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a. Hostile and Angry Clients

b. Intersexed/LGBT Clients
c. Shy and reluctant Clients
d. Overbearing and arrogant clients
What are the basic concept of customer

Customer relations is the process by

which you develop, establish, and manage
the relationship with your customers.
Effective customer relations
involve listening to your
customers' needs and concerns and
addressing them.
4 Fundamentals of Creating
Successful Customer Relationships

 Give undivided attention

Attentive time is among the most limited of all

resources. As we split time and attention in more ways
than ever before, the amount available per person gets
smaller and smaller. Reduce the likelihood that the other
person feels you’re not really “present” by putting away
your devices and giving them your undivided attention.
Not only does this demonstrate your professionalism, it
shows you value their time as much as they value yours.
Don’t worry; those messages, texts, or tweets will all be
there later.
4 Fundamentals of Creating
Successful Customer Relationships

Prioritize face-time
Think for a moment about the variety of ways we
communicate with others today: in-person, phone
calls, text messages, email, social networking
platforms, video-conferencing. The list goes on. While
it’s true that some of these methods give us more
communicative context than others, nothing is a true
replacement for meeting face-to-face. Spending time
together in-person allows both parties to make the
most intense emotional connection with each other.
Fewer distractions. Fewer misunderstandings. Better
4 Fundamentals of Creating
Successful Customer Relationships

Reciprocate in kind
With the shift from one-to-one communication to the
one-to-many stream of social networking, it’s no surprise
that society as a whole has shifted to a “me-centric” one-
way thinking. Lost is the common courtesy of reciprocating
the considerate gestures of others. Facebook and Twitter,
have lessened expectations of responding to broadcasted
messages. But the type of reciprocity that characterizes
strong relationships can’t be demanded of others. By
demonstrating thoughtfulness toward others, we encourage
them to respond thoughtfully to us.
4 Fundamentals of Creating
Successful Customer Relationships

Consider the need for extra consideration

Consideration means considering the needs,
desires, or challenges of others. Considering their
situation might take a little extra time, but it can save
you a lot of time if you’re focused on what you think
they want or need rather than their actual want or
need. Consideration is one gift that we don’t
necessarily know how to describe, but we recognize it
when we receive it.
Tips/ways to improve customer relations:

1.Strengthen your customer service skills.

2.Look at every touchpoint.
3.Improve your customer interactions.
4.Enhance your customer service strategy.
5.Make sure your reps are engaged.
6.Give your customers a way to provide
Five (5) Ways to Build Customer Relationships
and Keep Them Coming Back:

1.Communicate. As a key to any good relationship,

communication is an essential way to build customer
2.Exceed expectations. Your customers expect great
products or services from you.
3.Ask for feedback.
5.Show appreciation.

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