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“In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful”


1. How Technical Communication is different

from day to day conversation.

2. What is the purpose of Technical Writing.

3. What are the categories of audience in

technical writing.
1. How Technical Communication is different from day to
day conversation.
2. What is the purpose of Technical Writing.
3. What are the categories of audience in technical writing.

• Executives

• Experts

• Technicians

• Non-specialists

• Those who are funding the product.

• These are the people who make decisions

about the products.

• Executives are likely to have little technical

knowledge about the subject.

• Those who are coming up with ideas

about the product.

• These are the people who know

everything about it.

• They have advanced degrees.


• Those who are building the product.

• These are the people who build, operate,

maintain, and repair the items.

• They have technical knowledge as well,

but of a more practical nature.

• They are end-users and these readers

have the least technical knowledge of all.

• They want to use the new product to

accomplish their tasks.

• They may just be curious about a specific

technical matter and want to learn about it.

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