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• Noise can broadly be defined as any unknown signal that affects the
recovery of the desired signal.

• The received signal is modeled as

r (t )  s (t )  w(t ) (9.1)

White process
• White process is processes in which all frequency components
appear with equal power, i.e., the power spectral density (PSD),
Sx(f), is a constant for all frequencies.
• the PSD of thermal noise, Sn(f), is usually given as Sn ( f )  kT

(where k is Boltzrnann's constant and T is the temperature)

• The value kT is usually denoted by N0, Then Sn ( f )  2

• Since baseband systems serve as a basis for comparison of various modulation
systems, we begin with a noise analysis of a baseband system.
• In this case, there is no carrier demodulation to be performed.
• The receiver consists only of an ideal lowpass filter with the bandwidth W.
• The noise power at the output of the receiver, for a white noise input, is
W N0
Pn0   df  N 0W
W 2

• If we denote the received power by PR, the baseband SNR is given by

S P
   R
 N b N 0W
• The mean of the random process
• Both noise and signal are generally assumed to have zero mean.
• The autocorrelation of the random process.
• With white noise, samples at one instant in time are uncorrelated with those at another instant in time
regardless of the separation. The autocorrelation of white noise is described by
Rw ( )   ( ) (9.2)
• The spectrum of the random process. For additive white Gaussian noise the spectrum is flat and
defined as
S w ( f )  0 (9.3)
• To compute noise power, we must measure the noise over a specified bandwidth. Equivalent-
noise bandwidth is BT

N  N 0 BT (9.4)

Signal-to-Noise Ratios

• The desired signal, ,sa(tnarrowband

) noise signal, n(t )

x(t )  s (t )  n(t ) (9.5)

• For zero-mean processes, a simple measure of the signal quality is the ratio of the
variances of the desired and undesired signals.

• Signal-to-noise ratio is defined by

E[ s 2 (t )]
SNR  (9.6)
E[n (t )]

• The signal-to-noise ratio is often considered to be a ratio of the average signal power
to the average noise power.
• If the signal-to-noise ratio is measured at the front-end of the receiver, then it is
usually a measure of the quality of the transmission link and the receiver front-

• If the signal-to-noise ratio is measured at the output of the receiver, it is a

measure of the quality of the recovered information-bearing signal whether it be
audio, video, or otherwise.

• Reference transmission model

• This reference model is equivalent to transmitting the message at baseband.

1. The message power is the same as the modulated signal power of the
modulation scheme under study.
2. The baseband low-pass filter passes the message signal and rejects out-of-
band noise. Accordingly, we may define the reference signal-to-noise ratio,
, asSNRref
average power of the modulated message signal
SNR ref  (9.11)
average power of noise mesured in the message bandwidth

post  detection SNR

Figure of merit 
• A Figure of merit reference SNR

• The higher the value that the figure of merit , the better the noise
performance of the receiver will be.

• To summarize our consideration of signal-to-noise ratios:

• The pre-detection SNR is measured before the signal is demodulated.
• The post-detection SNR is measured after the signal is demodulated.
• The reference SNR is defined on the basis of a baseband transmission model.
• The figure of merit is a dimensionless metric for comparing different analog
modulation-demodulation schemes and is defined as the ratio of the post-
detection and reference SNRs.

Noise on DSB-SC AM
• Transmitted signal : u (t )  Ac m(t ) cos2 f c t 

• The received signal at the output of the receiver noise-limiting filter : Sum of this
signal and filtered noise
• Whena filtered noise process can be expressed in terms of its in-phase and
quadrature components as

n(t )  A(t ) cos[ 2f c t   (t )]  A(t ) cos  (t ) cos( 2f c t )  A(t ) sin  (t ) sin( 2f c t )
 nc (t ) cos( 2f c t )  ns (t ) sin( 2f c t )

(where nc(t) is in-phase component and

ns(t) is quadrature component)

Effect of Noise on DSB-SC AM
• Received signal (Adding the filtered noise to the
modulated signal)
r (t )  u (t )  n(t )
 Ac m(t ) cos2 f c t   nc (t ) cos2 f c t   ns (t ) sin 2 f c t 

• Demodulate the received signal by first multiplying r(t)

by a locally generated sinusoid cos(2fct + ), where  is
the phase of the sinusoid.
• Then passing the product signal through an ideal
lowpass filter having a bandwidth W.

Effect of Noise on DSB-SC AM
• The multiplication of r(t) with cos(2fct + ) yields

r (t ) cos2 f c t   
 u (t ) cos2 f c t     n(t ) cos2 f c t   
 Ac m(t ) cos2 f c t cos2 f c t   
 nc (t ) cos2 f c t cos2 f c t     ns (t ) sin 2 f c t cos2 f c t   
 12 Ac m(t ) cos   12 Ac m(t ) cos4 f c t   
 12 nc (t ) cos   ns (t ) sin   12 nc (t ) cos4 f c t     ns (t ) sin 4 f c t   

• The lowpass filter rejects the double frequency components and

passes only the lowpass components.
y (t )  12 Ac m(t ) cos   12 nc (t ) cos   ns (t ) sin  
Effect of Noise on DSB-SC AM
• In this, the effect of a phase difference between the received
carrier and a locally generated carrier at the receiver is a drop
equal to cos2() in the received signal power.
• In our analysis in this section, we assume that we are
employing a coherent demodulator.
• With this assumption, we assume that  = 0

y (t )  1
2 Ac m(t )  nc (t )

Effect of Noise on DSB-SC AM
• Therefore, at the receiver output, the message signal and the noise components
are additive and we are able to define a meaningful SNR. The message signal
power is given by Ac2
Po  PM

• power PM is the content of the message signal

• The noise power is given by 1 1
Pn0  Pnc  Pn
4 4

• The power content of n(t) can be found by noting that it is the result of passing
nw(t) through a filter with bandwidth Bc.
Effect of Noise on DSB-SC AM
• Therefore, the power spectral density of n(t) is given by
 N20 | f  f c | W
Sn ( f )  
0 otherwise
• The noise power is
 N0
Pn   S n( f )df   4W  2WN 0
 2
• Now we can find the output SNR as
S P0 PM Ac2 PM
   1  4

 N  0 Pn0 4 2WN 0 2WN 0

• In this case, the received signal power, given by Eq. (3.2.2), is
PR = Ac2PM /2.
Effect of Noise on DSB-SC AM
• The output SNR for DSB-SC AM may be expressed as
S PR
  
 N  0 DS B N 0W
• which is identical to baseband SNR which is given by Equation (6.1.2).

• In DSB-SC AM, the output SNR is the same as the SNR for a
baseband system
 DSB-SC AM does not provide any SNR improvement over
a simple baseband communication system

Noise on SSB AM
• SSB modulated signal :u (t )  Ac m(t ) cos( 2 f ct )  Ac mˆ (t ) sin( 2 f c t )

• Input to the demodulator

r (t )  Ac m(t ) cos( 2 f c t )  Ac mˆ (t ) sin( 2 f c t )  n(t )
 Ac m(t ) cos( 2 f c t )  Ac mˆ (t ) sin( 2 f c t )  nc (t ) cos2 f c t   ns (t ) sin 2 f c t 
 Ac m(t )  nc (t )cos( 2 f c t )   Ac mˆ (t )  ns (t )sin 2 f c t 

• Assumption : Demodulation with an ideal phase reference.

• Hence, the output of the lowpass filter is the in-phase component (with a
coefficient of ½) of the preceding signal.
y (t )  1
Ac m(t )  nc (t )
Effect of Noise on SSB AM
• Parallel to our discussion of DSB, we have
Po  PM
1 1 S P0 Ac2 PM
Pn0  Pnc  Pn    
4 4  N  0 Pn0 WN 0
 N
Pn   S n( f )df  0  2W  WN 0
 2

PR  PU  Ac2 PM

S PR S
     
 0 SSB N 0W  N b

• The signal-to-noise ratio in an SSB system is equivalent to that of a DSB system. 26

Noise on Conventional AM
• DSB AM signal : u (t )  Ac [1  amn (t )] cos( 2 f c t )
• Received signal at the input to the demodulator
r (t )  Ac [1  amn (t )] cos( 2 f c t )  n(t )
 Ac [1  amn (t )] cos( 2 f c t )  nc (t ) cos2 f c t   ns (t ) sin 2 f c t 
 Ac [1  amn (t )]  nc (t )cos( 2 f c t )  ns (t ) sin 2 f c t 
• a is the modulation index
• mn(t) is normalized so that its minimum value is -1
• If a synchronous demodulator is employed, the situation is basically similar to the DSB case, except that
we have 1 + amn(t) instead of m(t).
• After mixing and lowpass filtering
y (t )  1
Ac amn (t )  nc (t )
Effect of Noise on Conventional AM
• Received signal power
PR 

1  a 2 PM n 
• Assumed that the message process is zero mean.
• Now we can derive the output SNR as
A a PM n 2
A a PM n
2 2
a PM n Ac2
2 1  a P 
    
 N  0 AM 1
4 Pnc 2 N 0W 1  a 2 PM n N 0W
a 2 PM n PR a 2 PM n  S  S
       
1  a 2 PM n 2
N 0W 1  a PM n  N b  N b
•  denotes the modulation efficiency
• Since a 2 PM n  1 a 2 PM n, the SNR in conventional AM is always smaller
than the SNR in a baseband system.
Effect of Noise on Conventional AM
• In practical applications, the modulation index a is in the range of
• Power content of the normalized message process depends on the
message source.
• Speech signals : Large dynamic range, PM is about 0.1.
• The overall loss in SNR, when compared to a baseband system, is a
factor of 0.075 or equivalent to a loss of 11 dB.
• The reason for this loss is that a large part of the transmitter power
is used to send the carrier component of the modulated signal and
not the desired signal.
• To analyze the envelope-detector performance in the presence of
noise, we must use certain approximations.
• This is a result of the nonlinear structure of an envelope detector,
which makes an exact analysis difficult.
Effect of Noise on Conventional AM
• In this case, the demodulator detects the envelope of the received signal and the
noise process.
• The input to the envelope detector is
r (t )  Ac [1  amn (t )]  nc (t )cos( 2 f c t )  ns (t ) sin 2 f c t 

• Therefore, the envelope of r ( t ) is given by

Vr (t )  Ac [1  amn (t )]  nc (t )  ns2 (t )

• Now we assume that the signal component in r ( t ) is much stronger than the noise
component. Then
Pnc (t )  Ac [1  amn (t )]  1

• Therefore, we have a high probability that

Vr (t )  Ac [1  amn (t )]  nc (t )
Effect of Noise on Conventional AM
• After removing the DC component, we obtain
y (t )  Ac amn (t )  nc (t )
• which is basically the same as y(t) for the synchronous demodulation without
the ½ coefficient.
• This coefficient, of course, has no effect on the final SNR.
• So we conclude that, under the assumption of high SNR at the receiver
input, the performance of synchronous and envelope demodulators is the
• However, if the preceding assumption is not true, that is, if we assume that, at
the receiver input, the noise power is much stronger than the signal power, Then

Effect of Noise on Conventional AM
Vr (t )  Ac [1  amn (t )]  nc (t )2  ns2 (t )
 Ac2 [1  amn (t )]2  nc2 (t )  ns2 (t )  2 Ac nc (t )[1  amn (t )]

 n (t )  n (t )1  n 2(tA) n n(t )(t ) 1  am (t )
s 2
c c
2 n
 c s 
 Ac nc (t ) 
 b
 Vn (t ) 1  2 1  amn (t )
 Vn (t ) 
A n (t )
 Vn (t )  c c 1  amn (t ) 
Vn (t )
Ac2 [1  amn (t )]2
• (a) : n 2 (t )  n 2 (t )  Vis small compared with the other components
c s n (t )
• (b) : ;the envelope of the noise process
• Use the approximation
, where 2 Ac nc (t )
1    1  2 , for small 

 2 2
1  amn (t ) 
n (t )  n (t )
c s
Effect of Noise on Conventional AM
Ac nc (t )
• Then
Vr (t )  Vn (t )  1  amn (t ) 
Vn (t )

• We observe that, at the demodulator output, the signal and the noise
components are no longer additive.
• In fact, the signal component is multiplied by noise and is no longer
• In this case, no meaningful SNR can be defined.
• We say that this system is operating below the threshold.
• The subject of threshold and its effect on the performance of a
communication system will be covered in more detail when we discuss the
noise performance in angle modulation.

• Angle modulation systems and FM can provide a high degree of noise immunity
• This noise immunity is obtained at the price of sacrificing channel bandwidth
• Bandwidth requirements of angle modulation systems are considerably higher than that of
amplitude modulation systems
• Since noise is additive, the noise is directly added to the signal.
• However, in a frequency-modulated signal, the noise is added to the amplitude and the
message is contained in the frequency of the modulated signal.
• Therefore, the message is contaminated by the noise to the extent that the added noise
changes the frequency of the modulated signal.
• The frequency of a signal can be described by its zero crossings.
• So the effect of additive noise on the demodulated FM signal can be described by the
changes that it produces in the zero crossings of the modulated FM signal.
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• In this section, we study the performance of angle-modulated signals when contaminated by
additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
• We will also compare this with the performance of AM signals.
• Recall that in AM, the message is contained in the amplitude of the modulated signal
• Since noise is additive, the noise is directly added to the signal.
• However, in a frequency-modulated signal, the noise is added to the amplitude and the
message is contained in the frequency of the modulated signal.
• Therefore, the message is contaminated by the noise to the extent that the added noise
changes the frequency of the modulated signal.
• The frequency of a signal can be described by its zero crossings.
• So the effect of additive noise on the demodulated FM signal can be described by the changes
that it produces in the zero crossings of the modulated FM signal.

Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• A figure shown in below is the effect of additive noise on zero crossings of
two FM signals, one with high power and the other with low power.
• From the previous discussion and also from the figure it should be clear
that the effect of noise in an FM system is different from that for an AM
• We also observe that the effect of noise in a low-power FM system is more
severe than in a high-power FM system.
• In a low power signal, noise causes more changes in the zero crossings.
• The analysis that we present in this chapter verifies our intuition based on
these observations.

Fig. 6.1 Effect of noise in FM

Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• The receiver for a general angle-modulated signal is shown in below
• The angle-modulated signal is represented as
 A cos 2f t  2k t m( )d  FM
  c f  
u (t )  Ac cos2f c t   (t )    c   
 Ac cos2f c t  k p m(t )  PM

• The AWGN nw(t) is added to u(t), and the result is passed through a
noise-limiting filter whose role is to remove the out-of-band noise.
• The bandwidth of this filter is equal to that of the modulated signal
• Therefore, it passes the modulated signal without distortion.
• However, it eliminates the out-of-band noise.
• Hence, the noise output of the filter is a filtered noise denoted by n(t).

Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• The output of this filter is
r (t )  u (t )  n(t )  u (t )  nc (t ) cos2 f c t   ns (t ) sin 2 f c t 

• A precise analysis is complicate due to the nonlinearity of demodulation .

• Let us assume that the signal power is much higher than the noise power.
• Then, the bandpass noise is represented as
 ns (t ) 
n(t )  nc (t )  ns (t ) cos 2f c t  arctan
2 2
  Vn (t ) cos2f c t   n (t ) 
 nc (t ) 

• where Vn(t) and n(t) represent the envelope and the phase of the bandpass noise process,

Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• Assume that the signal is much larger than the noise, that is,
PVn (t )  Ac   1
• The phasor diagram of signal and noise are shown in below.
• From this figure, it is obvious that we can write
 Vn (t ) sin  n (t )   (t )  
r (t )  Ac  Vn (t ) cos n (t )   (t ) cos 2f ct   (t )  arctan 
 Ac  Vn (t ) cos n (t )   (t )  
 Vn (t ) 
 Ac  Vn (t ) cos n (t )   (t ) cos 2f ct   (t )  sin  n (t )   (t ) 
 Ac 

Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation

 k p m(t ), PM
 (t )  
• Noting that  2k
f  m( ) d , FM
 

• We see that the output of the demodulator is given by

 Vn (t )
  (t )  sin  n (t )   (t )  PM
 Ac
y (t )  
 
 1 d  (t )  Vn (t ) sin  n (t )   (t )  FM
 2 dt  Ac 
 Vn (t )
 k p m ( t )  sin  n (t )   (t )  PM  k p m(t )  Yn (t ) PM
Ac 
  1 d
1 d Vn (t ) k m (t )  Yn (t ) FM
 k f m (t )  sin  n (t )   (t )  FM  f 2 dt
 2 dt Ac

Vn (t )
• where we define Yn (t ) def sin  n (t )   (t ) 
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
 Vn (t )
 k p m (t )  sin  n (t )   (t )  PM  k p m(t )  Yn (t ) PM
Ac 
y (t )    1 d
1 d Vn (t ) k m (t )  Yn (t ) FM
k f m(t )  sin  n (t )   (t )  FM  f 2 dt
 2 dt Ac

• The first term in above equation is the desired signal component.

• The second term is the noise component.
• The noise component is inversely proportional to the signal amplitude Ac.
• Hence, the higher the signal level, the lower the noise level.
• This is in agreement with the intuitive reasoning presented at the beginning
of this section and based on Fig. 6.1.
• This is not the case with amplitude modulation.
• In AM systems, the noise component is independent of the signal component,
and a scaling of the signal power does not affect the received noise power.
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• The properties of the noise component
Vn (t ) 1
Yn (t )  sin  n (t )   (t )   Vn (t ) sin  n (t ) cos  (t )  Vn (t ) cos  n (t ) sin  (t )
Ac Ac
 ns (t ) cos  (t )  nc (t ) sin  (t )

• when we compare variations in nc(t) and ns(t), we can assume that

(t) is almost constant, i.e., (t)  .
Yn (t )  ns (t ) cos   nc (t ) sin  
cos  sin 
 ns (t )  nc (t )
Ac Ac
 ans (t )  bnc (t )
, where a = cos/A and b = -sin /A
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• By using the result of Exercise 5.3.3, we have
S nc ( f )
SYn ( f )  a  b S nc ( f ) 
2 2

• Snc(f) is the power spectral density (psd) of the in-phase component of the filtered noise
given in (Eq. 5.3.10).
N0 | f | Bc
S nc ( f )   2

0 otherwise

• Note that the bandwidth of the filtered noise extends from fc – Bc/2 to fc + Bc/2 . Hence, the spectrum of
nc(t) extends from –Bc/2 to +Bc/2.
• Therefore
 N20 | f | Bc
SYn ( f )   Ac 2

0 otherwise
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• This equation provides an expression for the power spectral density of the filtered noise at
the front end of the receiver.
• After demodulation, another filtering is applied; this reduces the noise bandwidth to W,
which is the bandwidth of the message signal.
• Note that in the case of FM modulation, as seen in (Eq. 6.2.7), the process Yn(t) is
differentiated and scaled by 1/2.
• The PSD of the process (1/2) (dYn(t)/dt) is given by

4 2 f 2 2
 N0
f 2
| f | Bc

S Y ( f )  f SYn ( f )   Ac
2 2
4 n
 0 otherwise
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• In PM, the demodulated-noise PSD is given by (Eq. 6.2.13)
• In FM, it is given by (Eq. 6.2.14).
• In both cases, Bc/2 must be replaced by W after Lowpass filter.
• Hence, for |f|<W  N20 PM
S n0 ( f )   N 0 2
 Ac2 f FM

• Fig. 6.4 shows the power spectrum of the noise component at the output of the
demodulator for PM and FM.

Fig. 6.4 Noise power spectrum at demodulator output for |f|<W in (a) PM (b) and (b) FM. 45
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• It is interesting to note that PM has a flat noise spectrum and FM has a parabolic noise
• Therefore, the effect of noise in FM for higher frequency components is much higher than the
effect of noise on lower frequency components.
• The noise power at the output of the lowpass filter is the noise power in the frequency range
[W, +W].
• Therefore, it is given by
 W N 0 df  2WN 0
W  W Ac2  Ac2 PM
Pn0   S n0 ( f )df   W   2 N 0W 3
W Ac2 f df  3 Ac2
N0 2 FM

Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• (Eq. 6.2.7) is used to determine the output SNR in angle modulation.
• First, we have the output signal power k p2 PM PM
PSO   2
k f PM FM
• Then the SNR, which is defined as
 k p2 Ac2 PM
S S  2 NW
  def    2 2 0
 N O PnO  N O  3k f Ac PM
 2W 2 N 0W
• Noting that Ac2/2 is the received signal power, denoted by PR , and
  p
 PM
  p  k p max  m(t )  PM  PR   PM

 k f max  m(t )  S  
 max  m (t )   NW
 0
  
 f  W
 N O   f
 PM

3PR  max  m(t )  N W FM
   0
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
S PM
  
• Denote  N b N 0W

• The SNR of a baseband system with the same received power, we obtain
 PM  p2 S
 2   PM
S  max m(t )   b
   
 O  PM  f2 S
3   FM
 max m(t ) 2  N b

PM / max m(t ) 
• : The average-to-peak-power-ratio of the message signal (or
equivalently, the power content of the normalized message, PM ).
 2 S
  p PM n   PM
S   N b
  
 N  O 3 2 P  S  FM
 f M n  N  b
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• Now using Carson's rule Bc = 2( + 1)W, we can express the output SNR in terms
of the bandwidth expansion factor, which is defined as the ratio of the channel
bandwidth to the message bandwidth and is denoted by  :
 def  2  1

• From this relationship, we have  =/2 – 1.

• Therefore,     1 2 S
P  2      PM
S 
M 
  max m(t )   N b
   2
 N O   2 1   S 

3PM  max m(t )   N  FM

    b
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
  p  PM    1 2 S
 PR   PM  PM  2   
  max  m(t )  N 0W
 PM
S S   max m(t )   N  b
   2   
 N O   f  PM  N O 
 2  1   S 
3PR  max  m(t )  N W FM  
3PM  max m(t )   N  FM
   0     b

• Observations
• In both PM and FM, the output SNR is proportional to 2. Therefore,
increasing  increases the output SNR.
• Increasing  increase the bandwidth (from Carson’s rule).
So angle modulation provides a way to trade off bandwidth for
transmitted power.
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• Although we can increase the output SNR by increasing , having a large  means
having a large Bc (by Carson's rule).
• Having a large Bc means having a large noise power at the input of the
demodulator. This means that the approximation P(Vn(t) << Ac)  1 will no longer
apply and that the preceding analysis will not hold.
• In fact, if we increase  such that the preceding approximation does not hold, a
phenomenon known as the threshold effect will occur and the signal will be lost
in the noise.
• This means that although increasing the modulation index, , up to a certain
value improves the performance of the system, this cannot continue
• After a certain point, increasing  will be harmful and deteriorates the
performance of the system.
Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation
• A comparison of the preceding result with the SNR in AM shows that, in both
cases (AM and angle modulation), increasing the transmitter power (and
consequently the received power) will increase the output SNR
• But the mechanisms are totally different. In AM, any increase in the received
power directly increases the signal power at the output of the demodulator.
• This is basically because the message is in the amplitude of the transmitted signal
and an increase in the transmitted power directly affects the demodulated signal
• However, in angle modulation, the message is in the phase of the modulated
signal and increasing the transmitter power does not increase the demodulated
message power.
• In angle modulation, the output SNR is increased by a decrease in the received
noise power

Effect of Noise on Angle Modulation

• In FM, the effect of noise is higher at higher frequencies. This means

that signal components at higher frequencies will suffer more from
noise than signal components at lower frequencies.
• To compensate for this effect, preemphasis and deemphasis filtering
are used.

• We analyzed the noise performance of a number of different amplitude
modulation schemes and found:
1. The detection of DSB-SC with a linear coherent receiver has the same SNR
performance as the baseband reference model but requires synchronization circuitry
to recover the coherent carrier for demodulation.
2. Non-suppressed carrier AM systems allow simple receiver design including the use of
envelope detection, but they result in significant wastage of transmitter power
compared to coherent systems.
3. Analog SSB modulation provides the same SNR performance as DSB-SC while requiring
only half the transmission bandwidth.
• In this chapter, we have shown the importance of noise analysis based on
signal-to-noise ratio in the evaluation of the performance of analog
communication systems. This type system, be it analog or digital.

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