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Richel Mae Nagales
Hannah May Nate
 The Myth we are doing is Pandora. There
many hidden connections that relates Pandora
to these companies besides the name.
Pandora's Box Interpretation:
“Where suffering came from”
The Story of the Pandora’s Box

 The Greek Myth is about a woman named Pandora.

 Pandora was a cursed on the humanity.
 Prometheus the Titan who stole the fire from Zeus’s lightning and gave it to human.
 This enraged Zeus who didn’t plan give humans fire.
 Because fire was the first sign of civilization.
 Once the human could acquire fire, they might get closer to the levels of Gods.
 This meant Zeus could lose his total control over his creations – human.
Pandora: Who is She?

 Zeus asked the Gods to create a beautiful, yet deceptive woman that was stubborn and
 Gods endowed her with many beautiful and captivating features of a woman.
 Gods turned Pandora into the appearance of a lovely goddess with the ability of telling lies.
 Hephaestus formed her out of clay. Aphrodite gave her femininity and Athena gave her
 Pandora was the first woman according to the Greeks to live on this earth.
 She was the first bride and also the first misery.
 Along with those, other gods gave her other gifts to make her seem great. However, Zeus
told Hermes to give Pandora her bad traits.
The Evils of the World from the Pandora’s

 Following the plans, Zeus gifted Pandora to the brother of Prometheus, Epimethues , who
instantly fell in love with Pandora's beauty.
 Despite the warning from his brother, Epimethues still accepted the gift from Zeus. And he
had Pandora in his house.
 As a wedding gift, the gods gave Pandora a box, known as Pandora's box.
 It was not actually a box, but an earthen jar.
 The gods told her to never open the box.
 Because of the woman's greed and curiosity, Pandora open the box.
 And from that moment on, all evil spirits and illnesses flew out of the box.
 They went to the world of humanity and wreaked havoc.
 Sickness, chaos and multitude of other illnesses escaped from the box and affiliate the men
 That was the price Zeus wanted them to pay for having fire without his permission.
 Civilization came at the price of peace and illness-free world.
 Pandora was quick to close back the box but she was not as quick as the evils.
 The only thing that was trapped back to the box was Elpis which means “ Hope “
How do the evil connect to the modern

 The normal understanding of the myth of Pandora’s box is to provide an explanation as to

why there are all the evils in the world.
 It has a similarity to the story of “Adam and Eve”.
 Pandora is not a woman in the ordinary sense.
 Pandora is directly connected to the power of the subconscious mind.
 The subconscious or unconsciousness mind is that receptive part of our mind where our
hopes, fears, and dreams are stored.
 Pandora is called the “giver of all” and she is giver of all gifts.
 Hope is the last thing in the Pandora’s box that stayed after she opened it.
How do the evil connect to the modern
 Sickness
 Virus
 plague
 Terrorism
 bullying
 Natural disasters/storm/tornadoes
 Wars

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