language that consists of
two fundamental parts: a visual part and a language part.
• The visual part of the language consists of a set of objects,
while the language part consists of a high-level procedural
programming language.
• Both elements of the language are used together to create
• An application is simply a VB program that can be run under
the Windows operating system.
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What is Visual Basic .NET?
• From a user’s standpoint, the visual part of an
application is provided within a window. It is the
graphical user interface (GUI) that allows the user to
see the input and output provided by the application
• For the language element: before GUIs, computer
programs consisted entirely of a sequence of
instructions to which a computer could respond. The
set of instructions and rules that could be used to
construct a program is called a programming
language (code).
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Procedural Vs. OOP Languages
• Procedural Language:
o It describes a list of instructions for solving a problem.
o The main unit in procedural programming is function
o It concentrates on and starts with creating functions
o It separates the data of the program from the operations
that manipulate the data
o A program has been viewed as a logical procedure that
takes input data, processes it, and produces output data.

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Procedural Vs. OOP Languages
• Object-Oriented Programming Language:
o OOP is a programming language model organized around
"objects" rather than "actions"
o The fundamental idea behind OO languages is to
combine into a single unit both data and the functions
that operate on that data.
o The main unit in OOP is class
o An object's functions are the only way to access its data.
If you want to read a data item in an object, you will call
one of the object's functions.
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Procedural Vs. OOP Languages
• Object-Oriented Programming Language:
o It starts from isolating the classes, and then look for the methods
inside them.
o One of the main principle of object oriented
programming language is encapsulation that everything
an object will need must be inside of the object

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Procedural Vs. OOP Languages
o OO gives data more central position in program and ties
the data more closely to functions that act on it.
Data Data


Functions Data
Functions Functions Functions


Functions Functions

Procedural OOP
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Concept of Class and Object

o Refers to a blueprint and
definition of object
o Properties and methods
of objects are defined in class.
o It is a mechanism of creating objects.

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Concept of Class and Object
Something real, examples:
o Khalid
o House
o Car
o Book

o Khalid lives in the house
o Khalid drives the car
o Khalid reads the book
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Concept of Class and Object
• An object has
o State (attributes)
o Well-defined behavior (operations/methods)
o Unique identity
• Example – Khalid is an Object
o State (Attributes)
⁻ Name
⁻ Age
o Behavior (Operations/Methods)
⁻ Walks
⁻ Eats
o Identity
⁻ His name
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Concept of Class and Object

o OO model consists of several interacting objects
o It is an instance of a class.
o Each object has a class which
defines its data and behavior

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The Relationship Between Classes and Objects
• Class is a Drawing while Object is a Building
• A class is a template or a blueprint of the entity
that the class represents. To use a class's field or
method or any other member, you need to first
turn the class into an object.
• In OOP, an object is said to be an instance of a
• One class can create many objects.

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How to create Class and Objects
Class Declaration
• A class in VB.NET is declared using the keyword Class

• Syntax:
Class ClassName
End Class

• Example:
Class Employee
End Class
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How to create Class and Objects

Class Instantiation Syntax

Dim ObjectName As ClassName
ObjectName = New ClassName()

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How to create Class and Objects

Class Instantiation
1. Declare an object variable of type Employee. The
variable is called AliEmployee Constructor
2. Instantiate Employee with the keyword New is a special
type of
Dim AliEmployee As Employee method that
is used only
AliEmployee = New Employee() when an
object is
Call to created to
Constructor initialize the
object data.

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• A Method is a procedure built into the class. They
are a series of statements that are executed when
• Methods allow us to handle code in a simple and
organized fashion.
• There are two types of methods in VB .NET:
o Functions Procedure : those that return a value
o Sub Procedure: those that do not return a value

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• Method Syntax:
Sub CalculateGPA()
' Do something here
End Sub
Function GetValue() As Integer
' Do something here
Return Value
End Function

Example: Class Employee with method CalculatePay

Class Employee
Public Sub CalculatePay ()
' Do something here
End Sub
©End Class
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• Method Variables
o Variables declared within methods are called method
o They have method scope 

• Calling Methods
o A method is not executed until it is called.
o A method is called by referencing its name along with
any required parameters

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• Variables declared in the body of method
o Called Local Variables
o Can only be used within that method

• Variables declared in a class declaration

o Called Instance Variables
o Each object of the class has a separate instance of the

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• Variables declared in the body of a particular method are
local variables and can be used only in that method. When
a method terminates, the values of its local variables are
• When you declare a variable within a class, every time you
instantiate a new object from the class, you get a new copy
of each instance variable of that class, and that copy is
associated with the new object.

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• All object instances have their own copies of

instance variables—that is, each object (instance)
of the class has a separate instance of the variable
in memory.
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VB.NET Language Basic Concepts
1. Source Files
– VB.NET source code is saved in files with a .vb
– Source files are plain-text files that can be created and
edited with any text editor, including Notepad.
– For Visual Studio .NET, source files are listed in the
Solution Explorer window, and all source is included
from these files when the solution is built.

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VB.NET Language Basic Concepts
2. Identifiers
– are names given to namespaces, types (classes,
standard modules, interfaces, and delegates), type
members (methods, constructors, events, constants,
fields, and properties), and variables.
– Identifiers must begin with either an alphabetic or
underscore character ( _ ), may be of any length, and
after the first character must consist of only
alphanumeric and underscore characters.

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VB.NET Language Basic Concepts
3. Keywords
– are words with special meaning in a programming
– In VB.NET, keywords are reserved; that is, they cannot
be used as naming variables and subroutines.
4. Literals
– Literals are representations of values within the text of a
– Literals have many types: numeric, string, character,
date, Boolean, and Nothing.

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VB.NET Language Basic Concepts
5. Types
– Types in Visual Basic .NET are divided into two
categories: value types and reference types
– When a variable holds a value type, it holds the data
within its own memory allocation.
– When a variable holds a reference type, a reference to
the data (also known as a pointer) is stored in the
variable, and the data itself is stored somewhere else.

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VB.NET Language Basic Concepts
6. Namespace
– Thousands of types are defined in the .NET Framework. In
addition, programmers can define new types for use in their
programs. With so many types, name clashes are inevitable.
– To prevent name clashes, types are considered to reside inside of
– Example: Console class, which is defined in the System
7. Variables
– is an identifier that is declared in a method and that stands for a
value within that method.
– Its value is allowed to change within the method. Each variable is
of a particular type, and that type is indicated in the declaration of
the variable.
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VB.NET Language Basic Concepts
8. Scope
– refers to the so-called visibility of identifiers within source
– Given an identifier declaration, the scope of the identifier
determines where it is legal to reference that identifier in code.
9. Access Modifiers
– They control the accessibility of types (including classes,
standard modules) and type members (including methods,
constructors, events, and properties) to other program
– They are part of the declarations of types and type members
such as Public and Private
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VB.NET Language Basic Concepts
10. Interfaces
– An interface is a description of the actions that an
object can do
– In object-oriented programming, an interface generally
defines the set of methods (or messages) that an
instance of a class that has that interface could respond

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