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Memenuhi Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu :
Ratna Purwanti, S. Pd. MPd dan Wulan Aulia Azizah, M.Pd



Nama :Fatmawati
NIM :1910125120037
No. Absen :09
03 Kelas :5B PGSD 06
Culture plays a very important role in human life. As we know that human civilization on
earth is the result of culture. Then in modern life today, the original culture of the Indonesian
nation is slowly experiencing a shift in values by the influx of globalization that opens up border-
less state opportunities. While on the other hand, the independence of a nation cannot be sepa-
rated from its ability to maintain the noble values and culture of its nation. Therefore, the exis-
tence of the value of local cultural wisdom of the archipelago as an integrated part of national
culture is needed.
On the other hand, customs as a noble value owned by indigenous peoples have begun
to show symptoms of near extinction due to lack of preservation from various parties. For exam-
ple, one of the local traditions of the Dayak Tribe in Sintang Regency, namely the activities of
Gawai dayak which is a condition with values that are the character of the Indonesian nation
that need to be maintained. For that it is our duty as a young generation to be able to preserve
the local culture of the tribes in the regions so as not to fade. From some of the things that have
been described above, the constituents feel interested and need to provide an understanding of
the importance of nusantara culture in the form of participation as a young generation in the
form of a written idea entitled "Maintaining the Existence of Local Culture of the Archipelago
Amid the Current of Globalization Through the Preservation of The Dayak Sintang Gadget Tradi-
tion". 04
The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a form of case study research.
Case studies are one of the research methods of the social sciences. Bogdan & Biklen said: "A case
study is a detailed examination of one setting or one single subject or one single depository of doc-
ument or one particular event." Furthermore, Bogdan &Biklen describes the general design of a case
study as follows:
 researchers look for places and people to be used as subjects or data sources,
 find the desired location to be studied and then try to consider the feasibility of the place or data
source to achieve its destination,
 looking for the keys to how it can go and what it should do,
 start collecting data, reviewing, and exploring it,
 make a decision about the direction to go with his research,
 make decisions about how to manage time, who will be interinterviuw and what will be dug deep,
 modify the design continuously and choose procedures that are more in accordance with the
topic of kaian,
 make decisions regarding what aspects among the settings, subjects, or data sources to be stud-
ied, and
 Develop focus. The case study method of the data collection process and research activities will
narrow down the regions, subjects, materials, topics, and themes.
From the beginning of the extensive search, researchers moved toward more targeted data collec-
tion and analysis. In this study, the case studied was to maintain the existence of the local culture of
the archipelago amid the current of globalization through the preservation of the Dayak Sintang gad-
get tradition.
Results and Discussions
Local cultures usually grow and develop within a particular tribal
In the current adult era, the influence of globalization has spread community or region because of its preserved hereditary heritage.
into our country, namely the country of Indonesia. The influx of In line with this opinion Judistira stated that local culture is com-
globalization can bring a positive and negative influence. plementary to regional culture, and regional culture is an essential
part in the form of national culture.

The impact of globalization will be cultural changes that In the indigenous Dayak people of Sintang Regency,
occur in traditional societies, namely the change from a there is a tradition that has begun to shift its imple-
closed society to a more open society, from homoge- mentation as an ancestral culture from traditional to
neous values to pluralism of social values and norms. modern as a result of the influx of globalization influ-
ences, such as the implementation of Dayak Gadgets.

Then, the rapid flow of information and communication creates Solusi yang pernah ditawarkan Sudah sangat banyak so-
a tendency that fades the original culture. Advances in trans- lusi yang pernah dilakukan pemerintah dalam
portation, telecommunications, and technology can reduce the melestarikan budaya lokal serta memperkenalkannya
spirit to preserve local culture that has the values of wisdom as pada para wisatawan lokal maupun asing yang berkun-
the ancestral heritage of the Indoensia nation. jung untuk mengenal ataupun berlibur di Indonesia.

Indonesia has a variety of cultures spread from sabang to merauke. Therefore, we as citizens, especially the
younger generation, should preserve and maintain local cultures in the Indonesian archipelago, especially local
cultures such as dayak traditions in Dayak gadget activities. Indonesian culture is the identity owned by Indonesia
that distinguishes the country of Indonesia from other countries and makes a distinctive feature that is only owned
by Indonesia. In this day and age, the current of globalization has spread into Indonesia. This is feared to be able
to shift and rewind the local culture of the archipelago. For that we as young people of the nation should be able
to preserve our culture and be able to make something that can maintain the integrity of the culture in Indonesia.
Then the existence of the value of local cultural wisdom of the archipelago amid the current of globalization
through the preservation of the tradition of Gawai Dayak Sintang will depend heavily on the efforts of the three
parties, namely the government, schools and the community. If the three related components synergize with each
other in maintaining culture then the influx of globalization flows is not a threat to Indonesian culture.

Your Text Here
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