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Business Letter
Written Communication

Purposive Communication
Written Communication

Written communication is any type of message that makes use

of the written word. This is the most important and the most
effective of any mode of business communication. This should
be carefully worded and constructed to convey the exact
meaning to its readers. It should also be free from grammatical
errors. Some of various forms of written communications that
are used internally for business operations are memos, reports,
bulletins, employee manuals, emails, training materials, instant
messages, and other similar documents. In the workplace, this
is a flexible type of communication as this could be formal or
informal - depending on the message(s) that are expressed.
Business Communication Letter Writing

• Business is also judged by its ability to communicate.

• The ways in which businesses express themselves say a lot.

• This must have formal tone; the writer has to pay special attention to how he
formats the letter and words the ideas.
Business Letter Elements
1. Address of the Sender(letterhead). The sender writes his address in the letterhead.
Alternatively, he can add these details as the first item on the page. This section
should only include the physical mailing address without any other contact

(Individual Letterhead)

101 Macopa Ave.

Batangas City

(Company Letterhead)

Cristina and Sons Enterprises

149 Paseo DeTorres
Ayala Triangle, Makati City
(02)984-4777, cristina&

Note: Company letterheads have their contact numbers and e-mail address
2. Date of Writing.

The date is usually written just below the sender’s address. For letters created over
a period of time, they should bear the date when the letter was completed. The
date is placed at the left or right depending on the indention style.

(Individual Letterhead)

101 Macopa Ave.

Batangas City
4 May 2020

(Company Letterhead)

Cristina and Sons Enterprises

149 Paseo DeTorres
Ayala Triangle, Makati City
(02)984-4777, cristina&

May 4, 2020
3. Recipient’s Address (inside address).
The recipient’s mailing address follows under the date on the left side of the page.
Precede it with the name and title of the recipient. In some cases if the person’s title is
unclear, do a bit of research to verify it. This type of information can easily be found
on corporate websites or by phoning the company.

101 Macopa Ave.

Batangas City
4 May 2020
Ms. Denise Rods
President & CEO
Global Development Council
13 Ala E Avenue
Washington, DC 32215
(Company Example)

Cristina and Sons Enterprises

149 Paseo De Torres
Ayala Triangle, Makati City
(02)984-4777, cristina&

May 4, 2020

Ms. Denise Rods

President & CEO
Global Development Council
13 Ala E Avenue
Washington, DC 32215
4. Greeting.
The salutation at the beginning of the letter can vary depending on how well the
sender knows the recipient. In extremely formal cases, it is acceptable to simply
list the recipient’s title and surname. When the two people are on a first name
basis, the salutation can instead read, “Dear [first name]“. If the person’s gender
is unknown, it is best to forgo a title and simply list their full name.
Sir: and Madam: are the most formal for business letter.

101 Macopa Ave.

Batangas City
4 May 2020
   2 spaces
Ms. Denise Rods
President & CEO
Global Development Council
13 Ala E Avenue
Washington, DC 32215

5. Body of the Letter.
• The first paragraph should be concise and clearly written.
• It is customary to include a brief amiable sentence, followed by the reason behind
the letter.
• The following paragraphs should be used to elaborate on this reason. Include any
necessary details and information to ensure that the recipient fully understands.
• The last paragraph is the closing paragraph. It should be used to sum up the letter
and request any specific actions that are needed.

6. The Closing.
• After the concluding paragraph, leave a blank line, and then add a closing word
such as “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” “Cordially,” Cordially yours,”.
• This should always be followed by a comma and the sender’s signature below it.
• It is usually better to personally sign the letter instead of using a digital copy of
the signature.
• Below the signature should be the sender’s name typed out. This is especially
useful since most signatures are difficult to read clearly.
Cristina and Sons Enterprises
149 Paseo De Torres
Ayala Triangle, Makati City
(02)984-4777, cristina&

May 4, 2020

Ms. Denise Rods

President & CEO
Global Development Council
13 Ala E Avenue
Washington, DC 32215
 2 spaces
 2 spaces


 2 spaces
Truly yours,

Maria Clara
Head, Procurement Division
7. Enclosed Documents.
If any supporting documents have been attached, list them at the bottom of the
letter. This section should be titled “Enclosures”. For digital letters, include the
actual file name along with its extension (e.g.: JuanPanday-Resume.pdf).


Truly yours,

Maria Clara
Head, Procurement Division

January Order letter
8. Typist’s Identification.
If somebody else has typed the letter, include his/her initials at the very bottom
of the page. Senders who type the letter themselves do not need to include their
own initials.


Truly yours,

Maria Clara
Head, Procurement Division

January Order letter

9. Copy notation.

This is needed when others are being sent a copy of the letter. The notation
appears below the signature, if there are enclosure notations or reference initials, it
appears below these. Use c (for copy) or cc (for carbon copy or courtesy copy)
followed by a colon and a list of the full names of individuals receiving copies.

January Order letter


cc: Tina Tangay

Dina Macaya
Additional Letter Elements

1. Attention Line.

The letter sender may know that the marketing manager is to receive the letter, but
cannot find the name of the manager. In this situation, it is appropriate to include
an attention line that says Attention Marketing Manager. This line is positioned as
part of the inside address:

Attention Marketing Manager

Smart Development Council
150 Procopia Avenue
Batangas City, Phil. 2001
Cristina and Sons Enterprises
149 Paseo De Torres
Ayala Triangle, Makati City
(02)984-4777, cristina&

May 4, 2020

Ms. Denise Rods

President & CEO
Global Development Council
13 Ala E Avenue
Washington, DC 32215
 2 spaces
Attention : Mr. Anthony Hopkins, Marketing Manager
2.Subject Line.

This is like a subject line in an e-mail. It helps the receiver identify the content of the
message before reading. This may be in all caps or initial caps and the word subject is
optional. The subject line appears after the salutation and before the body of the letter.

Dear Mr. Ramito:

Letter Indentions

1. Indented or Semi-Block Business Letter

2. Full Block Business Letter
3. Modified Block Business Letter
Important Things to Remember When Writing Business Letters

1. Business writing is marked by compact precise expression without wasted

words. It focuses on specificity and accuracy.
2. Always put in mind that the audience is too busy and has limited time to read.
Skimming is always possible to be used by the audience. The audience would
to know straight the focus of the letter.
3. Know your audience for the style to be used. Style varies from
conversational to formal. Knowing your audience makes you use the
appropriate style for a specific audience.
4. The content should show the writer’s authority over the matter, clarity of
matters, completeness of details, objectivity in writing, and veracity of
5. Use appropriate pronouns. It is proper to refer to yourself as I and the reader
as you. When you use we in your business letter, it commits your company to
what you have written. If it is your idea, use I; if it your company policy you
may use we.
Business Letters
• These are written communication by a company to another, between
organizations, companies and their clients, employers to employees,
employees to clients, and other business and office personnel to any with
regard to their business.
• These letters are written with purposes that correspond to a certain style.
• These are important permanent written records, and may be taken more
seriously by the recipient than other forms of communication.
• Some business letters are application letter, inquiry letters, reply to inquiry
letters, order letters, sales letters, acceptance letters, transmittal letters,
memos, etc.

Business letters should be checked on

1. Appropriateness (occasion, recipient, nature of business, etc.)
2. Style (language)
3. Format (contents and parts of business letter)
4. Completeness (information )
5. Indention (indention type)
Business Letters

1. Application Letter
This letter introduces the writer to the company he wishes to join. This letter
explains the writer’s purpose for writing, emphasizes the writer’s craft and skill,
the relevant experience and background. This letter requests an opportunity to meet
personally the employer. An effective application letter or cover letter leads to an
As this introduces the writer, there should be care to make this impressive.
Consider the content, format, language, receiver, and supporting document. This
letter should not only tell who and what you are but also how effectively you can
communicate. Consider the following:
 Be succinct, use precise expression without wasted words. Limit your letter to
one page.
 Try to identify the needs of the company and your skills. Match them in the
letter in a manner that it will appeal to the company’s interest. Have some
knowledge of the target company.
 The style /language must be precise. Avoid long and intricate sentences and
paragraphs. Use action verbs and active voice. Show professionalism,
confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm.
 Arrange points logically. Make an outline before the actual writing of the letter.
Each paragraph should be organized.
Evaluate the following cover letters:
Questions to evaluate the application letters:
1. Are the parts complete?
2. Are the parts in their proper places?
3. Do they have the appropriate punctuations?
4. Do they have the right indention?
5. Are the spacing correct?
6. Do they have the signature?
7. Do the first paragraphs introduce the writer to the company?
8. Do the introductions explain the writer’s purpose for writing?
9. Do the body of the letters emphasize the writer’s craft and skill, the relevant
experience, and background?
10. Do the letters request an opportunity to meet personally the employer?
11. Do you think they are effective application letters or cover letters which can
lead to an interview?
Check these too:
10. Appropriateness (occasion, recipient, nature of business, etc.)
11. Style (language)
12. Format (contents and parts of business letter)
13. Completeness (information )
14. Indention (indention type)

Note: The letters are not perfect

2. Letter of Inquiry
This letter asks someone for specific information or details. Matters of inquiry may
be about a product, a promotional material, office process, or anything about
business, office, or institution. Consider the following in writing inquiry:
 Make the letter interesting to solicit response.
 Give it a good friendly tone for quick response.
 If the receiver does not know the sender, self-identification of the sender is
appropriate with his position and the institution he is connected.
 An explanation why the information is requested is necessary. If needed, offer
confidentiality of information requested.
 If there is an incentive for responding, write it.

The letter may contain the following:

1. First paragraph shall contain writer’s self-identification. If applicable, add
writer’s position and your company.
2. The second paragraph, may briefly explain the reason for writing. The
writer may add how the information asked for will be used.
3. A list of specific information needed may be appropriate. The writer can
also do it in a form of question when less information is needed.
4. Make a good ending for the reader to respond.
Evaluate the following against the ideas given :
3. Sales Letter

• This letter is written to persuade its audience to try service, participate in an

activity, support a cause, and buy a product.
• This is also written to introduce a product, person, company, or services to
This letter is of great value to any kind of profession.
It’s worth remembering the AIPA of the letter:
Attention- get the reader’s attention;
Interest- create interest in the sender’s product/service/activity, better to have a tag
line (BDO-We Find Ways);
Product application – show the reader product application;
Action – request for action.
Document Makers
2398 Red Street
Salem, MA 34588

March 10,2002

Thomas R. Smith
Drivers Co.
3489 Greene Ave.
Olympia, WA 98502

Dear Mr. Smith:

Are you having trouble getting your important documents formatted correctly? If you are like most business
owners, you have trouble finding the time to economically produce good-looking documents. This is why it is
important to have a specialist take care of your most important documents.

At Documents Makers, we have the skills and experience to come in and help you make the best possible
impression. May we stop by and offer you a FREE estimate of how much it would cost to get your documents
looking great? If so, give us a call at and set up and appointment with one of your friendly operators.


(signature here)

Richard Brown

Check these :
1. Appropriateness (occasion, recipient, nature of business, etc.)
2. Style (language)
3. Format (contents and parts of business letter)
4. Completeness (information )
5. Indention (indention type and line spacing)

Analyze the sample letter:

6. What does the first paragraph contain? How does it start? Does it show any of
the AIPA?
7. What in AIPA does the second paragraph show if any? How is it worded?
8. If you were the receiver, what do you think, how do you feel, and what are
you going to do after reading this letter?
9. If it needs improvement, how will you improve it?

4. Transmittal Letter

In sending a number of documents, the sender should have a cover letter for them or a
transmittal letter. This letter provides the receiver specific information on the
documents and also gives the sender a tangible record of the documents sent.
• This letter is usually short in content.
• The first paragraph commonly describes what are being sent and the purpose of
sending them. Sometimes it includes a list of the documents attached.
• This letter is usually ended by a short paragraph that establishes goodwill by
thanking or complimenting the receiver.
Batangas University
Department of Earth Sciences
French Hall
Lexington, MA 02173
10 June 2016
Dr. Maniwangtiwang J. Schmidt
Director, Earth Sciences Special Research Programs
National Science Foundation
4201 Ewan Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 22230
Dear Dr. Schmidt:
I submit herewith a proposal in support of a research program entitled “Dangers of Excess Argon in Silicates” to be performed under my
direction in Batangas University’s Earth Science Laboratory.
Other attachments are 1. Approval letter
2. Supply prices
3. List of team members and members’ qualifications.
I am requesting funding in the amount of $40,123 in total. Should there be questions regarding this study, please feel free to contact me.
Your consideration to this study is highly appreciated.
Pacumbo Johnson, Ph. D.
Professor of Geology
0999 9999 999
Enclosures: Proposal
Approval letter
Supply prices
Analyze the sample transmittal letter

1. Comment on the parts of the letter.

2. What is the first paragraph telling the receiver?
3. How do you find the listing in the second paragraph?
4. Comment on the language style.
5. Should there be any improvement in this letter?

Check these too:

6. Appropriateness (occasion, recipient, nature of business, etc.)
7. Style (language)
8. Format (contents and parts of business letter)
9. Completeness (information )
10. Indention (indention type and line spacing)
5. Memorandum

Memoranda/memorandums are a great way to communicate big decisions or

policy changes to employees or colleagues. Business memos are written to an
entire office. It’s important that the sender has a good craft for a good memo so
the message comes across how the sender wants it to.
• The best way to write a memo is to start with a paragraph introduction which
explains what is going on or what the sender wants people to do and why.
• When writing business memos make sure to clearly mark for whom the
memo is intended, the reason for writing the memo and who is writing the
• Memos tend to inform colleagues of office and procedural changes that apply
to a large group of people. They often provide instructions using the
imperative voice.
How to write a memo:

1. Write “Memorandum” at the left top of the page.

2. Properly address the recipient.
3. Add other recipients in the cc line when necessary.
4. Write the sender’s name in the “From” line.
5. Include the date.
6. Have a specific phrase for the subject line.
It may appear like this
7. Check language style with the receiver. Consider the tone, length, and level of
formality for the audience.
8. Briefly give the context behind the action the sender wishes them to take. This is
somewhat like a thesis statement, which introduces the topic and states why it
9. The reader may need some background information about the issue being
addressed. Give some context, but be brief and state only what is necessary.
10. Give a short summary of the actions that will be implemented. Give evidence and
logical reasons for the solutions proposed. Start with the most important
information, and then move to specific or supporting facts. State how the readers
will benefit.
11. A memo is a call for action on a particular issue, whether it is an announcement
about a new company product, new policies regarding expense reports, or a
statement about how the company is addressing a problem.
12. The memo’s final paragraph should restate the next steps to address the issue at
hand. It should also include a warm note that reiterates the solidarity of the
13. Edit the memo.
XYZ Company
Malayo Avenue, Batangas City

Memorandum 5, Series of 2018

To: All Employees

From: Clark Kent, President
Date: 14 February 2018
Subject: New Health Policy

As of July 1, 2018, XYZ Company will be implementing new policies regarding health coverage. All
employees will receive health coverage and will make a minimum of $20 per hour.
The city government voted to require all employees in the city to receive a $20/hour minimum wage with
health coverage. Only fifty percent (50%) of the health insurance fee is shouldered by the company.
With this, everyone has to attend tomorrow’s meeting (15 February 2018, 5:00 PM at the XYZ Hall) to choose
the health insurance company for the health card. Attendance is a must. Non-attendance means approval of the
chosen health insurance company.

Attached are the health insurance companies and the benefits they offer.

The management is optimistic of a good attendance to choose the best health company.

Clark Kent

Attachments: 4 Insurance companies’ offerings

Answer the following questions to evaluation of the sample memo.

1. Does the sample letter have the essential parts?

2. What do the numbers in memorandum line mean?
3. Analyze the content of each paragraph. Do the paragraphs comply with
guidelines 7-12?
4. As a reader, is the memo complete in information?
Start drafting your letters.
One for each kind. There are five discussed here.

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