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Nowadays problem of fake currency increases because of increasing in technology like scanning, color printing so result in counterfeit
currency. In India increase in fake paper currency notes of 100, 500, 2000 rupees etc. So detection of fake currency is necessary. The
determination of fake currency with the help of image processing. Firstly Image acquisition is done then pre-processing stage applied to that
image for suppress unwanted feature and added some feature which are necessary for further process. Conversion of RGB picture into HSV
scale. Then image segmentation applied to that image in this image divided into number of objects. Then morphological operation is perform
on that picture. Further feature extraction/area of calculation stage applied to that picture and finally that picture compared with the original
image. We proposes a solution that shall help visually impaired people identify Indian Currency notes which shall then simplify monetary
transactions for them. The proposed solution involves doing image processing on an image of a currency note; this process has been
completed and its test results been elaborated in this paper. Furthermore, a small comparison exercise between two edge-detection
techniques has been done, to decide which among them is best suited for the image processing of a currency note.
Scope and objective
The objective of this project is to determine whether the currency is counterfeit one or the original
one. The term counterfeit money is imitation of the currency produced without the legal sanction
of the state or government. Producing or using this fake money is a form of fraud or forgery.

Existing system

The existing system of this project used counterfeit pen to find the originality of note. The iodine
is used to detect the fake note by reacting with the paper. The disadvantage of this system is it can
easily counterfeited by removing the starch in paper.
Implementation process

This phase involves work on
the image processing part 02
on a system to detect, This phase involves work on
isolate, and identify the note the counterfeit analysis of
and denomination. the note and creation of a
usable application and then
integrating it with the result
of phase 1.
Any form of signal processing for which the input is an image

What is The output of image processing may be either an image or a set

of characteristics or parameters related to the image.

Most image- processing techniques involve treating the image as
a two-dimensional signal and applying standard signal-
processing techniques to it.

processing we do this because enhancement and restoration, improve

contrast and correct blur image also reproduce image without any
value degradation.
Image processing provides human vision to machine.
B. Impact 2 D. Impact 3
Acceptibility Means of warfare



A. Impact 1 E. Impact 4
Reduction in the value of money Impact People confidence in the currency
proposed system
Creation of a web application using Flask,HTML,CSS.
The aim here is to create an web application that can accept the the image of the note from user
and send it to the Image processing system.
The system would then process the image and send the result back to the web app via flask.
The image and result after processing Image Gives result via Text that which note it is and is it
fake or not.
Counterfeit analysis of the currency note In this module we intend to create a system application
whose aim is to authenticate an Indian currency note.
The application would use image processing and utilize various inherently present security
features in the Indian currency note to achieve its goal.
Security features such as Fluorescence, Security Thread, Serial number etc. Image Processing
System which performs Counterfeit analysis Image Result
Future work
Future Work There is a lot of scope in terms of future work in this area.
Most of the limitations mentioned in the previous section can be overcome by conducting
appropriately directed research.
Furthermore, the original idea of creating a wearable device can be pursued.
The idea is of materializing a wearable device, which can be work on the head with a camera
mounted on it
The device can capture the image and send it to the android application built in this project.
This if realized shall create a truly ingenious solution that shall be of immense use to the visually
impaired population.

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