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第三章 Chapter 3

Chinese Traditional

 1. 中国历代重要的思想家
Chinese Key Philosophers Through the Ages
 2. 中国传统思想的继承与革新
Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Traditional
 3. 传统思想对中国社会及中国人的影响
Influences of Traditional Thoughts upon Chinese
Society and Chinese People
Pre-Qin Times: The Making and
Prosperity of Chinese Thought
读前思考 Pre-reading Questions

1. 孔子为中国古代思想和教育作出了哪些贡献?
What contributions did Confucius make to Chinese
ancient thought and education?

2. 除了孔子之外,你还了解哪些著名的中国古代思想家?

Besides Confucius, do you know any other famous
ancient Chinese philosophers? What epoch they lived
respectively in, and what was their main ideas? What
influences did they bring forth to the development and
prosperity of Chinese thoughts?
The Formation of Humanism

 商周时代,人们相信“天命”。
During the Shang and Zhou eras people beli
eved in the concept of tianming(the will of he
aven; destiny).

Born by bird
天命玄鸟 , 降而生商

西周(前 1046— 前 771 )后期,社会动荡,人们开始怀

In the later period of the Western Zhou Dynasty(1046 B.C.

–771 B.C.) society was in chaos and people began to dou
bt the power of tianming.
Hundred Schools of Thought:
Golden Time of Chinese Thought
 “ 百家争鸣”
hundreds of thinkers debating
 “ 诸子百家”、“先秦诸子”
hundred philosophical factions
 春秋时期:老子、孔子、墨子
the Spring and Autumn Period : Laozi, Confucius, Mozi
 战国时期:孟子、荀子、庄子,及法家、名家、 阴阳家、
the Warring States Period : Mencius, Xunzi, Zhuangzi, a
s well as Legalists,Mystics, Agriculturalists and others.
老子 Laozi
Laozi was the founding father of Daoism.

“ 道”是天地万物的本源。
Dao (The Way) was the universal prim
e mover, the origin of all existence.

老子像 Portrait of Laozi

 宇宙中的各种事物都有对立面,但相互依存,相互转化。
Everything in the universe has its opposite and that the two ar
e interdependent and even interchangeable.

In terms of politics Laozi exalted us to “govern through non-actio

 Do whatever you want to do.

 Freedom.
道 Dao

Yin and Yang 阴阳

Sawing wood by a thread
Something seemingly bad
may turn out to be a good
thing in the end

Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise

道教 Daoism
 土生土长的中国宗教:以黄帝、老子的道 家思想为基础,并且吸收
 Daoism is a homegrown Chinese tradition based on the teachings of
the Yellow Emperor and Laozi added later to ancient traditions of wit
ch craft and supernaturalism.

Long live
Pill making Alchemy
孔子 Confucius
 孔子是儒家学派的创始人,
 Confucius was the founde
r of the Confucian school
and the main Humanist thi
nker of the Spring and Aut
umn Period.
“ 仁” Humanity
“ 礼” rites
Portrait of Confucius 教育家 educator
• Honest
• Tolerance
• Diligent 勤奋
• Charity
• Filial piety 孝

Don't pretend to know what you don't know
“ 中庸之道” the “Golden Mean” of the Way
Moderate & Greedy
Moderate, never more than enough
因材施教 teach students in accordance of their aptitude
Confucius and His Influence
读前思考 Pre-reading Questions

1. 为什么英文把“孔子”译为“ Confucius” ?为

Why 孔子 is translated into “Confucius” in
English? Why do the names of the famous
ideologists in Confucius’s time often contain

2. 请你介绍一下你所知道的孔子和他的思想,讲
Please talk about Confucius, his thoughts
and his influences on Chinese culture.
 汉朝(前 206—220 )时国家安定,统治者觉得儒家思想有
• The Han Dynasty was a time of relative peace and
Confucianism was considered a beneficial philosophy of
governance. With this the thought of Confucius was resurrected
and installed as the state philosophy. With reverence of
Confucius required this is how the seed of Confucianism as a
powerful force was planted. Hereafter, no matter how many
regime changes China underwent, Confucianism could not be
shaken from its prime position of authority.
• 孔子在教育以及整理文献方面也作了很多贡
• The influence Confucius had on education
and on the clarification of ancient texts was
great and Confucius is heralded as China’s
greatest educators, known by the respectful
title of Wan shi shi biao (An exemplary
teacher for all the ages).
北京孔庙内孔子像 北京孔庙的“万世师表”牌匾
Confucius statue in Beijing The tablet in the Temple of Confucius in
Confucius Beijing
今天:中国文化的象征, Confucius is remembered today and come to symbolis
e Chinese culture.

“ 孔子学院”“孔子课堂”。
Confucius Institute
Confucius Academy

Reading the history of Confucius’s life and times it is easy to

be confused by the many different historical characters,
especially the names of the many philosophers. Laozi,
Confucius, why do almost all of their names end in the same
sound – zi?
子”叫“ Confucius” 的起因。
Actually, the zi appendage is not part of their name, it is
in fact a respectful title, a little like the use of “Mr.” in
today’s language. Therefore, Confucius or Kongzi,
simply means Mr. Kong or Teacher Kong. Sometimes
this title would be translated as Fuzi (Master), thus
Kongfuzi. It is from this rendering of the name that we
get the English translation Confucius.
喂? Hello!
您好! How are you?
Integration and Vibrancy of
Thought in Han Dynasty
读前思考 Pre-reading Questions

Do you know what was the first dictionary in
China? Who was the author? What was the first
dictionary in your country? Please make a
comparison about their historical background
and ideological origin in which they appeared.
秦朝 Qin Dynasty

1. 秦是中国成为中央集权
文化的传播。 秦统一文字
Qin unified the character

During the Qin, China was unified under one ruler an

d political pressure allowed for standardization and si
mplification of characters which lead to an overall spr
ead of culture and ideas.
秦朝 Qin Dynasty

2. 秦政府严禁知识分子

It was forbidden under the Qin for scholars to own

private copies of Confucian or other philosophical t
汉朝 Han Dynasty
 汉武帝的时候:

董仲舒 : 主张“独尊儒术”,儒家思

 By the reign of Emperor Hanwudi, the

Confucianist Dong Zhongshu was arg
uing for the “sole obedience to Confu
cianism”, an idea that was accepted
and Confucianism thus became the
main philosophy guiding politics and
society in ancient China. Dong Zhongshu
Great Boom of Thought and
Wei-Jin Demeanor
读前思考 Pre-reading Questions

What is the relationship among Chinese
Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism?
What kind of factors had prompted the emergence
of the main thoughts of Chinese ancient times?
佛教 Buddhism
 公元 1 世纪前后传入中国
 Buddhism had been introduced into China from India
around the end of the 1st century
 魏晋南北朝:受到下层百姓的欢迎,佛寺、佛塔 遍布
 The Northern and Southern Dynasties(420–589) :
 Buddhism became a religion of the common people.Budd
hist temples and pagodas sprang up across the country.
 佛教思想:与中国人原有的思想有相通之处。
 Chinese traditions share some aspects in common with B
Yungang Grottoes in Datong, ShanxiProvince
佛教 Buddhism
 Chinese traditions share some aspects in commo
n with Buddhism.

中国传统思想 — 人性修养论
traditional Chinese thought—personal cultivation
In the Eastern Jin the Buddhist teacher ZhuDaosheng—
the inner potential to reach enlightenment if only you
can achieve consciousness of your hidden Buddhist s
Creative Efforts in Thought in
Tang Dynasty
读前思考 Pre-reading

How much do you know about Buddhism?
Do you know which sect was generated
after Buddhism was completely sinicized?
Zen Buddhism was the signthat by that stage
Buddhism had become totally Sinicized.
• 简化了修行方法,强调佛
• Zen simplifies Buddhist te
achings and concentrates
on cultivating the inner Bu
ddhist heart.Through med
itating on ones inner Bud
dhist character one achie
ves enlightenment.
坐禅 Sitting in meditation
Zen Buddhism was the signthat by that stage
Buddhism had become totally Sinicized.
1.Key Words and Phrases
In your own words, please describe the meaning
and importance of the following key words and p
hrases concerning the topic of this chapter.

Governing through inaction 无为而治

Benevolence 仁
The Doctrine of the Mean 中庸之道
Zen Buddhism 禅宗
Neo–Confucianism 理学
2.Group Discussion

In groups of 3~4 classmates, please discuss wh

at you have learned about China's ancient histor
y including discussion of the philosophical schoo
ls of thought and the backgrounds of the key thin
kers of ancient China. Then compare this with th
at of ancient Rome and India, how are they differ
ent? At the end of the group discussion each gro
up should select one person to give an 8-minute
summary of the group’s findings.
3.Research and Practice

In this chapter we learned about traditional Chines

e thoughts. Through in the-field-investigations,inte
rviewing your Chinese friends and teachers, visitin
g museums and browsing websites, please write a
short 250-word formal report giving your own impr
ession of this topic.
4.Further Reading
Should you be interested in learning more abo
ut the Chinese traditional thoughts, below are so
me useful resources to get you started:

1. A Short History of Chinese Philosophy, Fung Yulan, Reis

sue: Free Press, 1997.
2. Quotations From Confucius, Beijing: Higher Education Pr
ess, 2006.7.
3. The Classic of The Dao A New Investigation, Beijing: For
eign Language Press, 2010.9.
4. Confucius, Director: HU Mei, Leading Actor: Chow Yun F
at, 2010.
道 Dao

Yin and Yang 阴阳

National flag of South Korea

科举制 the system of centralized government

 隋朝开始实行科举考试制度。 Around 581 AD

The system of centralized government examinat
ions was set-up under the Sui.
the system of centralized government examinations
•The emperor Taizong ordered that
a new official edition of the Five Cla
ssics be distributed throughout the c
ountry that was to act as the standar
d for all scholars taking the centraliz
ed civil service examination.

“ 五经”中的《礼记》
The Book of Rite of the Five

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