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Analisis Buku Teks’

Curriculum 2013
Meeting IV
K-13 Background

SBC K-13
Some Reasons Behind the Curriculum
Change from SBC to K-13
• The competence did not holistically • The standard of learning progress did not
describe enough the detail learning structure
fulfill the domain of attitude, skills
what leaded to misunderstanding of its
and knowledge principle (teacher-based)

• The curriculum was not thoroughly • The curriculum contents were still too
based on the competence which compact which was shown through so many
too board subjects and materials, in addition,
fitted the functional demand and the the difficulty level is beyond the students
goal of national education limit

• The assessment standard did not • Some competences which needed for
development did not accommodate yet in the
head to competence based curriculum (in character education, active
assessment (attitude, skills and learning method, balance between soft and
knowledge hard skills and entrepreneurship.
(Ilma & Pratama, 2015)
K-13, what is it?
 K-13 or curriculum 2013 is the revised version of CBC and KTSP, with
greater emphasis on building students’ characters, developing relevant skills
based in students’ interests and needs, and developing a thematic learning
approach that benefit students’ cognitive abilities (Kemendiknas, 2013) as cited in (Putra, 2014)
 Basically, the rationale behind the launch of K-13 was the two presidential
decrees namely No. 5/2010 about the National Midterm Growth Planning
(RPJMN 2010-2014) and No. 32/2013 (as revision series of No. 19/2005)
about National Standard of Education. (Widyastono, 2014)
Tema Pengembangan Kurikulum 2013
Kurikulum yang dapat menghasilkan insan Indonesia yang:
Produktif, Kreatif, Inovatif, Afektif melalui penguatan
Sikap, Ketrampilan, dan Pengetahuan yang terintegrasi
K-13 Characteristics
K-13 is designed in anticipation to modern learning in the 20th century. The learning
paradigm has shifted from “peserta didik diberi tahu” to “peserta didik mencari tahu”.
It reflects that the students are actively engaged in learning from different sources
exceeding the teachers and the educational units or institutions. (Kemendikbud, 2013)
K-13 is so designed that reflects a scientific approach to learning. Theoretically, K-
13 is supposedly meant to minimize the SBC’s drawbacks by:
1. Refining it with relevant competency
2. Organizing it with essential learning materials
3. Implementing students’ active learning
4. Providing contextual learning paradigm
5. Designing textbooks which contain content and process of learning
6. Administering authentic assessment to learning process and outcome
The Philosophical Rationale
It is declared that in the curriculum document that the Indonesian education
system is absolutely rooted from the Indonesian culture. The culture itself
requires all the Indonesian youth to intellectually and philosophically grow in
the domain of religious being, noble morality, healthy, smart, competent,
independent, democratic, and responsible citizens. (Kemendikbud, 2012)
Key Competences:
• K-13 includes key competences/Kompetensi Inti namely, KI-1 (attitude), KI-2
(social), KI-3 (knowledge), and KI-4 (skill). (Kemendikbud, 2014)
• The use of these competences intends to balance between the use of soft and
hard skills. The soft skills refers to the knowledge gained in the class, while
the hard skills refers to attitude and social competences in reality.
Integrated Thematic Approach
The books employed in K-13 are devoted to activity based and integrated
thematic, activity based means that the materials are compiled based on the
nature of learning a language starting from receptive to productive skills. While
integrated thematic means that the topic has meaningful theme to teach.
The Importance of Thematic Integrated
• Educators and researchers believe that the students see the worlds as a whole are
connected, instead of loose fragments and separate.
(Ministry of Education of Alberta, Canada)
• Although primary school is designed by using subjects with different definitions of
competence with each other (as in the curriculum 2004 and 2006), certain subject will
produce the same outputs with others.
(Ministry of Education of Alberta, Canada)
• Those different subjects are close related to one another, (as shown in the formulation
of basic competence on curriculum 2006). Thus, the integration of content on a variety
of subject is the subjects will strengthen student learning.
(Department of Education Alberta, Canada)
Widodo, M (2015). Newest Issues for Curriculum Reform in Indonesia, ppt (2013)
Retrieved from: https://
The Scientific Approach
• According to ministry of culture and education (2014) as cited in Tantra (2014), the K-13 applies the
scientific approach as its way of teaching and learning activity. This approach has five ways of thinking to
arrive at the truth (knowledge) namely observing, questioning, experimenting, associating and networking
• Observing: is the first phase in the teaching and learning activity as an introduction of the activity such as
greeting and motivating students
• Questioning: the second phase that intends to gain additional information from asking about what still
unclear from the previous phase
• Experimenting: the third phase as the students are encouraged to gain more information outside the class
through reading another source other than the textbook. This phase aims to develop the students’ positive
attitude and gain information as well as their learning habit.
• Associating: mainly falls into twofold: inductive and deductive. In this phase, the students are motivated to
conclude about what they gained
• Networking: this is the last phase in the scientific approach, where the teacher is the manager promoting
collaborative learning. This phase is devoted to actualizing the knowledge to the present.
K-13 Untuk Peningkatan Efektivitas Pembelajaran

Widodo, M (2015). Newest Issues for Curriculum Reform in Indonesia, ppt (2013)
Retrieved from:
Widodo, M (2015). Newest Issues for Curriculum Reform in Indonesia, ppt (2013)
Retrieved from:
Widodo, M (2015). Newest Issues for Curriculum Reform in Indonesia, ppt (2013)
Retrieved from:
Widodo, M (2015). Newest Issues for Curriculum Reform in Indonesia, ppt (2013)
Retrieved from:
Widodo, M (2015). Newest Issues for Curriculum Reform in Indonesia, ppt (2013)
Retrieved from:
Widodo, M (2015). Newest Issues for Curriculum Reform in Indonesia, ppt (2013)
Retrieved from:
Weekly Task (Individual)
• Please make a list of the merits and demerits of Indonesian curriculum (from
the 1st up to current curriculum)!
• Please make a comparison between KTSP and K-13 in the concept of:
learning material, learning concept and evaluation!

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