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S Y M P T O M S , C A U S E S A N D T R E AT M E N T.
• Meatoplasty is a surgery in which the
end of a child's penis is surgically
opened and the edges are stitched
together. This procedure is done when
the opening at the end of the boy's penis
is too small or the shape of the hole
distorts the urinary stream, making it
difficult for him to urinate (pee).
• Symptoms of meatal
stenosis include:
• Trouble aiming the urine
• Very thin, upward- or
sideways-pointing urine
• Spraying urine stream.
• Pain upon urinating.
• Need to urinate often.
• A feeling the bladder has not completely emptied.
• Because meatal stenosis is most often diagnosed
after potty training, it’s usually the parents who
notice such symptoms. If you notice any of these
symptoms in your son, you should seek medical
advice. If it’s not treated, meatal stenosis may lead
to urinary tract infections and kidney problems.
• Meatal stenosis happens when the
opening at the end of the penis
narrows. This condition is almost
always seen in males who have been 
circumcised. Circumcision is a
procedure where the foreskin over
the head of the penis is removed. It’s
rare for uncircumcised males to have
meatal stenosis. This could mean that
circumcision is a possible reason the
meatus became narrower. Other
causes of meatal stenosis can include:
• Inflammation (swelling) or injury that results from a
baby’s penis rubbing against a diaper or the baby’s own
skin after circumcision.
• A diaper containing the buildup of crystals of uric acid
and ammonia, which are found in urine.
• Long-term use of urinary catheters (tubes used to drain
• Procedures or surgeries involving insertion of
instruments into the urethra.
• Diagnosis of meatal stenosis typically
starts with your healthcare provider
doing a physical exam and measuring
the width of the meatus . A small,
narrow meatus means that the passage
is partly blocked.
• However, there are natural differences
in meatal widths in different males.
This means that you could naturally
have a narrow meatus without having
meatal stenosis.
• There are also other factors that your healthcare provider will
consider during the diagnosis process. Your overall health —
not just the appearance of the meatus — is the key to deciding
whether stenosis is present or not. Observation during
urination can determine whether your urine stream is straight
or not. Also, your healthcare provider can take measurements
of the rate of flow that can help make the right diagnosis. An
uncontrolled path of a urine stream and spraying of the urinary
stream could mean that a correction of the meatal stenosis is
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You can find packages related to Meatoplasty
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