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Things you need to know:

‡ Not all strategies will apply

‡ Consult legal counsel and exhaust all of the top defense strategies listed.

‡ Ask questions about the pros and cons of certain strategies in your case.


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3. The officer lacked probably cause for the DUI arrest.

2. Innocent explanations for your faulty driving.

3. Fatigue symptoms are often times confused with DUI.

4. Your blood alcohol level was rising.

5. The arresting officer failed to read you your Miranda rights.

6. Alcohol on your breath does not mean that you are under the influence.


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. GERD or heartburn caused a false high reading on the breath test.

8. Weaving within your lane does not justify a DUI stop.

9. Inherent error rate in DUI /DUI blood and breath testing.

3 . The officer had no baseline for your performance on the field sobriety

33. Factors other than alcohol can cause poor performance on the field
sobriety tests.

32. The standardized field sobriety tests were not properly administered.


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33. Any non-standardized field sobriety tests lack reliability.

34. Field sobriety tests provide a poor measurement of DUI impairment.

35. Mouth alcohol can contaminate the breath test results.

36. Blood breath partition ratio is inaccurate based on individual differences.


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3. The breath alcohol test yields excessively high results during absorption.

38. Police have no ³special ability´ to judge intoxication levels.

39. No sign of mental impairment and present.

2 . There may be innocent explanations for symptoms of intoxication.

23. Speeding is not correlated with DUI /DUI.


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22. Breath testing machines often mistake other chemicals for alcohol.

23. Breathing techniques may alter breath tests.

24. Non-disclosure of expert witness.

25. Right to a speedy trial not observed

26. Statute of limitations has expired.


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This information contained in this document





For more useful advice on how to protect
yourself when facing DUI charges in Albuquerque:




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