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Studies claim which since childhood till
adulthood, men and women show more
similarities tan differents. Women want
be loved, so do men.
Men have 23 pairs of chromosomes,
Women do too.
They share 22 of them. In physiologic
conditions they differ systematecally in
only one pair, the sexual one.
The distinction between male and
female is very real and very deeply
rooted. In human nature and human
Recent researches indicate women and
man are different depend of culture.
Explorative every child and every man
are most curious they discover his
identity alone in the world.
Women have always been considered
by protectors that’s why they have a
tendency to be more worried aboit
others men love taking risks and there´s
few can stop them you only live it once
it is not a phrase that leads to any good
Psychologist Janet Shibley Hyde, PhD
of the university of Wisconsin in
Madison claims according to her meta-
analysis, boys perform well in math
school, so do girls.
Geert de vries, director of the
Neuroscience Institute at Georgia State
University, argues that our brains are
not male neither are female, and
structural differences do not necessarily
cause behavioural differences.
Physiologically, male genitals are made
of mass of embryonic tissue, female are

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