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Daily Devotion 4B - Day 20 (Aug 13, 2020)
Last Sunday, my family and I went to
Grandma's house in Bogor.
Because the road to grandma's house was in heavy traffic,
Father decided to look for a shortcut.
Unfortunately, the shortcut was not familiar for him,
but Father kept finding the way.

We were just going

around for nearly 3 hours
when Mother said
"Let's stop for a while and
ask the locals the way to
Grandma's house"
But Father didn't want to listen and
continued to drive the car.
It was getting dark and we hadn't arrived yet.
Finally, Father stopped for a while and asked the local people around
the village. Then, Father was given the right direction.
We continued the journey with the
right directions and finally we
arrived at Grandma's house.
Dear friends, if we are shy or lazy to ask questions,
we can make mistakes in doing our jobs.
Be brave students!
This mother bird is looking for her 3 hidden baby birds. Try to help her
and give color when you have found them!
Bible Verse:
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my

Memory Verse:
Isaiah 28:23
Give ear and hear my voice, listen and hear my
1. Please kindly do God’s Word in SIAS
Farren, Theo, Tobias – 9 Agustus

2. Assessment in google classroom :

- Mandarin-latihan kosakata baru (Tobias) due: today
- English-exercise story book (Edrick, Jason, Theo, Cedric, Charice, Tobias)
- BI-menulis petunjuk sederhana

3. Please kindly do devotion in SIAS

(Charice, Chelsea, Darren, Edrick, Farren, Joseph, Grace, Sophie, Theo, Tobias)

4. Independence day celebration on Aug 19, 2020

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