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NDHM Integration
NDHM is Central Govt Project aims to create an integrated healthcare
system linking practitioners with the patients digitally by giving them
access to real-time health records. Citizens will be issued a unique 14
digit Health ID which can be used accross country.
Uses of NDHM / Health ID
• Seamless access to Patient Health Records. No Need to Carry Hard
copy of Prescriptions, Lab Results or any other Health records.
• Helps to avoid Medical Errors like Drug-Drug interations, decease to
Drug integrations etc
• Patients will be able to benefit from government schemes like
Ayushman Bharat Scheme.
• It will also be easy for the government to make the plans to provide
the benefits efficiently.

2. Health Insurance
• Simple online processes - From the process of buying a health
insurance policy to making claims is paperless, easy, quick and
hassle-free! No hard copies, even for claims!
• Since Our App has details about patient health condition, we can
send customized Insurance policy to the Customers/Patients to
What Makes Oxyhealth attract patients to buy suitable Insurance Policies.

App unique? 3. IVR Appointment Booking System

Provider App
Patient App
(for Doctors, Hospitals,
(Used by Patients)
Labs & Pharmacies)

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