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Common Symptoms of Awakening to

your life Purpose

Lesson 4:
Lesson Objectives:

1. Identify various indicators of self-awakening for

a purpose driven life
2. Create a checklist of self-awakening to one’s
3. Promote a way life suited to answering one’s call.
Many days have come and gone
Lyrics of the song “Purpose Driven Life” Many years seem to have been wasted
Round and round like an aimless journey
Seems loke we've been here before
What on earth am I here for?
Come my friend, stop for a while
Life must be more than just existin'
Round and round like a carousel ride
Shall we end where we began?
Tell me so i'll understand
Let us begin to live this life
Let us together seek it's purpose
Life is not a pointless venture
Eternity is for sure
"That God was smiling at your birth
And has a purpose for your life"
Come my friend, stop for a while
Life must be more than just existin'
Round and round like a carousel ride
Shall we end where we began?
Tell me so i'll understand
"I know the plans I've laid for you
Plans for goodness says the Lord"
We were made to last forever
And heaven is our home
“You were born for a reason,
created exactly as you are for a
reason, for a special assignment
that only you can fulfill.” (Nara Lee)
Awakening to your Life’s
Purpose: Signs that you are ready
to answer your Calling
A Deep Longing to do something specific that
you have never done before

Answering your Calling means you are literally Called to do something. It’s like
an energy force, that draws you and pulls you in a very specific direction. That
direction may not be the direction in which you were travelling before. But the
pull is stronger than your rational mind. You cannot see the entire picture, and
you can barely see the entire path, but you are being pulled in that direction.
Your rational brain will fight, deny and try to stay the same old self, doing the
same old thing, in the name of safety. But the pull, does not cease. It’s called a
Calling, because really, it feels like you are being called, and what you think
about it is not important, you simply need to get on with fulfilling your Life’s
Your Fulfillment Changes
Everything that used to fulfill you before no longer does. It’s like
shedding of old skin, where literally everything that is not in alignment
can no longer stick. In Life, your fulfillment comes from the external
In Life 2.0 your fulfillment comes from the internal world, and you
become aware, that there was nothing in the external world that you
were meant to chase or get. But that instead, that you came here to
give something to the world. That you came here equipped with
everything you need, and you came here to shine your Soul’s Light.
Your Life becomes too small for you

Whatever you believed about life before, seems to fade away. And
whatever you thought was “big”, you become aware that it’s too small
for you. That what “big” is, is your Soul’s Light.
And so whatever boxes and structures you had created for yourself, they
suddenly start feeling way too small for you. Not because they are but
because in comparison to the expansion of the Soul, they feel
unnecessary and irrelevant. And in reality, it’s not that they are, but it’s
just that because it is time for you to do something more important,
which is to answer your Soul’s Calling, anything else that is not that
feels too small for you, or like it just doesn’t matter.
From Ego Leadership to Heart Leadership
In Life, we are asleep, and the ego is running the show. In
Life, we awaken the Heart Center and allow the heart to lead
the way, as a super intelligent and highly evolved power
There are many more symptoms of Awakening and
specifically Awakening to your Life’s Purpose. However, the
most important thing is to listen to that pull. And to really
listen — what are your being Called to do?
10 Smart Ways to Discover
Your True Purpose in Work
and Life
“Slowing down
and tuning into
your thoughts are
great places to
Focus on your personal Dedicate your time to
values others

Pursue a problem you feel

Be optimistic driven to solve

Help children in need Tune into your strengths

Recognize the power of Follow your heart

your thoughts

Get to know yourself

Prioritize authenticity better

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