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Breaking up of the Sainanis

Core issues
• Family disturbance- Sainanis have great family bond among all the brothers. Their was small
disturbance on the business views by the in-laws in the family. Rashmi the elder daughter in-law in
the family was not satisfied with the family time given by his husband kannilal. Bharti wife of
Muralidhar was not happy with ignores given to her husband in the business as he was suffering
from immobility and less educated among others. Family disturbance were involved in the business
which created chaos in the business.
• Generation Gap- due to generation gap between the daughter in-law their thinking, opinions and
ideas were diversified which created chaos in the personal life of the brothers which led to
disturbance in the professional life.
• Lack of Family governance- The spilt of the family assets and business were not done equally due
to lack of family governance, lack of professionalism and no set of roles and responsibilities were
framed to run the business.
• Finance allocation- all the financial responsibilities were given to one brother in the family and he
was responsible to distribute the money for personal use. No professional financial management
was followed in the business.
• Family and Business constitute should be made professionally by setting rules like not mixing
the family issues with business issues and vis-à-vis, all the family members should be treated
equally and respect each one opinions and ideas. The family should hire a professional
consultant to set family constitute and prepare a documented set of rules for future generation.
• Proper financial management should be adopted in the business. Flow and use of liquid cash
should be reduced. Each individual should be allocated equal share in the company and
distribute the money based on their share which can be used for their personal purpose so
financial chaos among the family members can be reduced.
• The spilt in the family was not done professionally and ethically as kannailal who worked hard
to establish the company was not given any share in the business. This spilt would have been
made more professionally by heiring an advocate and property evaluator. All the properties
and business must be evaluated to know their market value and then be distributed to brothers

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