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◦ This presentation includes the template of your presentation. Some guidelines are also
provided to help you in writing the content of your presentation.
◦ The recommended number of slides is at least ten to fifteen. (Approximately one slide
per minute)
◦ Make textual and graphical discussions concise and informative.
◦ Strictly follow the 6-line rule for textual presentation.
◦ Make your presentation readable.
Background of the Study

◦ This portion should include the background information of your proposed topic,
current information surrounding the topic, previous studies on the topic, and relevant
history on the issue.
◦ The background of the study establishes the context of the research. This section
explains why this particular research topic is important and essential to understanding
the main aspects of the study.
Research Questions

◦ Identify your research questions. A research question is the question around which
you center your research.
◦ It should be clear in a way that it provides enough specifics that one’s audience can
easily understand its purpose without needing additional explanation.
◦ The questions should be concise, it should be expressed in the fewest possible words.
◦ It should also be complex. It should not be answerable with a simple “yes” or “no,”
but rather requires synthesis and analysis of ideas and sources prior to composition of
an answer.
Research Objectives

◦ Enumerate at least three research objectives in this section. The objectives of your
research should be aligned to your research questions.
◦ Your objectives should be stated using action verbs that are specific enough to be
measured, for example: to compare, to calculate, to assess, to determine, to verify, to
calculate, to describe, to explain, etc. Avoid the use of vague non-active verbs because
it is difficult to evaluate whether they have been achieved.
Significance of the Study

◦ In this part, you must provide the details on how the study will contribute to an
existing field of knowledge. Identify what the study will contribute and who will
benefit from it. Also include an explanation of the work’s importance as well as its
potential benefits.
◦ The significance of the study should also include the importance of your research.
While stating the significance, you must highlight how your research will be
beneficial to the development of the field that you are interested in.
Target Respondents

◦ Identify your target respondents here. Provide a brief explanation.


◦ List down your references.

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