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Lengua y Cultura B aplicadas a la

traducción e interpretación (II) -

Monica De Martin Fabbro

 Monica De Martin Fabbro

 Mail:
 Office: 601
 Tutoring hours:
 To be decided
Exam: 40 %

Debate club: 30 %

T Culture test: 20 %

Participation: 10 %
Exam (40 %)

 It will take place towards the end of the semester.

 Four skills will be tested: grammar, reading, listening and
 The content of this exam will be taken from units 6-10 and
everything that has been posted on the Virtual Campus.
Debate Club (30 %)

 Two groups (made up of 3 members each) will debate against

each other regarding a specific topic in each unit of the book.
 The debates should last approximately 20 minutes.
 Those students who are not debating will need to carry out
other tasks such as deciding the winner and assessing their
fellow students.
 The subject of the debate will be revealed beforehand, so you
will have time to do some research to better support your

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