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Crime Prevention

It's not your problem.

It's not my problem.

It's our problem!!

Let us work together to STAMP OUT

• Avoid walking with large quantities of money or excessive jewelry at this
• Hold your handbag close to your body. The handbag is a favorite target
for "snatch and grab" offences.
• Avoid having purchases and other valuables exposed in parked vehicles at
Malls, Car Parks, on the streets etc.
• Refrain from making several trips to your vehicles to store items
• Avoid burdening yourself with packages and parcels since they could
delay reaction time, should an emergency arise.
• Avoid answering your cell phone in crowded areas as it may distract you
and present an opportunity for robbery to occur.
• In crowded areas, be aware of any unusual or persistent body contact.
• Avoid having strangers hold your parcels. They could easily disappear
with them.
• If you witness a crime in progress, please call 766.
• Plan the safest route to your destination and use it. Choose streets that are populated
and well lit.
• Walk facing traffic so that you can see approaching vehicles.
• Walk with emergency MONEY for taxi fare, bus fare or telephone calls.
• Have your car and house keys in hand as you approach your vehicle or home.
• If you suspect you are being followed by someone on foot, cross the street and head
for the nearest well lit and populated area. Walk quickly and if the situation
demands it, call for help.
• Do not take "lifts" from strangers.
• Avoid bushy areas, abandoned buildings and other places of concealment.
• Make sure you know where your children are going when leaving home.
• Don't walk or jog alone especially in lonely areas. Avoid jogging and cycling at
• Using IPhones and Head Phones while walking or jogging could endanger your life.
Be alert!
• Ensure that your premises are well lit at night.
• Do not leave keys to your home under the doormat or in flower pots.
• The presence of security, real or artificial, may prevent a robbery.
• The presence of a large dog will generally help discourage a robbery.
• Business people, ensure that you do not have a routine when making deposits.
• Avoid sending employees with large sums of money to deposit. Instead, make arrangement with
security companies to have the days sales collected at your business place.
• When withdrawing money from ATM's be aware of your environment and avoid using ATM's in
areas where there is not much activity.
• Bank deposits can be made safely by making use of private security which provides armored car
service. Self-depositing is dangerous.

• Some criminals who seek to harm you, may be on drugs. Any

sudden movement can endanger your life. Unwounded, fall to
the ground and remain silent.
• During a robbery, stay calm, look for any identification marks
on the person that would assist the Police in identifying the
• Remember to call police :176 immediately after the robbery.

• Owners should not park their vehicles in remote or dark areas at nights.
• Do not leave keys in your ignition at any time, especially with your engine
• If possible when parking at home, park with the rear of the vehicle facing the road
and at an angle making it difficult to easily maneuver out of your driveway.
• Auto marking the Registration Number of your vehicle on the window and wing
glass will assist in identification of the vehicle, in the event of theft.
• Place covert markings in inconspicuous places on your vehicles .
Have a safe and
happy Holiday

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