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 Personal grooming refers to an art which helps individuals to

clean and maintain their body parts.
 Personal grooming helps in enhancing an individual’s self esteem and developing an
attractive personality.

 Personal grooming does not mean applying loads of make up and wearing expensive
clothes. It refers to cleaning and maintaining each and every body parts for a pleasing
6.1 Critical First Impression
6.1.1 The importance of first impression
 Studies show that first impressions are made within the first 17
seconds of meeting someone new. Fifty-five percent of that
impression is based off of appearance, seven percent is based on
the words used and 38 percent is based on tone of voice.

 This means that before we even get sufficient time to demonstrate

our abilities, the first impression is already cast.
6.1 Critical First Impression
6.1.1 The importance of first impression
Here are some chances of making our solid first impression:-

1. Know your audience.

Find out people that we intent to meet for example during interview or
meeting. Find a way to think a few question to ask in order to begin

2. Show confidence
Take deep breath and do not let anxiety take over you.

3. Field questions gracefully

Whether at a job interview or an informal meeting, we'll be judged by
the way we handle questions, especially the tough ones. So don't get
defensive. "Questions are a sign of interest in your work, not an attack
of it,"
6.1 Critical First Impression
6.1.1 The importance of first impression
Here are some chances of making our solid first impression:-
4. Prepare and practice.
Being unprepared is a serious shortfall. Practicing your delivery or talk is
always a smart move

5. Be a good listener.
Pay attention when others speak. Make eye contact, nod and don't
interrupt or finish others' sentences. In any discussion, be sure to give
the other person plenty of opportunities to respond.

6. Dress neatly.
In most professional and academic meetings and interviews, aim for
conservative, understated clothes. No short skirts or cleavage for
women, and no jeans with holes or thrift-store attire for anyone.
6.2 Personal Hygience and grooming

1. Personal hygiene refers to
maintaining cleanliness of one's body
and clothing to preserve overall health
and well-being.

2. Grooming is the practice of keeping a

neat and tidy appearance.

3. Deportment is the way a person stands

and walks. Particularly as an element of
6.2 Personal Hygience and grooming

6.2.1 Personal hygiene: Body Care

1. The body
2. Underarm
3. Mouth and Teeth
4. Hands, legs and Nails
5. Hair
6. Under garments
7. Shoes and stockings/socks

6.2.2 Personal hygiene: Skin Care

Basic skin care

1. Cleansing the face

2. Refreshing the face (or toning)
3. Moisturizing the face
4. Enriching the skin (correct/repair)
5. Protecting the face
6.2 Personal Hygience and grooming

6.2.3 Grooming tips for Men

1. Hair
2. Eyebrows
3. Other facial hair
4. Eyes and eyeglasses
5. Teeth
6. Fingernails
6.2.4 Grooming make up tips for Women
1. Eyebrow Shaping
2. Makeup base
3. Eyebrows
4. Concealer
5. Eye make up
6. Eye liners
7. Eye lashes
8. Blusher
9. Lips
6.2 Personal Hygience and grooming
6.2.5 Deportment
Deportment can be simplified into:

• Expression is the result of • It consist of a general study of • It is about dressing

thought ‘materializing’ on how to socialize, be introduced,
be a perfect guest, when to and concept and choose the
our face.
when NOT to apologize, etc. right attire
• It is a form of action. • It gives confidence of knowing
• This takes the form of facial what to do in every situation,
expression, gestures, contributing to your appearance
walking, moving your arms, of ease and removing every trace
etc. of self-consciousness.

Expression and Attire

• Poise is balance, and to obtain • We should walk in a manner • Sit with our legs closed but
it, we have to understand that is characterized by grace lean them at an angle to
balance in the way we hold and freedom. It should not be one side.
ourselves and the way we hasty or hurried
speak. • A deliberate rhythmical
• Need to know the right posture movement of your legs and • Do not jump up or arise
• The right posture is a delicate feet in sync with gentle suddenly from our seat in
balance of a straight back which compensating movements of an abrupt motion, nor lift
is properly aligned with the head and arms in a slow feet up to ‘stomp’ as we get
head, with your chin neither graceful swing. up.
too low or high.

Poise How to walk How to sit

Example: Good posture & Gesture
Standing Style

Sitting of a
Example of Walking style, Standing style, Sitting style

Standing Style Walking Style

Climbing up & Getting in and out

Sitting of a chair
down the Stairs from a Car
6.3 Business Attires

1. Dress codes
1. To reflect your • Casual
personality. • Business
2. To cover the “aurat” casual
• Smart casual
3. To look smart.
• Business
4. To look beautiful.
5. To enhance identity. • Formal
choose the right
6. For protection. attire
7. Suitability. 2. Accessories
• Shoes
• Necktie
• Jewelleries
6.3 Business Attires

 Business attire refers to the clothing that employees wear to work.

Depending on the workplace, various levels of the formality of
business attire are expected and the norm.
 The dress codes range from traditional and formal to smart
casual, business casual, and casual and it may be vary in one’s
 Mostly, common business attire are made up of follows:-

Traditional casual
business attire business

Business Casual
casual attire  business
Choosing the
right attire
6.3 Business Attires

Choosing the
right attire

However, formality in business attire sometime follow dress

codes in one’s country
6.3 Business Attires
Traditional business attire consists of:
•Men: formal suit, tie, business shirt, upscale sports jackets with ties and a
business shirt, leather dress shoes, appropriate conservative leather accessories
such as briefcases, portfolios, and diaries. Men were encouraged to keep
accessories like watches and cologne subtle.
•Women: skirt suits or pantsuits with formal business blouses or tops, stockings,
closed toe and heel leather shoes, and appropriate business accessories including
a briefcase, a leather folder for pads of paper, and a conservative pen. Women
were encouraged to keep jewelry, makeup, and perfume subtle and elegant.

Smart casual business attire consists of:

•Men: sports jacket with a tie, dress pants, button-down or traditional business
shirt or nice turtleneck, dress shoes, and attractive accessories as described in
traditional business attire.
•Women: jacket or dressy sweater, dress pants or skirt, blouse, shirt, top or
turtleneck, hose, dress shoes, and accessories as described in traditional business

Business casual attire consists of:

•Men: khakis, dress, or Dockers-type pants, shirts or golf-type shirts with collars,
sweaters, vests, occasionally an informal jacket and tie, and attractive leather
shoes and accessories.
•Women: nice pants or skirts, blouses, tops, sweaters, vests, occasionally an
informal jacket, and attractive leather shoes and accessories.

Casual business attire ​consists of:

•Men: casual pants and jeans, shirts with collars or not, sweaters, vests,
sweatshirts, casual shoes including sandals and athletic wear.
•Women: casual pants, skirts, and jeans, blouses, tops, sweaters, vests,
6.4 Personality Grooming

• Personality grooming means to improve one’s

outer and inner self to bring about a positive
change to life. Each individual has a distinct
persona that can be developed, polished and
6.4 Reason for Personality Grooming
1. Boosting one’s confidence
2. Improving communication
3. Language speaking abilities
4. Widening ones scope of knowledge
5. Developing certain hobbies or skills
6. Learning fine etiquettes and manners
7. Adding style and grace to the way one
8. Talks, walks and overall imbibing oneself
with positivity, liveliness and peace.

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