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 Removes oil, perspiration, dead skin
cells and some bacteria.
 However, excessive bathing can
interfere with the lubricating effect of
sebum, causing DRYNESS of the skin.
-Removes transient MO

-To stimulate circulation to the skin

-To promote a sense of well being

-To produce relaxation and comfort

-Toprevent and eliminate unpleasant body

 1. Cleaning Baths- used for hygiene
 2. Therapeutic Baths- given for
physical effects, such as to soothe
irritated skin or treat an area.
Medications may be placed on water.
Types of Cleaning Baths
 Complete bed bath- nurse washes
entire body of dependent pt. in bed
 Self help- Pt confined to bed are able
to bathe themselves with help from
nurse for washing back and feet
 Partial bath- Only parts of pt body
that might cause discomfort or odor
are washed.
 Bag bath- commercially prepared
product containing 10-12 presoaked
disposable washcloths with no rinse
cleanser solution.
 Tub bath- Can ease the work of nurse
in lifting pt in and out of the tub.
 Shower bath- Ambulatory pt are able
to use shower facilities and require
only minimal assistance from nurse.
Equipment needed:

 Basin or sink with warm water

 Soap and soap dish
 1Bath blanket, 2 bath towels
 2 Wash cloths
 Clean gowns
 Laundry hamper

1. Introduce self
2. Hand hygiene
3. Patient privacy

4. (Prepare client and the environment)

a. Close windows and doors to ensure
room is comfortable
b. Offer pt. bedpan or urinal
c. Encourage pt. to perform as much
self care.

5. Prepare bed and position pt.

a. Lower the side rails on the side
next to you
b. Place bath blanket over the top
c. Remove client’s gown while
keeping the client covered with bath

6. Make a bath mitt with the wash cloth

a. Triangular method
b. Rectangular method
7. Wash the face

a. Place towel under client’s head

b. Wash pt. eyes with water only and
dry them well
c. Ask whether pt. wants soap used on
d. Wash, rinse, and dry pt. face, ears
and neck
e. Remove towel from under pt. head
8. Wash the arms and hands
a. Wash, rinse and dry the arm by
elevating the pt. arms and supporting
the patient wrist and elbow.

9. Wash the chest and abdomen

a. Place bath towel lengthwise over
the chest
b. Lift bath towel off the chest, and
bathe chest and abdomen with your
Mitted hand using long, firm strokes.

c. Replace bath blanket when areas

have been dried.

10. Wash leg and feet

a. Expose leg farthest from you by
folding bath blanket toward the other
leg being careful to keep perineum
b. Lift leg and place bath towel
lengthwise under the leg
c. Reverse covering and repeat for the
other leg.
d. Wash feet by placing them in basin of
e. Dry each foot
f. Obtain fresh, warm bathwater when
11. Wash the back and the the
a. Assist pt into a prone or side lying
position facing away from you.
b. Wash and dry pt. back, moving
from shoulders to buttocks.
c. Perform back massage now or after
completion of bath
d. Assist pt. into supine position
12. Assist pt with grooming aids such as
powder, lotion, or deodorant
a. Use powder sparingly
b. Help pt. put on a clean gown or
c. Assist pt. to care for hair, mouth
and nails.
 To cleanse the hair
 To eliminate the oil glands
 To stimulate circulation in the scalp
 To remove excess oil
 To remove dandruff
 Kelly pad
 Rubber sheet
 Pitchers for water (2 Quarts capacity)
 Shampoo
 Three bath towels
 Face towel
 Washcloth
 Rubber pillowcase
 Cotton balls
 Hair brush or comb
 Large pail
 Bath blanket
 Lemon juice or vinegar
 Sponge bowl
 Bath thermometer
 Check the chart for a written order
 Wash your hands
 Explain the procedure and offer the bedpan or urinal
 If able, assist the patient to sitting position. Arrange
pillow and line with rubber sheet
 Line with a (first) towel then rubber sheet
 Place kelly pad or rolled rubber sheet and line it with
the second towel
 Assist patient to recumbent position with the kelly
pad under the patient's shoulders
 Brush the hair thoroughly
 Place one cotton ball to each ear.
 Place the third towel over the chest
 Place damp wash cloth over eyes
 Test the temperature of the water
 Wet the hair and apply shampoo. Rinse well
 Wet the hair again and apply shampoo. Rinse well
 Apply the lemon juice. Rinse with water
 Remove the kelly pad or rolled rubber sheet and
place it in the pail
 Return pillow to its proper position under the head
 Remove earplugs and damp wash cloth.
 Dry and comb the hair
 Tidy up the place
 Return articles to their proper places clean and dry

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