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Presented by:
1. Venkata Rao Killi
2. Akshay Duryodhan Shende
3. Gitey Ishwar Sonawane
4. Ashwin Gopal Chavan
5. Vishal Ranjan
6. Vikas Vanamala
7. Vamsi Krishna Gunnam
8. Venkata Satish Kumar Velivela

• The Pareto Principle is named after economist Vilfredo
Pareto, specifies that 80% of consequences come from 20%
of the causes, asserting an unequal relationship between
inputs and outputs.
• This principle serves as a general reminder that the
relationship between inputs and outputs is not balanced.
The Pareto Principle is also known as the Pareto Rule or the
80/20 Rule.
• The Pareto Principle is extremely useful for determining which
areas to focus your efforts and resources on in order to achieve
maximum efficiency.
• By utilizing the 80/20 rule, individual employees can prioritize
their tasks so that they can focus on the critical 20% that will
produce 80% of the results.

Importance of Pareto Principle:

 The Pareto principle is extremely useful for determining which areas to focus your efforts and resources on in order
to achieve maximum efficiency.

 The Pareto principle is and effective tool for prioritising task, identified the issue and developed the plan for work.

 Pareto principles increase the overall productivity of work using this principle we priorities the task in the way that
you focus on the vital 20% that responsible for producing the 80% of result.

 It's also helps to find out or determine the reason why the business is unproductive.

 It's help to increase your profit and identify which area of your business to focus the maximum results.

    Scenario’s for the Pareto Principle

1. Getting good results by putting 20% of efforts

in work.

2. Putting lot of efforts in work but we are

getting average results .

Let’s discuss it with some Examples: 
* As we all aware of the pandemic situation from the last 2 years. During the vaccination timings. The
entire nation is needed to be vaccinated, so for this purpose the government came up with an idea
to develop cowin application.

* Due to the development of this application, the registration process for booking the slots to get
vaccinated gone very much easy.

* And also due to this virtual registration the entire process gone very smooth and accurate without
spreading of virus in further.
* Here in this scenario the registration process for the slot booking made very easy and also
vaccination for people was also done efficiently.

* So like this by putting of small efforts we can get better results at work. To achieve this the main
important thing is time management
* Here we apply the Pereto principle, where the website is developed for the registration for vaccine.
We give the 20% of the efforts and got 80% of the result as vaccine registration for people without
spreading the virus. 5
Advantages of Pareto Principle:

1. Increases the productivity

2. Increases the profitability

3. Identifying the problems and fixing the problemsimprove

customer service

Disadvantages of Pareto Principle:

1. Problem solving and scoring may be inaccurate

2. Lack of scientific researches

Time Management:
Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time
between different activities. Get it right, and you'll end up working smarter, not harder,
to get more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.

Points to remember in Time Management:

•Schedule the utmost important task as first priority.

•Minimize the number of meetings in your calendar, and only go to the ones that are really

•The other necessary tools for good time management are a note-taking app and a good time

•open your calendar and enter a block of time that you’ll spend this much of time on a certain task
in the future

Applying the 80-20 rule into time management: 
•We can set our goal correctly

•We prioritize the work

•We bounded the work under time 

•Taking break between tasks

•Organize yourself for the respected task

•We can remove the non-essential tasks

•Plan the task according to the time


• Basic things we need to focus on, that is to know the entire details of the
project. With proper knowledge only we are able to do something.

• Planning and time management play an important key role in any kind
work to achieve better results. 

• Self-motivated with commitment and work ethics.



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