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Database Homework Help

Q1. Identify the correct statement(s) from the following.

a) The overall physical structure of the database is called

physical schema.
b) The actual content of the database at a particular point in
time is called an instance.
c) Data dictionary does not contain any database schema.
d) Physical schema describes how data is stored in the database
and the relationships among the data

Answer: a), b)

Q2. Consider the following instance: MLDatabase

Model Accuracy Dataset Training Data

M1 98 GIVES 11280

M2 100 DB 29650

M2 NULL DC 148

M2 100 GIVES 11280

M3 45 DC 148

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Identify the correct representation of MLDatabase schema.
a) MLDatabase(Model, Accuracy, Dataset, Training Data)
b) MLDatabase(Model, Accuracy, Dataset, Training Data)
c) MLDatabase(Model, Accuracy, Dataset, Training Data)
d) MLDatabase(Model, Accuracy, Dataset, Training Data)

Answer: a)

Q3. Identify the incorrect statement(s).

a) A Super Key is a set of one or more attributes that, taken

collectively, allows us to uniquely identify an entity in the
entity set.
b) A proper subset of a candidate key is called a Super Key.
c) The minimal set of attributes that allows us to uniquely
identify an entity in the entity set is called a candidate key.
d) A proper subset of a Super Key is not always a Candidate

Answer: b)

Q4. Consider two relations below. The primary keys are

Identify all possible foreign key(s) from the options.

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Employee(EmpID, Ename, Salary) where EmpID is of type integer,
Ename is of type string, and Salary is of type decimal
number. Project(EmpID, Pnumber) where EmpID is of type
integer, and
Pnumber is of type string.

a) Ename
b) EmpID
c) Pnumber
d) EmpID, Pnumber

Answer: b)

Q5. Consider the following instance of ImageRec(SI, DepthImage,

Coord1, Coord2).

SI Depth Image Coord1 Coord 2

1 256 1 1

2 256 1 2

3 194 6 6

8 126 6 6

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Which of the following is a Secondary Key in ImageRec?

a) {SI, DepthImage}
b) {Coord1, Coord2}
c) (Coord2, DepthImage}
d) {Coord1, DepthImage}

Answer: c)

Q6. Consider the following instances:

Game 1 Game 1
Player Score Gamer Attempt
P1 20
P1 50 P1 1
P1 80 P2 2
P2 90 P3 6

How many tuples will be selected by oPlayer = Gamer(Game1 x

a) 3
b) 4
c) 8
d) 9

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Answer: b)

Q7. Consider the two tables given below:

Student Teacher
Roll Name Course Name Cours
101 Sheem French
a 152 Sunita Hindi
112 Mala English 613 Abir English
213 Sita French 275 Darshik French

Identify the correct statement from the following.

a) Cartesian product of Student and Teacher has six tuples.

b) Cartesian product of Student and Teacher is not possible.
c) There will be three tuples in the result of the natural join between
Student and Teacher.
d) Natural join between Student and Teacher is not possible.

Answer: d)

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Q8. Consider the following table:

a) II (Branch=Address) A (Salary>10000) (Employee Details)

b) II(Branch=Address) v (Salary>10000)(Employee Details)
c) O(Branch=Address) A (Salary>10000) (EmployeeDetails)
d) (Branch=Address) v (Salary>10000) (Employee Details)

Answer: c)

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Q9. Consider the following table:

a) R₁ R₂
b) R₂ R₁
c)( R₁ U R₂) n (R₁ R₂) d) (R₁ R₂) U (R₂ - R₁)

Answer: c)

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Q10. Which of the following can be a candidate key for the following

Employee Details
Emp Name Branch Address Salary
Raja Kolkata Kolkata 10000
Priyanka Mumbai Hyderabad 12000
Raja Bangalore Kolkata 10000
Rumki Hyderabad Hyderabad 20000
Sumit Hyderabad Bangalore 10000
Sandip Mumbai Mumbai 15000

a) {EmpName}
b) {Branch}
c) {EmpName, Address}
d) {EmpName, Branch}

Answer: d)

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