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By:-Prof.-Vaidehi Verma
Introduction: Purpose of Database System-–Views of data–data models, database
management system, three-schema architecture of DBMS, components of DBMS. E/R
Model - Conceptual data modelling - motivation, entities, entity types, attributes,
relationships, relationship types, E/R diagram notation, examples.
What is Data and Information

 Data: Raw or unprocessed material

 Information: knowledge, intelligence, a particular piece of data with a special
meaning or function.
 Information is often the result of combining, comparing, analyzing or
performing calculations on data.
 Think about test scores, for example.
 In one class, if every student receives a numbered score, the scores can be
calculated to determine a class average. The class averages can be calculated
to determine the school average.
 Data: Each student’s test score is one piece of data.
 Information: The class’s average score or the school’s average score.
 Data: telephone directory (names, addresses, and phone numbers)
Information: names and phone numbers of florists in your neighborhood - a
useful subset of the data
 Data: details collected on a government population census survey
Information: totals of people in the country grouped by age, occupation,
state, or district they live in; useful summary calculations from the data

 A database is a centralized and structured set of data stored on a computer

 It provides facilities for retrieving, adding, modifying, and deleting the data
when required.
 It also provides facilities for transforming retrieved data into useful
 A database is usually managed by a Database Administrator (DBA)
 An Example –
 University Database: Data about students, faculty, courses, research-
laboratories, course registration/enrolment etc.
 Reflects the state of affairs of the academic aspects of the university
 Purpose: To keep an accurate track of the academic activities of the
Database Management System (DBMS)

 Database management system is a collection of programs that enables us to

create and maintain a database.
 It is a general-purpose software system that facilitates the process of
defining, constructing and manipulating databases for various applications.
 Database Management Systems allows users to do the following:
 Define Data – Allows the users to create, modify and delete the definitions
which define the organization of the database.
 Update Data – Provides access to the users to insert, modify and delete data
from the database.
 Retrieve Data – Allows the users to retrieve data from the database based on
the requirement.
 Administration of users – Registers the users and monitors their action,
enforces data security, maintains data integrity, monitors performance and
deals with concurrency control.
Database Applications:

 Banking: all transactions

 Airlines: reservations, schedules
 Universities: registration, grades
 Sales: customers, products, purchases
 Online retailers: order tracking, customized recommendations
 Manufacturing: production, inventory, orders, supply chain
 Human resources: employee records, salaries, tax deductions
Purpose of Database

Drawbacks of using file systems to store data:

 Data redundancy and inconsistency
 Multiple file formats, duplication of information in different
 Difficulty in accessing data
 Need to write a new program to carry out each new
 Data isolation
Purpose of Database

 Integrity problems
 Hard to add new constraints or change existing ones
 Atomicity of updates
 Concurrent access by multiple users
 Security problems
Database systems offer solutions to all the above problems.
A general-purpose software system enabling:
 Creation of large disk-resident databases.
 Posing of data retrieval queries in a standard manner.
 Retrieval of query results efficiently.
 Concurrent use of the system by a large number of users in a consistent
 Guaranteed availability of data irrespective of system failures.

 A database schema defines its entities and the relationship among them.
 It gives us an overall description of the database.
 A database schema defines how the data is organized using the schema diagram.
 schema- name-university
View of Data
 Physical Level Schema
 Describes the physical structure of data in terms of record formats, file structures,
indexes etc.
 Logical Level Schema
 Describes the logical structure of the entire database.
 No physical level details are given.
 View Level Schema
 Each view describes an aspect of the database relevant to a particular group of users.
 For instance, in the context of a library database:
 Books Purchase Section
 Issue/Returns Management Section
 Users Management Section
custID Loan No Amout
101 566788 50000

The three level of DBMS architecture is depicted.

• The External view is how the Customer, Jack views it.
• The Conceptual view is how the DBA (Database
Administrator) views it.
• The Internal view is how the data is actually stored
Data Model

Collection of conceptual tools to describe the database at a certain level of

 Conceptual Data Model
 Representational Data Model
 Physical Data Model
Conceptual data model

 Conceptual data model, describes the database at a very high level and is
useful to understand the needs or requirements of the database.
 E/R (Entity/Relationship) Model
 The University Database Context
 Entities: student, faculty member, course, departments etc.
 Relationships: enrollment relationship between student & course, employment
relationship between faculty member, department etc.
 Attributes: name, RollNumber, address etc., of student entity, name, empNumber,
phoneNumber etc., of faculty entity etc.
 Representational Level Data Model
 Relational Model: Provides the concept of a relation.
 In the context of university database:
 1.Entity Identification-student,professor,exam
 2.Relationship
 3.cardinality
 4.Identify attribute
E-R Model

 In this database model, relationships are created by dividing object of interest

into entity and its characteristics into attributes.
 Entity
 Attributes
ER Models

 An entity-relationship (ER) model is a tool for database design.


 Entities: the “Things”

 • Represented using rectangles.
 • Examples:
Types of Entity

 Strong Entity-The strong entity has a primary key

 Weak Entity-The weak entity in DBMS do not have a primary key and are
dependent on the parent entity. It mainly depends on other entities.

Want to store data about:
 Employees
 Students
 Courses
 Departments

 Associated with entities are attributes that describe them. (Attributes – set of properties
or characteristics of an entity).
Types of Attributes
Derived attribute

Working emp jod


Id salary

Street no House no Near

Primary key
Relationships Between Entities

 Relationships between entities are represented using diamonds that are connected to the
relevant entity sets.
 • For example: students are enrolled in courses
 • Another example: courses meet in rooms
Cardinality Constraints

The presence or absence of cardinality constraints divides relationships into three types:
• many-to-one (M:1)
• one-to-many (1:N)
• one-to-one (1:1)
• many-to-many (M:N)
Translating relationship into table (many
to many Relationship)
• Create a table for the relationship set.
• Add all primary keys of the participating entity sets as fields of the table.
• Add a field for each attribute of the relationship.
• Declare a primary key using all key fields from the entity sets.
• Declare foreign key constraints for all these fields from the entity sets.
DBMS Architecture
Components of DBMS

 Query Processor
 Storage manager
 Database Users
 Database Administrator

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