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Ingles 0

Grupo. 90030-373
Unit 1 Task 2

Presented to
Angela Patricia Arias

Delivered by
Martha Lorena Gomez
Code. 1006069838


My family is small
  mother's name is Esther Nubia Osorio Lima.
  has 59 year old.
  Works in Household chores. My cousin's name is Lida Paola
She lives in Natagaima, Tolima, Colombia. Pacheco Osorio
She weighs 65 kilograms. She has 27 year old.
She measures 1.55 meters. She Works in Household chores.
  mother has beautiful brown eyes She lives in Quito, Ecuador
  has a short hair She weighs 57 kilograms.
She has a nice straight hair She measures 1.74 meters.
She has black hair She has small black eyes
  She has a beautiful long hair
She has straight hair
She has black hair
My cousin’s name is Cristian Pacheco Osorio
He has 23 year old.
He studies accounting technology in Neiva, Huila, Colombia
He lives in Natagaima, Tolima, Colombia.
He weighs 72 kilograms.
He measures 1.74 meters.
He has small black eyes
He has straight hair
saturday routine
Postal 2/ rutina sabado en la mañana/Normally every Saturday, my mother
has her same routine, she gets up early to water the flowers in the garden,
feed the pets, and make breakfast. Sometimes he goes with my cousin
Cristian to the farm to see his cows. He always likes to have his house clean,
and very well organized, throughout the day.
Always on Saturdays, my cousin has to take an early bus to go to study in
the city of Neiva Huila. He usually arrives on time to receive his classes.
Sometimes at night it is usually late at 9:00 p.m.
My cousin lives in Quito Ecuador, Normally on Friday they travel with their
husband, to Santo Domingo, to study on Saturday. Usually she gets up early
to do housework.
Normally, my brother-in-law's Saturday routine is getting up early, bathing,
having breakfast, and going to study. He always likes punctuality.
My mother Esther Nubia and my cousin Christian live with me in
the house of Natagaima, Tolima, while my cousin and brother-in-
law live in Quito, Ecuador. Sometimes they visit us in the month
of December.
My mother prepares a delicious rice with chicken, and my cousin
prepares some delicious desserts.

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