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Physical activities


What is your favorite My favorite physical

physical activity? activity is …
Physical activities
Every day I … Vocabulary

Take a shower, cook, clean

the house, study, talk on
the phone, watch TV and

So I burn an approximate of
800 calories.

Physical activities
p.9 exercise D.
Ken? No way, he’s a total
couch potato. He just watches
TV and eats junk food. He’s
so out of shape.
How many times a week are you
a couch potato?.

I’m a couch potato…

on the weekends.
once / twice a week.
three times a week.
Hey, how about your husband?
Can he come, too?

 Subject + Can + Verb + Complement

– Subject + Can’t + Verb + Complement
? Can + Subject + Verb + Complement + ?
Build sentences using can and the words given:

1. Olivia / play the guitar. → negative sentence

2. The girls / play hockey. → affirmative sentence
3. Richard / play the trumpet. → question
4. She / write with her left hand. → affirmative sentence
5. He / write good stories. → negative sentence
6. Alex / write exciting articles. → question
7. Henry / cook spaghetti. → question
8. They / cook well. → negative sentence
9. Carol / cook chilli con carne. → affirmative sentence
This coming Saturday? Sorry, I
can’t. I have to work.
What about Sunday?
Have to

 I-You-We-They + HAVE TO + Verb + Complement

 He-She-It + HAS TO + Verb + Complement
– I-You-We-They + DON’T HAVE TO + Verb + Complement
– He-She-It + DOESN’T HAVE TO + Verb + Complement
? DO + I-You-We-They + HAVE TO + Verb + Complement + ?
? DOES + He-She-It + HAVE TO + Verb + Complement + ?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of HAVE TO.

1. Today is a holiday. I ______________ go to work. –

2. ______________ your sister ______________ go to school today?
3. My mother ______________ go to the post office now. 
4. You ______________ go to the meeting if you are sick. –
5. A: ____________ they ______________ get up early every morning? B: Yes, they __________.
6. Patrick ________________ drive to the store. He can take a bus. –
7. Anne ________________ see a doctor because she isn’t feeling well. 
8. Excuse me, I ________________ answer my phone. 
9. ________________ you ________________ leave soon?
Let’s Practice!

In Bucaramanga …
1. Where can I go swimming? You can go …
2. Where can I play tennis? You can …

3. What do you have to do this week? I have to …

4. I want to improve my English. What do I have to do?
You have to…
Grammar P.10 Exercise B.
Listening P.9 exercise D.

Grammar P.10 Exercise B.

Can vs Have to
Complete the sentences with CAN / CAN’T / HAVE TO / HAS TO / DON’T HAVE TO / DOESN’T HAVE TO.

1. Women ________________ wear any clothes they like.

2. Children ________________ use swear words.
3. Students _____________________ go to school on Saturdays.
4. Students ________________ pay attention.
5. When the traffic light is red, you ________________ walk.
6. You ________________ take pictures at the beach.
Can = Permission – Ability
7. The teacher ________________ get up early. Can’t = Prohibition
8. Students ________________ bring a snack to school. Have to = Obligation
9. The students ________________ wear uniforms at school. Don’t Have to = Not necessary
10. Maria _____________________ cook today. I bought her dinner.
11. You ________________ use the dictionary for English class.

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