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Submitted By:
Sonalika dhiman(IT)
Mona garg(INFRA)
What is Power?
Concepts of Power
Sources of Power
What is Authority?
Concepts of Authority
Weber 3 types of legitimacy
What is Power?
The ability to control and/or influence people and resources .
The ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way.
The ability or right to control people or things.
Concepts of
Social Cultural Economic
power power
Political Legal
Social Power
Use of power to influence people who have control over who
becomes, or remains, a decision maker
Linked to political power
Linked to cultural power (have social power bc are cultural
E.g. charismatic politicians, sportspeople, entertainers,
Cultural Power
Use such power to gain an advantage – economic or legal – for
the group
E.g. used by religious bodies, ethnic minority groups, lobby
groups that have as their basis sex or sexuality.
Economic Power
Held by a person or entity that has the money, means of
production or capital to influence law and decision-makers
Low level (e.g. ‘breadwinner’ of family) or at high levels
(majority shareholder in company)
Use such power to gain political or legal
Political Power
Held by the person or group that is able to control the running
and policy development of a decision-making or controlling body.
Such power is used by favoring a person in a decisions-making
E.g. union leaders, school prefects, committee chairpersons,
Legal Power
Where the person/group has the ability and authority to create
sanctions or inhibit the rights of others – where a group or person
can enforce its rights or create or apply the law.
Other groups without genuine law making power but with pol
and eco power – e.g. power of media and financial institutions to
alter the law
E.g. parliament and courts
Sources of Power
Reward Power: Influence staff by rewarding a desired behavior
Coercive Power: Influence the staff by punishing them for
undesirable behavior.
Legitimate Power: Influence behavior of staff because of his/her
formal position (principal).
Referent Power: Influence behavior based on the staff’s liking
and identification with the administrator.
Expert Power: Influence subordinate’s behavior based on
specialized knowledge or skill.
What is Authority?
The legitimate or acceptable use of power
The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce
A person or organization having political or administrative power
and control
Concepts of Authority


Customary Authority
Authority to wield power as a result of history or tradition
Historically, men over indigenous
Over women, non-indigenous
Often recognized at common law
E.g. by parents over children, employers over employees, the
state over the individual (e.g. police, gvt officers, defense etc.)
Statutory Authority
Held by persons and organization that are provided with power
E.g. customs agencies and tax office
Common law Authority
Authority provided to persons and groups by the courts
E.g. employers once had common law authority to completely
control the lives of employees; the position of men in society was
reinforced by ability to ‘own’ a wife at common law
Delegated Authority
Authority given to subordinate, or lesser, people or organization
to make decisions or principles on their own behalf.
Used to increase administrative efficiency of an organization .
E.g. junior staff in business organization to manage a budget
without having to bother managing director. Local council given
delegated authority to make law
Weber… 3 types of legitimacy
Traditional - conferred by custom and accepted practice
Charismatic - charisma (gift of grace) and extraordinary personal
qualities of an individual
Rational-legal -power authorized by certain legal and
bureaucratic procedures
Don’t abuse your power, just be nice…
Be polite and clear.
Explain reasons when something from your staff.
Respond to concerns of staffers •Use legitimate authority.

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