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By - Yash Kashyap - 19/3077

Shubham Kumar - 19/3002

Director :  Martin Scorsese

Genre : Neo Classic - Psychological Thriller

Writer And Reference: Laeta Kalogridis,Based On

Dennis Lehane's 2003 Novel Named Shutter Island

Released By : Paramount Pictures In The United States

And Canada On October 2, 2009.
Film Analysis
● Film analysis is the process in which a film is
analyzed in terms of mise-en-scène,
cinematography, sound, and editing. 

● One way of analyzing films is by shot-by-shot

analysis, though that is typically used only for
small clips or scenes. Film analysis is closely
connected to film theory.

It  narrates  as  well  as  depicts  the equivocal  epoch of 1954 as  the  film’s  prime  character, 

Teddy Daniels- a  US  Marshall  arrives  via Boston to the  Shutter Island’s  Ashecliffe  Hospital 

to further the  investigation of a  patient.  Teddy had been pushing for the  investigative  task on

the  island on a  lone  rationale, however, after an impermanent  transient, he  contemplates 

whether he  was  purposefully allocated there  as  a component  of a  corrupt  plot  deployed by

the  agencies  in compliance  with the  Ashcecliffe  medical clinic  specialists  whose  acute  and

severe  therapeutic  approach towards  the  patients  ranged from unscrupulous  and illicit 

procedures  that  were  outright  malevolent  in essence.  

Eddy’s  bold and quick examinational  competence  promptly provides 
him  with a  promising lead, however, the medical  institution denies 
him  the  plethora  of admittance  to Rachel’s  records  upon which he
suspected the  precise  case  would unfasten.

With the  given nature  of  Aschecliffe  Hospital’s meteorological  locale,

a  tropical  storm  cuts  off the  correspondence  with the  dry-land,
furthermore escalating the  assorted and risky perilous  hoodlums 
breakout  in disarray while  the  perplexing and implausible  signs 
duplicate  as  the  depiction of the  narrative  of the  flick. 

Consequently,  Teddy Daniels  apprehend everything from  his  quest 

as  the  US  Marshall, his  past  traumatic  memories, his partner
Marshall  Chuck and his  very own psychical  &  survival  homeostasis.
● Leonardo DiCaprio as Teddy Daniels / Andrew Laeddis:

Leonardo DiCaprio is an American actor who had

already transformed from a teen idol into a household
name before starring in Martin Scorsese's Shutter Island

● Mark Ruffalo as Chuck Aule / Lester Sheehan:

Mark Ruffalo is an American actor and producer who plays

Chuck Aule, Teddy's partner who is later revealed to be his
● Ben Kingsley as Dr. John Crawley:

● Max von Sydow as Dr. Jeremiah Naehring:

● Michelle Williams as Dolores Chanal:

In 1954, a man named Teddy Daniels arrives at a mental hospital in
the Boston Harbor Islands in 1954, accompanied by a partner
named Chuck. Teddy believes they have been sent to the hospital,
named Ashecliffe, to investigate the disappearance of a patient.
The head of security, Deputy McPherson, has the men surrender
their firearms and takes them to the office of the facility's main
doctor, Dr. Cawley. Cawley tells the men that a delusional patient
named Rachel Solando has vanished. Teddy finds two mysterious
notes in Rachel's cell that read "The Law of 4" and "Who is 67?"
Teddy becomes suspicious when he learns that Rachel's doctor,
Dr. Sheehan, has been sent away, and also when he meets
Cawley's associate, a German man named Dr. Naehring.
Teddy has a dream where his dead wife Dolores tells him that Rachel is
"still here." Believing that Rachel had help escaping, Teddy interviews the
other patients in her group therapy sessions, but learns nothing.
Marooned in a shelter during a storm, Teddy tells Chuck that the arsonist
who killed his wife, Andrew Laeddis, should be at Ashecliffe, but is
seemingly missing. Teddy also reveals that he interviewed a former
Ashecliffe patient named George Noyce, who told him that Ashecliffe is
conducting illicit experiments on political subversives. Chuck worries that
the men have been lured to the island and are being set up by Cawley and
other Ashecliffe employees.
Teddy learns that Ashecliffe has 66 patients, believing Andrew Laeddis to
be the 67th. When Rachel Solando turns up alive, Teddy interviews her,
but fails to understand a seemingly delusional story she tells him about
"swimming in the lake." Teddy suffers a migraine and dreams of Rachel,
three dead children, a scarred man he believes to be Andrew Laeddis,
and Dolores, who tells him to find Laeddis. Teddy wakes up and goes
searching for Laeddis with Chuck in Ward C, where Ashecliffe houses the
most dangerous patients. Teddy attacks one patient, and follows a voice
until he finds a badly scarred George Noyce, who tells Teddy
his investigation is fake and to leave Dolores behind. Noyce also tells
Teddy that Laeddis is being kept in the lighthouse, which is where
lobotomies are performed.
Disturbed by Noyce's words, Teddy becomes suspicious of Chuck and
heads toward the lighthouse alone but cannot reach it due to the
high tide. In a nearby cave, Teddy finds an older woman he believes to
be the real Rachel Solando. The woman tells Teddy that Ashecliffe has
likely been poisoning his food with psychotropic drugs, causing his
migraines and dreams, and has been conducting brainwashing
experiments on patients just like Nazis did on prisoners in
concentration camps. Teddy climbs back up to a main road the next
morning and is ferried back to Ashecliffe by a warden, where he is
reprimanded by Cawley for not trusting his "method." Cawley also tells
him that Chuck does not exist.
Later, a panicked Teddy attempts to reach the ferry but is intercepted
by Naehring. Teddy attacks and sedates Naehring when Naehring suggests
that he is a "monster" suffering from a "wound." Teddy hijacks one of the
facility's cars, but decides to go to the lighthouse instead to save Chuck,
against the wishes of Dolores's ghost, whom he symbolically leaves behind.
At the lighthouse, Teddy finds Cawley waiting for him. Cawley explains that
Teddy is Andrew Laeddis, Asheliffe's 67th patient, admitted two years prior
after his suicidal wife Dolores killed their three children Henry, Simon,
and Rachel. Cawley reveals that "ANDREW LAEDDIS" and "TEDDY
DANIELS" are anagrams, as are "RACHEL SOLANDO" and "DOLORES
Teddy is horrified to learn that the last two days have been "radical,
cutting-edge role-play," in which everyone around him has performed
for his sake, including his psychiatrist, Dr. Sheehan, who has been posing
as his partner Chuck. Cawley and Sheehan express hope that they
can rehabilitate Teddy and avoid having to perform a lobotomy, which the
medical board has recommended after Teddy attacked George Noyce for
calling him "Laeddis." Cawley reveals that Teddy inhabits a delusion in
which he is a U.S. Marshal investigating a disappearance, in order to avoid
reckoning with traumatic events in his own past.
Upon hearing these revelations, Teddy suddenly remembers his
former life as Andrew Laeddis, where he one day came home from
work and killed his wife Dolores after learning she had drowned his
three children in a lake. The next morning, Teddy acknowledges
his traumatic memories, but Cawley warns that he has "broken
through" before and subsequently regressed. Soon after, in a
conversation with Chuck, Cawley's suspicions are confirmed,
as Teddy lapses back into his U.S. Marshal persona. Teddy asks
Chuck whether it is better to live as a monster or die as a good man,
and walks in the direction of the lighthouse with Cawley and others.

Freud defined schizophrenia as a regression in response to

intense frustration and conflict with others. This regression
from object relatedness to an autoerotic stage of
development was accompanied by a withdrawal of
emotional investment from object representations and from
external figures, which explained the appearance of autistic
withdrawal in schizophrenia patients. Freud postulated that
the patient's cathexis was then reinvested in the self or ego.
● It is a chronic brain disorder

● It affects less than one percent of the U.S.


● Symptoms can include delusions,

hallucinations, disorganized speech, trouble
with thinking and lack of motivation.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia
● Delusions: Incorrect or bizarre beliefs, e.g., that one's thought
are being broadcast from the head or that thoughts are being
inserted into the head from some outside force.

● Thought Disorders: Loose associations and shifting of

thoughts. Juxtaposition of sentences and thoughts that don't
belong together.

● Disturbed Affect: Affect (affect refers to emotional response) is

inappropriate, e.g., laughing at the sad or crying at the happy,
or doing either with no apparent provocation.
● Hallucinations. Hearing, seeing, feeling, and smelling something
that is not there. Most common are auditory hallucinations (noises
or voices from outside the person). Auditory hallucination is refers
to the perception of non-existent sounds. 

● Motor Symptoms. Motor (body) movements are strange and

bizarre, as when one holds the body in a certain position that is
unusual or makes hand or head movements that are quite

The following criteria, as outlined by the DSM-5, must be met in order

for schizophrenia to be accurately diagnosed:

● The individual experiences two or more of the following for a

significant portion of time during a 1-month period. And at least
one of these must be (1), (2), or (3):
1. Delusions
2. Hallucinations
3. Disorganized speech (incoherence or derailment)
4. Completely disorganized or catatonic behavior
5. Negative symptoms, such as diminished emotional expression
Following are the
symptoms of
Shrizophenia that
Andrew laediss
had in context
to the film
Andrew even met Rachel Solando who had sought up till now in a cave.
The writer describes the form of Andrew‟s visual hallucination who was
meeting Rachel. Andrew looked frightened, suspicious, and curious when
he met Rachel. Andrew has false perception about seeing when he saw
Rachel with a knife stare on him. In fact, there is no one else except him in
a cave.

Picture 2 1:23:54
(Andrew’s hallucination when
saw Rachel Solando)
In order that, He also has auditory hallucination which is has a
conversation with Rachel about the problems in Ashecliffe. He believes
there is mal practice in Aeshecliffe. Rachel talks to him about people in
Aeshecliffe activity in lighthouse. Rachel says that doctors and nurses do
something bad in lighthouse. She tells Andrew that there is mal practice
with do brain surgery in lighthouse.Rachel‟s statement that Andrew has
no partner is the important points in the development of Andrew fantasy
story. The information was given by Rachel to Andrew is "you have no
friends". It is a supporter of Andrew imaginary scenarios in order to
disassemble conspiracy conducted with Ashecliffe. The statement guides
Andrew that everyone is involved in conspiracy. The statement also try
influence Andrew.

Teddy : I had a friend. I was with him yesterday, but we got separated. Have
you seen him? Rachel : Marshall... you have no friends. (Script 01:31:21 –
Andrew also experienced hallucinations in the form of the appearance of his wife
and child in a few moments. Sometimes, hallucinations experienced by trying to
influence as demonstrated by the appearance of his wife. Andrew often
experience with his hallucinations wife and children who had died so he is very
difficult to get back to the real world. In order that, Andrew‟s visual
hallucinations affect him to develop insanity. Andrew sees his wife and she try to
tell Andrew does not go to the lighthouse. Andrew keeps calm and he talks to
himself that there is no one else. Then, Andrew also sees his wife and his child in
lighthouse when his doctor and his primary psychiatry try to cure him.

Andrew’s hallucination when he

saw his wife; his wife speaks on
The writer analyze that Andrew has two kinds dominant hallucination that are
auditory and visual hallucination. Andrew has experienced both of
hallucinations concurrently. The objects of his hallucinations are his wife, his
children and also Rachel Solando (missing patient). In fact, in reality Andrew
speaks by himself and no one speaks on him except the doctors, his primary
psychiatry, nurse and guards. After analyze the first discussion, in which is
about the main character Andrew Laeddis, the authors concluded that Andrew
is schizophrenia disorder characterized by positive symptoms are delusions
and hallucinations. He becomes the top patient has to be healed in Aeshecliff.
Andrew‟s personality makes everyone’s scared in Ashecliffe. The character
description is obtained by the writer according to the scenes and script that is
shown in the film.

1:57:25 (Andrew’s hallucination

when he saw his wife and his
Duration and Magnitude of Disorder 
• Schizophrenia usually takes hold after puberty. Most
people are diagnosed in their late teens to early 30s.

• Men and women are equally likely to get this brain

disorder, but guys tend to get it slightly earlier.

• An interaction between something in your genes and

something in your environment probably causes the
• About 3.5 million people in the United States are diagnosed with
schizophrenia. It affects about 1.1% of the world’s population.

• Schizophrenia can develop later in life. People who have it are more

likely to have symptoms like delusions and hallucinations. Doctors
think genetics may be to blame, just as it is with early-
onset schizophrenia. They also think late onset might be a subtype
that doesn’t affect the person until the right trigger appears.

• It’s rare for someone younger than 13 to be diagnosed with

schizophrenia, but it can happen. In young children, early-onset
schizophrenia often causes: Talking delays, Late or unusual
crawling, Late walking, Unusual movements like arm flapping or
● If you have schizophrenia, it's important to get treatment as quickly as
possible. Medication is key, along with other types of care, such
as psychotherapy, which is a kind of talk therapy, and social skills training. But
you have to be sure you take your medication. And that’s not always
easy. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects how a person acts, thinks,
and feels. It can keep you from seeing the world in a normal way, which means
you may not want to take your medication.

● Doctors aren’t sure exactly what causes schizophrenia. There is no cure. So to

treat it, a doctor will prescribe medications that can ease symptoms and
prevent them from coming back.

● The medications doctors prescribe most often for schizophrenia are called
antipsychotics. They ease symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations.
● The main character in the movie of Shutter Island is described as a
mentally disorder character’s named Andrew Laeddis. The main character
in this film featuring a dual role indirectly, on the one hand he was an
antagonist character on the other side as a protagonist character.
●  As Teddy, Andrew is portrayed as a protagonist. On the other hand, in
broad outline Andrew served as an antagonist character when seen from
the reality. Before he suffers in psychosis, Andrew is a veteran of World
War II the United States who has been assigned against the Nazi in
● After that, he became U.S Marshall. Andrew has a wife named Dolores
Chanal and has three children named Rachel Solando, Henry and Simon.
They lived in a house near the lake, after their stay at the apartment. 
  In fact, since the beginning Andrew was a patient at the
mental rehabilitation center. In other words, Andrew is someone who
has a mental disorder. Andrew killed Dolores after seeing their
children had been dead, drowned by her. Andrew ignored the fact that
his wife has depression. Based on information from Dr. Sheehan
(Andrew's primary psychiatrist), he said that Andrew’s wife is very
dangerous to stay near family and the environment, but Andrew
moved close to the lakeside home where their children were drowned.
After the incident, Andrew lost in psychosis in starting a new one that
is Teddy Edward Daniels. Andrew created the fictional character of
the results of his desire to escape from the guilt of having killed his
own wife. In Andrew's a fantasy world, he is Teddy Daniels, a U.S.
Marshall is assigned to investigate a case in Ashecliffe Asylum. 
 As Teddy, there are still some similarities with the real life that he was a
veteran of World War II the United States ever deployed against the Nazi in
Dachau. Andrew also formed another fictional character, namely Chuk Aule
(Teddy's assistant), Rachel Solando (patient in Ashecliffe), George Noyce
(Ashecliffe conspiracy victim), and Andrew Laeddis (an
apartment maintenance where he and his wife lived) as well as fictional
another characters raised by Andrew in developing a fictional story as Teddy
Edward Daniels.

 As a Teddy, Andrew gets call of duty to investigate the lost patient
named Rachel Solando at Ashecliffe hospital in Shutter Island. He comes to
Shutter Island with his partner, Chuck.
 There are three wards in Ashecliffe hospital, ward A, ward B, and ward C.
Before disappeared, Rachel lives in ward B. Andrew believes that Rachel
case is a part of conspiracy. After searching for so long, finally Andrew
found Rachel in a cave and they talk together about conspiracy that
happened in Ashecliffe. Even though, she is not real and their conversation
is just about Andrew‟s hallucination. 

Because of Andrew still continue his fiction story and inclined to do

violence, Andrew Laeddis be patient number one in Ashecliffe mental
hospital that must be heal. Ashecliffe Mental hospital fate on Andrew
Laeddis healing results. The court will close the psychiatric hospital where
Andrew can not be restored sanity. The writer concludes that Andrew
entangled psychosis because of the trauma from unresolved conflict
between the id, ego, and superego is repressed into the unconscious and
this causes regression to an earlier stages of psychosexual development. 
       He was a veteran of World War II and he has bad experience with
his family. He is trapped in delusion and hallucination and.
According to this Film, the writer conclude that Andrew
has schizophrenia disorder. The psychological problems that show
Andrew suffered from schizophrenia which is dominant
characterized by the positive symptoms, delusion and hallucination.
       The writer will explain about Andrew‟s delusion and
hallucination on explanation below. Psychological problems
displayed by the main character in the form of delusions
and hallucinations. First, the author will discuss how delusions
experienced by the main character (Andrew Laeddis). Second, the
authors will describe how well the form of hallucinations that have
experienced by a major character.

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