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Presenter par:-hamza med maslouhy
-hamza mtairag
I. What Is a Business?

A business is defined as an organization or

enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial,
or professional activities. Businesses can be for-profit
entities or they can be non-profit organizations that
operate to fulfill a charitable mission or further a
social cause.
II. Avantages of Business
Financial Rewards:
One big enticement for business ownership is reaping the bigger financial rewards.
Successful business owners have the opportunity to make more money for the risks
they take. A tax preparer who makes $15 per hour knows the firm charges several
hundred dollars for the service he provides. When an employee feels his value is worth
more than the pay scale, opening his own business begins to make a lot of sense.
Lifestyle Independence:
Business owners enjoy lifestyle flexibility, because they're creating their own
schedule. This looks different for everyone, but it often includes the ability to
attend kids' school and sports functions, take vacations when desired and adjust
a work week to accommodate other personal needs.
Personal Satisfaction and Growth:
Building a new business that becomes successful provides business owners
tremendous personal satisfaction. For some, the business becomes the pursuit of
a life-long dream. It allows individuals to grow beyond a particular skill set and
to learn business and leadership skills that provide continued personal growth,
pride and fulfillment.
III. Disavantages of Business
Financial Risk:
Losing money is one of the biggest risks of owning a business. There are start-up costs for
materials and business establishment, as well as monthly obligations. Costs vary, depending
on the type and size of the business. Many business owners take out a loan when starting a
business, which means they are in debt from day one, while also trying to generate revenues.
Stress and Health Issues:
Business owners tend to experience high levels of stress as well as health issues. Not having
a consistent paycheck means business owners always need to generate new sales and
revenues. Owners often experience significant variations in monthly income and have
potentially higher debt accumulation. Bigger businesses that have a higher monthly
overhead and payroll mean the business owner is responsible for others' livelihood, which
also adds to personal stress.
Time Commitment
Starting a business requires a time commitment. The freedom of working on
your own time and having your own lifestyle is there but it is often sacrificed to
ensure the business' success. So, although a business owner has the ability to
attend his kid's baseball game, he might work a regular 90-hour work week.
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