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01 Assignment

Write about the following and share with someone in your FB or at your school. FOR SUBMISSION TO PRC
1. Watch the Deb Roy TED talk (0:00 -11:00min). When might “error correction” be taking place and how?
Ans: What does it take to get a one-year-old child from the infant utterances of "gaga" to the articulate pronunciation of "water?"In the case of Deb Roy's infant son, it took three
caregivers and carefully modulated coaxing over about seven months. By collecting each instance in which his son heard a word and noting the context, they mapped all 530 words
the boy learned by his second birthday. In doing so they uncovered a surprising pattern in which caregivers would suddenly slip into simple language, then slowly move back into
more complex sentence structures. Roy and his team had logically hypothesized that if caregivers were attuned to a child’s language skills, they would begin communicating with the
child in simple language that grew more complicated as the child showed signs of comprehension. Instead, the caregivers actually used simpler language the closer the boy got to
grasping a word. At the point they sensed he was on the cusp of getting it, all three primary caregivers – Roy, his wife and their nanny – simplified their language to guide him to the
word, then gently brought him into more complex language once he passed the hump.

2. Watch the entire video by Dr Limbacher-Riebold. How do we process acquisition and learning differently?
Ans: Children acquire language through a subconscious process. During which they are unaware of grammatical rules. This happens naturally when they acquire their first
language.They repeat what is said to them and get a feel for what is and what is not correct.In order to acquire language,they need the source of natural communication which
usually the mother, the father and the caregiver. Language Learning on the other hand, is the result of direct instruction in the rules of language. Learning presupposes that learners
have a conscious knowledge of the new language and can talk about the knowledge.They usually have basic knowledge of grammar.

You can do it!

01 Assignment

Write about the following and share with someone in your FB or at your school. FOR SUBMISSION TO PRC

3. Do you teach what you believe? What do you believe about Communicative Language Learning and student success in learning a language?
Ans: Yes, because in planning my lesson I see to it that I mastered the concept. I teach what I believe is important for the development of a child. I believe that using Communicative
Language Learning will help my students to become fluent in speaking the language at the same time with accuracy. With this my student become communicative competent in using
or speaking the language. And I also believe that when a child becomes communicatively competent he or she is not afraid or emotionally ready in using the language in real life.

4. Choose a grammar point and list three contexts for a narrative story that requires the use of that grammar point.
Present tense
Subject-verb agreement

I/You/We/They/ He/She/Name
dance dances
jog jogs
run runs

You can do it!

5.Choose only one of those and create the chart that will scaffold your students.

01 Checklist and scaffolding

For the Deb Roy TED talk you can use the “turn on transcripts” feature. The answer is close to the time that the graph is projected. It shows how the caregiver’s language

The Limbacher-Reibold video is just 2 minutes long. There are titles throughout.

It can be surprising once we take a moment to find out what we believe vs the research. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don’t. Knowing this and why, is powerful.

Enjoy making a story!

Thank you for your engagement and enthusiasm. 

Characteristics of a communicative grammar language activity

Students need to communicate in order to be successful

Is meaningful/relevant to the students

Has comprehensible input

Has an authentic context

May incorporate scaffolding to lower the risk (affective filter)

01 additional Reflection Questions (Optional)

Complete the sentence stems:

One thing I have learned about teaching grammar communicatively is allowing student to understand the rules and use them in having a conversation.

One thing I have learned about myself as a teacher is teaching is where my heart is.

One thing that surprised me is children can easily understand the second language as long as there is a correct scaffolding being done by the teacher.

One thing that will impact my teaching is my knowledge in using the right approaches for a particular topic.

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